Pet hate Radio dj

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  • shrinkwrapshrinkwrap Frets: 512
    Eddie Nestor, BBC London - another self satisfied chap.
    Can't do R2 at all, though elder statesman Johnnie Walker always comes over as a genuine nice bloke.
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  • DominicDominic Frets: 16612
    Funny you should say that about Johnny Walker.......I used to be a member of a motorcycle club that he was a fellow member of ........he was not at all friendly and was actually not especially liked
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  • shrinkwrapshrinkwrap Frets: 512
    edited March 2018
    Hah, illusions gone! But Steve Wright would have provoked brake tampering.
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  • RandallFlaggRandallFlagg Frets: 14198
    edited March 2018
    I've recenty got to the end of my tether with the Radio 4 Today presenters John Humphrys and Sarah Montague. Sanctimonious twats full of their own self important opinions and use guest interviews to showboat their arrogant “journalistic prowess” through intimidation and talking over people...”well that's all we have time for”.

    i listen to Radio X now, Chris Moyles on way to work and Johnny Vaughan on way home, both have their faults but Chris Moyles fart sound effects make me laugh and Johnny Vaughan can be very funny at times.

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  • paulnb57paulnb57 Frets: 3219
    edited March 2018
    Radio 2 is pretty much permanenlty on in our house

    Nessie Feltz, hate, she hates being called Nessie

    Chris shouty child Evans - Utter prick

    Ken Bruce - Inoffensive, if a bit bland

    Jeremy Vine - Apalling, disingenuous, smug cunt

    Steve Wright, way past his sell by date, the "comic" take offs of Vine and Trimmp are crimgeworthy as is "Serious Jocking"

    I like Simon Mayo,

    Claudia Winkelman (while I have a face, she would always heve somewhere to sit),
    Paul Jones, sad to see he is going,
    Jo Whiley I really like, room on my face for her too....
    Wrighy is bearable on a Sunday morning as he is being a dj, not a prick,
    Elaine Paige,
    I quite like Lisa Tarbuck in an odd qirky sort of a way and lastly
    Graham Norton makes me laugh

    Used to like Parky's style 

    And there used to be an odd dj on weekday mornings that I used to wake up with (!) from about 4-6 I liked him a lot, replace by Nessie...deep joy, proper strange....but I forget his name..

    Stranger from another planet welcome to our hole - Just strap on your guitar and we'll play some rock 'n' roll

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  • EricTheWearyEricTheWeary Frets: 16656
    I tend to flick between stations whilst driving. The morning guy on Absolute ( Christian something?) seems alright but the endless ads and their music choices don’t do much for me. Chris Evans is hateful, when he’s on holiday he gets replaced by Sarah Cox who is just inept. Radio 4 depends what’s on the news, I can’t stand the endless Brexit stuff. 
    Radio 5 can be alright at times but the regular programming  can be replaced by horse racing or tennis so I have to happen upon something. 

    Tipton is a small fishing village in the borough of Sandwell. 
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  • IamnobodyIamnobody Frets: 7054
    paulnb57 said:

    Claudia Winkelman (while I have a face, she would always heve somewhere to sit),

    Jo Whiley I really like, room on my face for her too....

    I quite like Lisa Tarbuck in an odd qirky sort of a way.
    No room for Tarby on your face? Understandable I suppose...

    I don’t get particularly wound up about radio presenters because all my wirelesses have an off button and the ability to retune.

    However, in the spirit of the thread my local radio station BBC WM have an afternoon show presented by a couple. It’s shite - crinchworthy, twee nonsense.

    Sunny and Shay - unless there’s a really interesting guest I’ll tend to retune at 14:00 when they start.

    New car car coming tomorrow with DAB so it will be mostly 6music from now on though. 
    Previously known as stevebrum
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  • fandangofandango Frets: 2204
    Dominic said:
    My son heard him going on about "serious Jockin' " on a Friday and said what a sad old cunt ........and he didn't even know who he was..............and that's a Factoid!
    No G
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  • boogiemanboogieman Frets: 12881
    edited March 2018
    Dominic said:
    Yes, Hampstead 
    Thought it was Totteridge? Unless you mean where she lives now, which I thought was St Johns Wood ?
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  • GrunfeldGrunfeld Frets: 4099
    On LBC between 4am and 7am is Steve Allen.
    It's the same old shtick and sometimes I like it and sometimes I don't. 
    I've listened to this bloke on and off for decades.
    Talk about a love/hate relationship! 
    I enjoy the familiarity of the banter... and then I go "fuck this bollocks" and tune to something else instead.
    At least you can tune to something else these days.  For a long time you couldn't.
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  • EricTheWearyEricTheWeary Frets: 16656
    Iamnobody said:
    paulnb57 said:

    Claudia Winkelman (while I have a face, she would always heve somewhere to sit),

    Jo Whiley I really like, room on my face for her too....

    I quite like Lisa Tarbuck in an odd qirky sort of a way.
    No room for Tarby on your face? Understandable I suppose...

    I don’t get particularly wound up about radio presenters because all my wirelesses have an off button and the ability to retune.

    However, in the spirit of the thread my local radio station BBC WM have an afternoon show presented by a couple. It’s shite - crinchworthy, twee nonsense.

    Sunny and Shay - unless there’s a really interesting guest I’ll tend to retune at 14:00 when they start.

    New car car coming tomorrow with DAB so it will be mostly 6music from now on though. 
    I heard a bit of them the other day. I had to check I was on a radio station and not somehow tuned into someone’s inane telephone call. 
    They were talking about being on One Born Every Minute, if you were so minded you could use the iPlayer to watch Shay giving birth. 
    Tipton is a small fishing village in the borough of Sandwell. 
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  • mudslide73mudslide73 Frets: 3129
    I move around a lot. No DAB so I can't listen to 6 music or Planet Rock. I very much like Hawksbee and Jacobs on Talk Sport but not much else on there. I generally like Danny Baker too.

    I don't really hate anyone but I'm not keen on the music choices on most non dab/web stations. I do the personalised Spotify playlst thing on the way to work. 
    "A city star won’t shine too far"

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  • axisusaxisus Frets: 28389
    I can't really comment on those I don't like as I don't listen to them. The only person who bugs me is the woman with Chris Evans in the mornings on R2. It's very rare that I have it on, as it's about 5th choice as a channel and the others have to really tank to actually reach R2, but she just sounds like she's gushing all over him all the time, like she's working with her hero and he's absolutely amazing.
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  • fandangofandango Frets: 2204

    Dominic said:

    Chris Evans was a little shit 20 years ago but has morphed into a good egg and is now a consummate professional little shit
    Hate his voice. Whiney school kid. That Joe 90 geek stuff, and “Dear Christof” from The Truman Show are older than the hills and shows he’s no longer the hip trendy new kid on the block. Grow up Chis and drop an octave.

    Dominic said:

    I have very little time for Jeremy Vine......the sanctimonious xxxx
    Got to be careful cos i used to know the Vine family, but yes Jeremy does come across as a bit patronising.

    Dominic said:

    Elaine Paige .........AAARRGGH ...firstly I'm biased because I hate show-tunes but that chortle/laugh is the worst I ever heard
    It’s her emphasis/phraseology/delivery that really grates though.

    For me though, my pet hate is Georgie Bingham on TalkSport. She’s so far up her own arriss and has that uncanny knack of placing herself at the centre of every story or sports event. Her voice is listenable, but the bollocks she spouts takes her up into another plane. Off switch every time.

    The saddest situation for me is Darren Gough. He’s got a great personality, but his Yorkshire accent doesn’t make for clarity or easy listening on the radio. Strange to hear a cricketer blabber on about football. What he says has got to be heavily scripted, because i am never convinced hes got a genuine opinion or really gives a hoot about football. But get to hear his views on cricket. Thats where Goughy’s at. At least he’s not pigeon-holing homself like that other Yorkshireman Geoff Boycott.
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  • IamnobodyIamnobody Frets: 7054
    Iamnobody said:
    paulnb57 said:

    Claudia Winkelman (while I have a face, she would always heve somewhere to sit),

    Jo Whiley I really like, room on my face for her too....

    I quite like Lisa Tarbuck in an odd qirky sort of a way.
    No room for Tarby on your face? Understandable I suppose...

    I don’t get particularly wound up about radio presenters because all my wirelesses have an off button and the ability to retune.

    However, in the spirit of the thread my local radio station BBC WM have an afternoon show presented by a couple. It’s shite - crinchworthy, twee nonsense.

    Sunny and Shay - unless there’s a really interesting guest I’ll tend to retune at 14:00 when they start.

    New car car coming tomorrow with DAB so it will be mostly 6music from now on though. 
    I heard a bit of them the other day. I had to check I was on a radio station and not somehow tuned into someone’s inane telephone call. 
    They were talking about being on One Born Every Minute, if you were so minded you could use the iPlayer to watch Shay giving birth. 
    Nice! I think that being ‘former reality TV stars’ and I use the term stars very loosely, they have a misguided idea that the listeners are somehow interested in their lives and want to continue the whole sorry drama...

    I’m sure there’s a small percentage who are interested but I’d hazard a guess that most people couldn’t give a fuck.

    WM has some good quality presenters and it’s a shame this pair pollute one of the prime time slots.
    Previously known as stevebrum
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  • prowlaprowla Frets: 5105
    The only one I don't mind is Darren Reddick on Planet Rock - he was at last year's BC Bass Bash, but I didn't particularly know who he was then, as my old car didn't have DAB.

    Pretty much every other DJ annoys me, with their fake enthusiasm, top-ten lists of all things banal, and general inane chit-chat.
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  • fandangofandango Frets: 2204
    ICBM said:
    Steve Wright.

    Rhymes with Shoot On Sight for a reason.
    I cant stand him either. Surely he’s got a brown tongue from so much ahsss licking.

    Serious jockin’ ....... aaaarrrgggghhhhhhhh. And that “DJ Silly Boi spelt b-o-i” ... phuk me, he’s a right plank. I seriously suggest Radio 2 find something new for him to do. Like take the trash out to the dumpster.

    Paul O’Grady - hate camp voices. Hes got the worst of the lot. Unlistenable.
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  • Flink_PoydFlink_Poyd Frets: 2492
    edited March 2018
    Spotify has thankfully relieved me of any contact with Radio. I used to have R4 on driving to work but that annoying Today "tough question disguising me being a twat" style of John Simpson got too much in the end. I'll catch the odd episode of Just A Minute every now and again but I honestly can't think of one radio presenter I actually like. 
    Full of dinosaurs or wacky idiots trying to be cool 
    Nobody is guaranteed tomorrow.....

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  • LegionreturnsLegionreturns Frets: 7965
    edited March 2018
    Agree with Elaine Page. She has the charisma of an Ikea instruction manual for building a set of shelves.

    Paul O'Grady is absolutely un listenable, also agreed. I'm fortunate that during the week I get to pick because I'm in the car. Generally means 6music or 5live. 

    My Sunday morning pet hate is Gary Richardson on 5live. Thinks he's a sports interviewer who pressures people into agreeing with him by shouting at them and repeating everything until they just agree with him. He's another prick that I have to turn off. Needs to quickly be relegated to hospital radio...on the deaf ward.

    My Trading Feedback    |    You Bring The Band

    Just because you're paranoid, don't mean they're not after you
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  • chillidoggychillidoggy Frets: 17140

    Intense dislike list:

    Lisa Tarbuck - Incessant drivel.

    Jeremy Vine - Whining-voiced, patronising twat.

    James Naughty - Argument provoking knobhead.

    Chris Evans - Pack it in, you had a good run at being a DJ before, it's time to hang up the cans.

    Elaine Paige - Just no.

    The rest of them I can put up with.

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