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TheFB 2014 Annual Awards - VOTE HERE

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TTonyTTony Frets: 28097
edited January 2015 in Off Topic
We thought this might be a bit of end-of-year FUN.

There are no prizes, other than the recognition of everyone here and some yet-to-be-designed Forum Award BADGE!!

Anyone can nominate a contender in any of the categories listed below.  You can nominate yourself if you want to.

Nominations close at midnight on Christmas Eve.

After nominations close, any sober and awake Modmins will pick their top 2-3 in each category and announce the list of candidates (we're only doing that so that we have a list of candidates that practical).

Everyone can then vote for their favourite, either on the thread or via PM if they're feeling shy.

Voting will close at midnight on New Years Day and the results will be announced sometime shortly afterwards.  But you're only nominating candidates right now.

There is a separate thread for nominations in each category, the threads are linked in the list below.

  1. - Best Guitar under £500 bought in 2014 - include a pic with your nomination.
  2. - Best Guitar (no £ limit) bought in 2014 - ditto
  3. - Best Guitar made or modded in 2014 - ditto
  4. - Best Amp bought in 2014
  5. - Best Pedalboard - pic to support your nomination is a MUST!
  6. - Best (or FAVOURITE!) Riff of the Month entry - all available to listen to on theFB's SoundCloud playlists.

There might also be some separate admin awards too, but I'm not telling you about those (yet).

Having trouble posting images here?  This might help.
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