Eric Johnson’s two new albums

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ZoolooterZoolooter Frets: 888
edited November 2022 in Music
I really like the song Move on Over, love the tone and general feel of the song. Are there more songs like this or is it a one off?
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  • axisusaxisus Frets: 28355
    Sorry can’t answer, but thanks for the reminder I need to buy these!
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  • Well, I listened to the new albums last night which left me underwhelmed to say the least. Turns out the only song I like 'Move on Over' is basically a John Lee Hooker riff that he's lifted, embellished it a bit and added some lyrics. There isn't another song on the two albums that's remotely similar. I find EJ a funny fish, he sounds great when noodling away when being interviewed or whatever, Iike when he was having a fiddle on an old Blackguard - sounded marvellous. On paper his albums should be great but they're just, average, verging on unlistenable. I think in general, I have a hard time listening to certain players that are lauded for their technical ability but rarely produce a great melody or riff. 
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  • I listened to them a few weeks back. They're ok but only succeeded in pointing me back towards Ah Via Musicom and Venus Isle which are both brilliant imo. He's being super prolific (for him) these days.
    "A city star won’t shine too far"

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  • axisusaxisus Frets: 28355
    Zoolooter said:
    Well, I listened to the new albums last night which left me underwhelmed to say the least. Turns out the only song I like 'Move on Over' is basically a John Lee Hooker riff that he's lifted, embellished it a bit and added some lyrics. There isn't another song on the two albums that's remotely similar. I find EJ a funny fish, he sounds great when noodling away when being interviewed or whatever, Iike when he was having a fiddle on an old Blackguard - sounded marvellous. On paper his albums should be great but they're just, average, verging on unlistenable. I think in general, I have a hard time listening to certain players that are lauded for their technical ability but rarely produce a great melody or riff. 
    Well I haven't heard these yet but I do enjoy all the EJ albums that I have. For me his big plus is that although he is indeed lauded for his ability, he puts music first. His music is more about the song than the technique.
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  • dindudedindude Frets: 8575
    Love EJ but I wish he’d stop singing. 
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  • 0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Check out the whole Alien love child album
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  • Check out the whole Alien love child album
    I'll give it a go!
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  • axisusaxisus Frets: 28355
    dindude said:
    Love EJ but I wish he’d stop singing. 
    Disagree. I like his voice plus I find all instrumental albums a bit of a hard listen sometimes.
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  • axisus said:
    dindude said:
    Love EJ but I wish he’d stop singing. 
    Disagree. I like his voice plus I find all instrumental albums a bit of a hard listen sometimes.

    EJ is a musical island I like to visit for some beautiful music.. nice soft voice, exquisite guitar chord voicing and lead lines..
    My trading feedback

    is it crazy how saying sentences backwards creates backwards sentences saying how crazy it is?

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