X Vive U2 Wireless System . . . are they any good . . . ???

maw4neumaw4neu Frets: 602
edited March 2024 in Gear Reviews
Bought from a good pal ( our ex Singer )  . . . He picked it up just before he decided to quit playing guitar so its had almost ZERO use . . . From memory, he tried it once at Band Practice ? ?  . . . I paid £45 for it yesterday, and I tried it briefly this morning at home and I'm off to band Practice in a hour so with it . . . Whats the worst that can happen :-) I'll take some leads though, just in case :-)
Id just like to point out that, despite all the video and DNA evidence, it genuinely wasn't me, your Honour  ! 

Feedback : https://www.thefretboard.co.uk/discussion/58125/
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  • GrampaGrampa Frets: 1058
    I used one with an original THR10 for a couple of years with absolutely no issues, home use only. Only moved it on as bought a GT10Tii when I replaced the THR10 with a THR30ii.
    My other passion is firearms! Does that make me a closet Redneck???
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • I've been gigging mine regularly for the last 3 years. Hasn't missed a beat, no complaints!
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • maw4neumaw4neu Frets: 602
    Band Practice went really well today . . . I'm absolutely blown away with the X Vive U2 Wireless System. . .  3 hrs of Practice and the usual wig out for our Lead Guitarist at the end of the set to, Dont believe a Word, one of Thin Lizzy's finest IMHO  . . . . best £45 I've spent in a good while . . . .  Great piece of kit . . No question ! ! !
    Id just like to point out that, despite all the video and DNA evidence, it genuinely wasn't me, your Honour  ! 

    Feedback : https://www.thefretboard.co.uk/discussion/58125/
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
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