Untethered playing

After extended testing of my recently acquired Fender Mustang micro plus I am happy to report that it has hugely exceeded my expectations. The only thing I haven't tested out is the direct link to Studio One software but there's no imperative for me to do so.

My current rig is:

Sony wired ear plugs with short extension cable wired through the gaps of guitar strap and round the back of my neck and plugged directly into the micro plus.

My phone is paired with the micro plus so that I can play along with backing music.

I'm controlling presets and settings via the hardware and not the Fender Tone software, as it's much easier when you are standing or walking around looking out of the window.

When I unplug the earplugs I aux-out to my Fiio A3 headphone pre-amp (which I put in my pocket) and then into my little Sony SRS XB01 portable speaker via a 6ft or 10ft aux cable. 

The bottom line is that I have now got a silent / low volume, untethered (or nearly so) electric guitar rig that I can play at any time, almost anywhere.

Frankly, I'm astonished at how good the technology/sound is and how easy it has been to (over) achieve my  original goal ... to play electric guitar through ear buds.

Whilst I know my playing capability hasn't improved my enjoyment factor has gone through the roof. Maybe someone else will try this and feel similar delight.

Highly recommended :+1: 
0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
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