SCAMMER WARNING: Due to a spate of recent scam attempts (some successful) recently, if you're doing a deal in the classifieds, ONLY USE PAYPAL GOODS AND SERVICES UNLESS YOU KNOW THAT INDIVIDUAL PERSONALLY. It's really not worth saving a few quid.


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  • HootsmonHootsmon Frets: 16281
    edited December 2023
    A cursory glance through your newbie posts reveals around 75 or so for sale/ or buy posts ( FS or buy only posts)....great contribution to the forum BTW ,am I keeping your red hot items off the front page son?

    I know the rules but I don't need them read to me by a guy just in the front FUCK OFF dickhead
    tae be or not tae be
    2reaction image LOL 1reaction image Wow! 3reaction image Wisdom
  • HootsmonHootsmon Frets: 16281
    PS are you interested in some Kingleys?
    tae be or not tae be
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  • Brilliant! I've flagged it to the moderators so I'll let them remind you of the rules instead. Good luck with your sales.
    1reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • HootsmonHootsmon Frets: 16281
    Christ It's Malfoy
    tae be or not tae be
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  • HootsmonHootsmon Frets: 16281
    Drew....I'm coming darling...I'll save you
    tae be or not tae be
    1reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • RolandRoland Frets: 9083
    gdculley said:
    Charming! However I don't see the correlation between my number of "frets" the my ability to read/follow the rules. Rule number one also states, "don't be a dick".
    …and the Classified rules say “Flag if you genuinely think that an ad is dodgy or breaks the rules, don't harass the seller on the thread.”
    Tree recycler, and guitarist with
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • Fishboy7Fishboy7 Frets: 2330
    Hmm, the Serf might be just what I need to add a bit of clarity / spunk to my clean tones - Could it be viewed as a Page without any gain added ? 

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • HootsmonHootsmon Frets: 16281


    Mode 1 - flattest boost, full
    Mode 2 - bright boost
    Mode 3 - slight mid boost with increased output

    Mode 1 (switch set to the left) is a full range boost;
    Mode 2 (switch set to the middle) is a bright boost;
    Mode 3 (switch set to the right) is a hotter boost with a low end cut.

    The Serf is a hand-wired valve (tube) boost pedal, utilizing a 12ax7 tube running at high voltage. 
    A 12ax7 tube contains two gain stages. In the Serf the first gain stage is a voltage amplifier and boosts the guitar's signal, while the second stage is wired as a DC coupled cathode follower, providing a low impedance output.
    Suitable for general boosting duities, the Serf also excells at pushing amps and OD pedals into higher gain. The Serf Boost is a clean boost - it does not clip easily itself (as opposed to the Kingsley Page Tube Boost for example, which breaks up on it's own as the Gain control is raised). The Serf is also our smallest vacuum tube pedal.
    Applications for the Serf include:

    A full range volume or solo boost (typically placed after any gain pedals);
    A bright boost - to liven a dark sounding amp, or even for use as a very simple preamp;
    A boost for pushing OD pedals and amp's harder, providing increased overdrive/saturation;
    A valve buffer and tonal enhancer (when the pedal is turned on).

    As with our other tube pedals, an internal DC to DC converter power supply provides the Serf's Tungsol re-issue 12ax7 with the appropriate high voltage for optimum performance, while a 6VDC output powers the tube's heaters. 

    arrow Features

    The Serf couldn't be easier to operate. A single Volume control sets the amount of boost, while a 3-way Mode switch gives options for:

    Mode 1 - full range boost
    Mode 2 - bright boost 
    Mode 3 - added output with a low end roll-off

    For those who are familiar with the Kingsley Jester's boost, the Serf is quite similar. However, Mode 2 on the Serf is brighter and Mode 3 is just a touch leaner, making it excellent for pushing pedals and amps harder, while retaining low end definition. The Jester Boost also does not have the cathode follower output stage.

    Measurements: 3 1/4" wide x 4" deep x 2.56" tall

    Power requirements: 9VDC @ 500mA, center negative, 2.1mm jack

    tae be or not tae be
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  • HootsmonHootsmon Frets: 16281

    tae be or not tae be
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  • HootsmonHootsmon Frets: 16281
    Mars Bar
    Mars Bar
    Mars Bar
    Mars Bar
    Mars Bar
    Mars Bar

    tae be or not tae be
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  • spir4Lspir4L Frets: 90
    Hey, is the jester custom same as described in the website?

    Jester Custom Option
    The Jester Custom (available as of August 2019) is an up-dated version of the Jester. The modifications include:
    The Overdrive cicuit now includes a control on the back panel that when rotated clockwise, takes the stock Jester V2 tone and adds brightness or "sizzle" to the sound. This makes the overdrive channel sound more present with more top end bite - great for rock tones. For the smoother stock V2 response, roll the "Sizzle" control anti-clockwise.
    A switch on the back panel increases the overdrive channel's output and clarity, making the Jester suitable for preamp use. This mode can also be used for a louder, brighter front of amp tone.
    The Boost is still after the Overdrive and Boost modes 1 is the same as on the original Jester. 
    Boost mode 2 is now the mid bost mode and boost mode 3 is modified to have a considerably brighter tone than the regular Jester Boost bright mode. This makes mode 3 suitable as a clean preamp, so the Jester Custom can be used straight into a power amp or as a foundation of a direct rig....for both clean and overdrive tones.
    Price $485 USD.  

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • HootsmonHootsmon Frets: 16281
    edited December 2023
    Yes Sir ^'s my notes on V2 and new Custom boost
    the Custom is a tweaked V2 c/w some extras

    THE JESTER Overdrive  original V2

    The overdrive circuit has three modes which are selectable via the 3-way mini-switch
    labeled “OD”. Mode 1 (with the switch set to the left) is the lowest gain mode and
    provides clean sounds at low gain, up to mild overdrive at higher gain. In this mode the
    sound is full, with a lot of available bass. This is the mode for subtle, touch sensitive
    overdrive sounds.

    Mode 2 provides medium gain sounds. The bass frequencies are slightly reduced in this
    mode, which helps the overdrive stay articulate and reduces any potential mushiness as
    the gain is raised.

    Mode 3 provides medium to high gain sounds. Once again the low frequencies are
    tailored to work better at high gain settings.
    There is some overlap in the gain ranges provide by the three modes. This fact, combined
    with the fact that the overdrive sounds get leaner in modes 2 and 3, allows the Overdrive
    to be tailored for different guitars. For example, if you play a guitar that has a fat, full
    sound and you want to use a low to medium gain overdrive, you may find that the sound
    is too full in mode 1. Try using mode 2 or mode 3 for a tighter, more focused sound, but
    back off the gain to be on par with that of mode 1. If you are looking for medium gain
    tones from a guitar that is a bit on the thin side, try using mode 2 or even 1, but at a high
    gain setting. There are a lot of sounds available with a little experimenting in this way

    When going for a medium gain sound on the neck pickup of my stratocaster, I often use
    mode 3, but at a low gain setting, for a tight and focused neck pickup tone.

    The GAIN, VOLUME, TREBLE, MIDDLE and BASS controls are all for the overdrive
    circuit and have no effect on the boost circuit (except when combining overdrive with
    boost). In order to appreciate the effect of the tone controls I recommend turning them all
    completely off.

    With a medium gain setting and a little volume, raise each tone control
    independently and listen to the results. Go through this in each mode to see how the
    frequencies change in each mode. Note that in mode 1 (and to some extent mode 2 with
    hotter guitars) the middle control on its own can be used for a full sound without the use
    of any treble or bass. Because the mids have a smooth, thick sound at higher mid settings,
    this can be a useful way to get a very smooth, liquid sounding overdrive. Once you have
    experimented with the tone controls individually, combine them to find your favorite

    JESTER Boost

    The boost circuit uses one half of a 12ax7 tube for warm boosted sound. Note that the
    boost is not designed to sound transparent, but rather to offer useful tones combined with
    a boost. This circuit also has a three-way mode switch. Mode 1 (switch set to the left) is
    for a smooth boost. Mode 2 is brighter and mode 3 gives a mid boost. Experiment with
    the boost independently and then combine it with the overdrive circuit.

    When combined with the overdrive circuit, the boost can be a very effective way of
    boosting the overdrive, or of altering the tone of the overdrive. There are lots of options
    here so take time to experiment. One setting I like to use a lot is to set the overdrive for a
    medium gain sound that sounds nice and full, and then combine it with the boost in mode
    3 for a mid boost that really helps solos cut through. Also, by using this setting I can use
    the bridge pickup of my guitar without the boost and then switch to the neck pickup with
    the boost for a nice lean neck pickup tone.

    So many guitars tend to sound great on either pickup, but when switching to the other pickup
    it seems that tonal changes need to bemade on the amplifier.
    By setting up the boost for a leaner sound than the overdrive (by using mode 3 of the boost),
    I find that I can get the best of a nice bridge overdrive and a nice neck overdrive. When combining
    these tonal options in combination with different volume settings on the guitar, there are lots of
    interesting tones to be had. Note that it is recommended to have some sort of treble bleed installed
    on the volume pots of your guitar to get the best results when riding your volume controls.

    The Jester custom

    Set mini switch upwards for FOA use

    Fully ccw on sizzle control for regular Jester tones

    Jester custom boost...

    Mode 1 full range
    mode 2 mid and volume boost
    mode 3 new bright and volume boost  (pre amp boost mode)

    @spir4L ;
    tae be or not tae be
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  • spir4Lspir4L Frets: 90
    Thanks I decided to put an order for a simpler Squire D for now, glwts and a bump for you :)
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • HootsmonHootsmon Frets: 16281
    Cheers 4L  :) have a good one
    tae be or not tae be
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  • HootsmonHootsmon Frets: 16281
    Is that Xmas money from your Dad/Mum/Sugar Daddie/Boyfriend/Girlfriend/Self/Poor Box on High Street.....
    burning a hole in yer pocket?

    What you need is an overpriced Kingsley wot is the bestest OD on the planet,bar none
    tae be or not tae be
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • LebarqueLebarque Frets: 4105
    What price for the dust without a pedal?
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • HootsmonHootsmon Frets: 16281
    Silly person
    tae be or not tae be
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  • HootsmonHootsmon Frets: 16281
    Boxing day bump
    tae be or not tae be
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  • HootsmonHootsmon Frets: 16281
    Happy new Year gdculley when it comes  :)
    tae be or not tae be
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  • HootsmonHootsmon Frets: 16281
    R U sure you don't wanna Kingsley BTW? they're brutalz
    tae be or not tae be
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