I traded my PRS S2 in for this one because I was not really bonding with it.
And the Ernie Ball music silhouette man special is in a different league. I am still learning but it's got a delightful shimmering sound, and sounds so much more resonant to me. I'd urge anyone who is thinking of buying one to first see the youtube video with Michael Baugh demonstrating one and then of course to try it out.
It does not have the blinging finish of the PRS ,but on closer inspection the MM appears to be better constructed, and the paint job is just amazing.
i think the SSS configuaration has been discontinued(which isprobably why i got a special deal), but the HSS is still available. Its got some kind of silent circuit thing which takes out the buzzing.
I don't know much background about Music man but I believe it was started by Leo Fender and Ernie Ball in 1974. The Ernie Ball branded guitars are made in the USA.
Musicman guitars are not supposed to hold their value that well compared with Gibson, Fenders etc, but I don't care coz I am definitely keeping it forever.