Things to do/see in Bury (Lancashire)?

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I'm going on a course in Bury next month and wonder if there's anything I should check out while I'm there?
Not a place I'm familiar with at all!

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  • ToneControlToneControl Frets: 12122
    it's a bit quiet -  a nice enough post-industrial age small town
    near the home of Matt Schofield though, but he's not there now
    best to go into Manchester, in the evening
    are you thinking guitars, countryside, bars or what?
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  • EricTheWearyEricTheWeary Frets: 16463
    Best black pudding in Britain, apparently. And a metro link to Manchester.
    Tipton is a small fishing village in the borough of Sandwell. 
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  • DiscoStuDiscoStu Frets: 5612
    edited October 2014
    Well, I'm going on a brewing course so I imagine that some of us will be sharing notes in the evenings over a beer!
    There's word of meeting up in the Trackside on the Sunday night, before the course on the Monday.
    Just thought if there were any sights/ architecture/ countryside/ culture to be had while I'm there (albeit in the evening) then I might as well. Anything considered!

    How long does it take to get to Manchester from Bury? I'll have my car but trains/buses might be handier for boozing.
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  • DiscoStuDiscoStu Frets: 5612
    Best black pudding in Britain, apparently. And a metro link to Manchester.
    No no no!
    Stornoway black pudding ftw!
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  • KarlosKarlos Frets: 512
    Bury is something you do not somewhere you go ;-)

    Nip over to Manchester as ToneControl says.
    I genuinely cannot think of anything to do in Bury unless you like going to big markets to buy cheap cuts of meat and fish.

    Oh there's a castle with moat but as castles go it's a bit shit.
    (the artist formerly known as KarlosSantos)
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  • ToneControlToneControl Frets: 12122
    Try Joseph Holts bitter - But only from a recommended pub, it needs an experienced landlord who understands it, otherwise it tastes awful. It doesn't travel. Hoppiest bitter I have ever had, it gives you strange dreams.
    Even in Liverpool, where it is not on sale, it is known as "loopy juice"
    My mate's Dad could drink 15 pints of anything, but would not do it with this stuff, normal strength, but the hops do something special.
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  • DiscoStuDiscoStu Frets: 5612
    Try Joseph Holts bitter - But only from a recommended pub, it needs an experienced landlord who understands it, otherwise it tastes awful. It doesn't travel. Hoppiest bitter I have ever had, it gives you strange dreams.
    Even in Liverpool, where it is not on sale, it is known as "loopy juice"
    My mate's Dad could drink 15 pints of anything, but would not do it with this stuff, normal strength, but the hops do something special.
    Never heard of Joseph Holts before - cheers for that.
    I've looked up the Bitter and it's only 4.0%. That's child's play! I'm sitting drinking a super hoppy 8.8% just now! Windswept 'Wolf of Glen Moray'.

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  • AlnicoAlnico Frets: 4616
    M6 South
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  • ToneControlToneControl Frets: 12122
    use the metro for manchester, probably 20-30 mins
    manchester city centre now has a lot of modern architecture, next in line to London I assume, huge modern towers, etc
    nightlife in Manchester is probably the most condensed and lively part of the UK, and also the largest Desi food area in the UK around Rusholme (many times bigger than Brick Lane). Go to the Nawaab for the best buffet I have tried, including when I was in India, I've been dozens of times, even though I normally avoid buffets -seats 600 and has 30-40 chefs

    Countryside: peaks, snake pass, the moors past Oldham, 
    If you like motorbikes, go to the old barn at Rivington on a sunday afternoon (I assume it's still the same) BARN&town=RIVINGTON&area=Rivington NR Bolton, Lancashire

    For comedy photos, visit Nob End, near where I lived for a bit ;
    Some good museums in city centre  best small venue I have been to
    Ozrics are there on 11th if it's your thing

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  • DiscoStuDiscoStu Frets: 5612
    Brilliant, @ToneControl.
    That's good for starters. 
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  • ToneControlToneControl Frets: 12122
    DiscoStu said:
    Try Joseph Holts bitter - But only from a recommended pub, it needs an experienced landlord who understands it, otherwise it tastes awful. It doesn't travel. Hoppiest bitter I have ever had, it gives you strange dreams.
    Even in Liverpool, where it is not on sale, it is known as "loopy juice"
    My mate's Dad could drink 15 pints of anything, but would not do it with this stuff, normal strength, but the hops do something special.
    Never heard of Joseph Holts before - cheers for that.
    I've looked up the Bitter and it's only 4.0%. That's child's play! I'm sitting drinking a super hoppy 8.8% just now! Windswept 'Wolf of Glen Moray'.

    I lived near a top Holts pub for 10 years, seriously, 5 pints and I'd have weird dreams, guaranteed.
    I've done punk IPA, Deuchars, etc, I love my hops, but never had the dreams with them that Holts causes -very unusual stuff, worth a try for a brewer. Get a personal recommendation before picking one of their pubs though, 50% don't know how to care for it, and it's very poor then, it's not resilient like Banks's mild, it's more like Pedigree, easy to mess up.

    Sadly, I now cannot drink normal beer - I have coeliac disease. please brew some gluten-free/hordein-free hyper-IPA hoppy brew for me when you get brewing!
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  • DiscoStuDiscoStu Frets: 5612

    Sadly, I now cannot drink normal beer - I have coeliac disease. please brew some gluten-free/hordein-free hyper-IPA hoppy brew for me when you get brewing!
    Now, funny you say that...
    I was talking to my friend about this at the weekend. She is coeliac too.
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