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WTB - Ribbon Mic any suggestions
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I am looking for a ribbon mic to experiment with recording acoustic guitar and vocals. I like the smooth warm sound of a ribbon and keen to see what I can do with one. I have a gefell m300 which I record through the RME babyface pro fs. Im keen to try the mid-side technique with the ribbon & SDC to get some stereo guitar and also play around with few other placements pairing the 2 and also single mic stuff. I have a few other instruments I want to try the ribbon with such as irish low whistles and percussion stuff. The mic I am interested in is the Se electronics VR2 which is an active mic with high sensitivity, I also like that it is a brighter ribbon and not too boomy, which makes it quite versitile. The other company that interests me is NoHype and Extict audio. The extinct audio mics are a bit outside my budget. Im hoping to keep it under £400
Any suggestions or comments on the mics I mentioned?
It’s also worth considering Xaudia (same guys, different business). They sell repaired vintage mics. They also do an upgrade service so if you can get hold of and old vintage mics (eg. a Reslo) they can fit a new ribbon, transformer, and XLR socket for a good price. I have one!
Good luck!
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Eqd Speaker Cranker clone
Monte Allums TR-2 Plus mod kit
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Do you mean the Voodoo VR2? I do like the form factor. I watched the Podcastage review and it sounds really good.
Good to know. The one for sale on Reverb has been custom built by Stuart so it looks like a good option to conisder. Cheers
I had a look on their website today and noted the Borbon. There is a good review by Fabian Holland on YT and they sound good too. He actually demo's them with guitar and vocals in a similar way to what I am aiming for. Decently priced too and such a great form factor.
Nice, looks decently priced. I will add that to the list.
I dig the Coles 4038 a lot for folky violins and drum overheads. The AEA A440 is lovely for vintage jazz vocals and drum overheads too. There’s some newer stuff too, would just watch loads of videos and see what appeals (but also be aware most reviews of newer Ribbons YouTube are paid reviews / gifted items).
Without wishing to put words into his mouth, I'm pretty sure he will say the BoRbon is about as affordable as it's practical to make a new ribbon mic without compromising on quality. Anything you find that's cheaper than that new will basically be one of a handful of Chinese ribbon motor designs in a fancy shell. Depending on what you want to record with it, that might be fine, but for acoustic guitar I'd be wary as the Chinese designs tend to be noisy.
If you're interested, I have a couple of Beyer M260s, I could bear to part with one of those at a reasonable price, also a vintage M160 but that would be a bit more than £400.
Good to know, cheers