I have the following I'd like to hookup (permanently)
Piano - Left & Right
Synth - Left & Right
Quad Cortex Left & Right
And a couple of Microphones
However I'd like to use the DI facilitie on the QC, i.e. DI signal over USB (which would mean I'd have to switch it to an interface.
I currently have a Behringer 8 channel interface and a patch bay. All of the outs (bar the microphones) are normaled to the ins.
My aim is to capture both the Audio (QC Audio + DI so I can re-amp), and the Audio + midi of the piano and synth.
The obvious answer is another 8 channel converter and buy a DI Box/splitter.
If I combine the QC and my Audio interface it could free up two inputs, leaving room for any other stuff.
Also do most DAWs allow you to bind two/three record buttons together? So I can arm 3 tracks at once, e.g. Piano L+R+Midi?
And yes it's possible to arm mutiple tracks at once in every DAW I know of.