Tidal bullshit...

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  • bobblehatbobblehat Frets: 565
    In case there are those who think I am anti-streaming, I am not. It's clearly the new way to go and the environmentalist in me thinks it's better than having a whole new load of plastic CD trays and broken discs in landfills in the future. But the bottom line is that the creators of content need to be rewarded properly. 
    The biggest problem as I see it is the amount we are prepared to pay fro streaming services. £10 is pretty much the limit for the average music consumer.Its at the limit of what teens can afford with their pocket money and yet another bill to add to your sky/netflix/internet etc. 
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  • DulcetJonesDulcetJones Frets: 515
     But the bottom line is that the creators of content need to be rewarded properly. 
    Exactly.  I have asked this question here and on twitter but have no answer yet:  what does Tidal pay artists per stream?  I already know from my quarterly reports what Spotify and the rest "pay".

    “Theory is something that is written down after the music has been made so we can explain it to others”– Levi Clay

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  • CirrusCirrus Frets: 8563
    This is the thread where I begin to suspect @Heartfeltdawn and me are the same person. Proof; our views on the music industry are aligned, and we both have owned the same Weber Silver Bell.
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  • HeartfeltdawnHeartfeltdawn Frets: 23145
    edited April 2015
    bobblehat said:
    The biggest problem as I see it is the amount we are prepared to pay fro streaming services. £10 is pretty much the limit for the average music consumer.Its at the limit of what teens can afford with their pocket money and yet another bill to add to your sky/netflix/internet etc. 
    Pity the poor teens. Poor teens with their mobile bills, their wifi paid for by Mater and Pater, and all the rest. When I was a teen, it was a simple choice: I can spend money on clothes and going out and shit or I can buy records. Records won. 

    You're right about the other bills. People paid out in the past for individual items. They paid for records and movies and paid a TV licence. Imagine telecommunications pre-Internet: you paid your landline phone bill and your television licence. Now it's TV licence, landline cost, mobile bills (maybe more than one bill if you're a family), if you're a sucker you've paid for Sky (I will never ever pay for Sky television), Netflix and Lovefilm too if you just can't get enough television... 

    Who has enough hours in the day to watch all of this crap? Some people clearly do. Perhaps it explains the rise in people who are thick as pigshit. 

    So now money doesn't go to the people who create the content. It's paid to the people who control the method of delivery of content. Netflix, Sky, ISP, mobile phone company. All of whom would be affected without high quality content. 

    I agree, £10 a month, try to get as many people as possible to pay something. But this is where Spotify fails. If they had sense, they'd be trying to develop artists and sign them up to Spotify direct. Bypass the major labels, sadly we can't bypass the PRS who I have huge issues after clashing with them last year, and deal direct with musicians. The financial reward is there for the major labels (the indies get fucked over), there's reward for Ek, but the small guys are still getting pissed on.  

    In the wake of the Tidal release, it's funny seeing designers grumbling about the Tidal UI ripping off Spotify's look. Would that be the same Spotify whose creator was the CEO of a torrent company that ripped off musicians, films, television, games, and others? 

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  • HeartfeltdawnHeartfeltdawn Frets: 23145
    Cirrus said:
    This is the thread where I begin to suspect @Heartfeltdawn and me are the same person. Proof; our views on the music industry are aligned, and we both have owned the same Weber Silver Bell.
    But you're a nice chap and I'm a big horrible bastard. And I have a stroopwafel addiction :)

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  • chrispy108chrispy108 Frets: 2336
    I wish someone would setup an easy, efficient way for you to "tip" a band online.

    I listen to most music on Spotify now, still buy a few CDs of my absolute favourite bands, but that's because I still want the physical product in those cases, not really to give the band more money (as they're probably lucky to get even 10% of the price).

    I wish I could easily throw a few £s at an artist I like to support them, if on Spotify I could load up extra money £10 at a time, and then chose how I split it between the artists I've listened to that month I'd do it, and that seems a way more fan and artist friendly model than the confusion Tidal are "discussing".
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 2reaction image Wisdom
  • HeartfeltdawnHeartfeltdawn Frets: 23145
    I wish someone would setup an easy, efficient way for you to "tip" a band online.

    I listen to most music on Spotify now, still buy a few CDs of my absolute favourite bands, but that's because I still want the physical product in those cases, not really to give the band more money (as they're probably lucky to get even 10% of the price).

    I wish I could easily throw a few £s at an artist I like to support them, if on Spotify I could load up extra money £10 at a time, and then chose how I split it between the artists I've listened to that month I'd do it, and that seems a way more fan and artist friendly model than the confusion Tidal are "discussing".
    I like this idea :)

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  • Presonus' Nimbit has a tip jar, but it's not a streaming service.
    littlegreenman < My tunes here...
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  • DulcetJonesDulcetJones Frets: 515
    Bandcamp "allows" buyers to either pay the specified price or any amount above that if they are really feeling it. 

    “Theory is something that is written down after the music has been made so we can explain it to others”– Levi Clay

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  • bobblehatbobblehat Frets: 565
     But the bottom line is that the creators of content need to be rewarded properly. 
    Exactly.  I have asked this question here and on twitter but have no answer yet:  what does Tidal pay artists per stream?  I already know from my quarterly reports what Spotify and the rest "pay".
    When asked directly if they pay more than Spotify Jay Z's reply was "we could do that". 

    My interpretation of that is ,they don't currently pay any more than Spotify and they probably can't afford to at this stage given they have far less subscribers.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • chrispy108;581271" said:
    I wish someone would setup an easy, efficient way for you to "tip" a band online."
    Absolutely this. I'd also support tipping at shows as a convention. I don't always want to buy merch.
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  • ToneControlToneControl Frets: 12248

    you can "not make a profit", yet pay yourself £1m salary, since profit is after salaries and expenses are paid

    I know someone with a lot of stuff on spotify, he got around $20 for 6 months from cdbaby, mostly from spotify
    Not a way to earn a living I think. No data on how many plays this is from though

    So - reflecting on that, selling 2 CDs as a busker would earn you more

    Of course. The point I was making is that there's this idea that 'not making a profit' means hardship and toil. When your average small business owner doesn't make a profit, that's when people shit themselves about bailiffs and going under. When it's a huge company like Spotify, a company that has a record of growth and would undoubtedly raise a lot through flotation, then 'It doesn't make a profit' holds no weight. After all, Ek is worth at least $300 million, not bad for a man whose company hasn't made a profit. 

    fully agree,
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • monquixotemonquixote Frets: 18304
    tFB Trader
    A company's valuation and profit are two completely different things. 

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  • HeartfeltdawnHeartfeltdawn Frets: 23145
    A company's valuation and profit are two completely different things. 

    Oh yes. 

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  • wibblewibble Frets: 1141
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  • FazerFazer Frets: 488
    wibble said:
    Interesting article and infographic about how much artists get from sales/streaming...


    yeah, thats pretty grim.

    and what i find even more depressing are the comment sections of any article about musicians income.
    its always filled with bizarre moth-frothing rage directed at record labels, fair enough, but at musicians and bands  in general, and how they should have to work for a living like everyone else, playing live shows and not laying around in their swimming pools and raking in the royalties.
    the amount of venom and spite is just bewildering
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  • BigMonkaBigMonka Frets: 1817
    One thing that I don't get about Spotify is that on the free version there are hardly any adverts and they are pretty much only adverts for upgrading to Premium. I can't help thinking that they'd make considerably more money with commercial adverts, like on local radio, and then be able to pay artists more.
    Always be yourself! Unless you can be Batman, in which case always be Batman.
    My boss told me "dress for the job you want, not the job you have"... now I'm sat in a disciplinary meeting dressed as Batman.
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  • FazerFazer Frets: 488
    BigMonka said:
    One thing that I don't get about Spotify is that on the free version there are hardly any adverts and they are pretty much only adverts for upgrading to Premium. I can't help thinking that they'd make considerably more money with commercial adverts, like on local radio, and then be able to pay artists more.
    hmm, maybe the customers would find the adverts too annoying and that go elsewhere, that would lend credence to the idea that they aren't really trying to make a running profit (and payments to the artists), but merely to build up the market share/hits and then flog it off and cash in
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  • DeijavooDeijavoo Frets: 3307
    Registered a Tidal account today with a 30 day free trial. So far it's pretty good, missing Shellac though which is a pisser.

    I'll still use Bandcamp to pay bands I love though.
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