PyromanPyroman Frets: 58
  So, I came across an MXR Micro Flanger- only $80- some-odd bucks.  I just had to grab it, as I'd been hearing so much good about it, and the 2 knob style was very appealing.  ( my Boss Flanger has 5 or 6 knobs, and it's difficult for me to dial in any specific sound)

  Also found a Micro chorus, used, for $40.  Again, I couldn't resist for that price.  Plus, nobody stocks them regularly around here, and I'd always wanted to give it a go.

  On to the reviews:

Micro Flanger.  This was not what I was expecting.  If you want the metal/EVH sonic swoosh sound, look elsewhere.  This is much more subtle, almost chorus-like.  However, it IS a very pleasant and useful effect, and best of all- it's useful throughout the range of both knobs.  It's a very different sound from my Boss pedal.  I like it quite a bit!  Goes well with more classic/vintagey tones.

Micro chorus.  I have to agree with everyone else: MXR made a solid pedal with this one!  One knob makes it dummyproof, even for the most guitarded.  Nary a bad sound in there!  This also tends to be fairly subtle, making for a good always on depth enhancer.  Like the Micro Flanger, it has it's own personality.  Not for that liquid depth kinda sound ala The Church et al.   I especially like that even at top speed, it's still useful, and not over the top or goofy sounding like many others.   I give this a thumbs up!

 * note*  Both of these pedals were running strait into the main input of the amp ( a Fender Superchamp X2, and a NOS tweed Blues Junior) I haven't tried them through an fx loop yet.  I also have not tried either with an sss Strat or a tele.

  Overall, I still like my Corona Chorus best for that liquid 80's/90's clean sound I like, and for the choice between a standard chorus and a tri chorus.  These 2 will definitely fit the bill when I want something more subtle.
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  • mike_lmike_l Frets: 5700

    I have and adore the sounds from both these pedals.

    I tend to have the chorus up to half way, but has good useable sounds right across the sweep.

    The Microflanger is also a brilliant pedal, and again has really good useable sounds across the settings range. One of my favourites for a very, very subtle sound is both set to a fraction above zero. It's also very good for a "classic rock" type flanger sound.


    I've had a volume loss issue using MXR's into the FX loop of the Marshall, but do try it first (there's a fairly easy cure). It depends on whether the loop is series or parallel

    Ringleader of the Cambridge cartel, pedal champ and king of the dirt boxes (down to 21) 

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  • PyromanPyroman Frets: 58
      The only loop I have is in my Mustang III, and I believe it's series.  We'll have to see what happens!
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Never tried the flanger but agree that the micro chorus could be always on. Idiot proof chorus, not my fave (visual sound liquid chorus) but idiot proof, sounds great and versatile. And cheap! (relative)
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
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