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Withdrawn: Fender AV65 Jazzmaster refin Firemist Silver

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JamesSGBrownJamesSGBrown Frets: 260
edited February 8 in Guitars £
Fender AV65 Jazzmaster w/ WRHB 

Update: it’s been brought to my attention this is actually a full refin! I bought it being told the top coat only was done but it seems it was 3TSB originally- refinished by JHS in Leeds. So I’ve dropped the price accordingly. It’s a bloody good refin anyway!!

Staytrem bridge (newer spec, rocking) and collet. 8.4lbs!

Fender WRHBs added- the proper CuNiFe ones. Jazzblaster! If one wanted to sell these and put it some other JM pickups you'd probably recoup some of the cost!

This was my main gigging guitar for a while, so there's a few nicks and dings on the lower bout etc, but it plays and sounds absolutely phenomenal.

If I weren't keeping my AV58 for sentimental reasons, this'd be going to the grave with me, but I've a wedding and a house purchase to pay for! I also have it for comms sale via The Little Guitar shop, for full disclosure.


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