I’m a big Tommy Heinriksen fan ,he’s a cool dude and I love Alice cooper band / Hollywood vampires
And some of his solo projects even , like Crossbone Skully etc .
Anyway I was a bit dubious as it was strung with 12’s & I thought my god it probably might not be able to be set up for 9’s because it looks. Bit of a lash up as it’s a Gretsch conversion by Palermo or something .
Anyway next day I looked someone had snapped it up. Leaving me feeling somewhat dismayed . It would have been ace to have & it’s been played by him on stage & there’s lots of pics of him with it . Kinda sad .
It just occurred to me I wonder if Essex dude bought it ,I hope he doesn’t triple the price he bought it for.
It'll be 30x.
80% special offer & a small windfall .
I thought it was a good price for a player who I like from two bands that are quite famous
eg Alice cooper & Hollywood vampires
yes I thought that was very reasonable & it’s clearly his as its spot on in the picture
there’s just been a white 335 one sold in America too
My band, Red For Dissent
Mike Palermo builds a lot of his guitars.
He definitely builds replicas to order, looking at his website.
I don't often criticize others, but I'm struggling to see beyond the sort of poorly aged partscasters that regularly pop up on ebay.
I'm sure they look fun on stage and I don't mind extreme relic as an aesthetic choice so good luck to him
i should be looking at an SG but I bought one once & couldn’t get used to the neck ,it seemed very very long & somehow in the wrong place . I know it’s an illusion but I found it weird