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SOLD -Mesa Boogie Mark VII Combo - Price Drop

ModernistModernist Frets: 39
edited September 3 in Amps £

Used in my studio for a recording project.

Mint condition comes with the manual and dust cove, I will also add 2 cable snake long and short for connecting to a pedalboard, spare set of power tubes now included.

Available to try out in my studio.

£3,250 Bank Transfer Pick up only

Designed new from the ground up, the Mark VII is a do-it-all Tone machine that delivers the full range of iconic sounds from Mark Series history, plus two new sounds: the throwback yet infamous Mark IIB and a new, modern, high-gain mode full of character and attitude, aptly named Mark VII.

Able to deliver everything from crystal cleans to various modes of crunch to crushing metal sounds, the Mark VII is truly capable of taking on any genre or style. In any venue, too — silent practice, an apartment bedroom, a studio recording session, or the world’s largest stage. The Mark VII is an amplifier that will undoubtedly provide players with a lifetime of inspiration and great performance.

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