
What's Hot
First, this appears at £649.99 BiN:

This PRS Santana is a bit of a Frannkenstein..I picked up the guitar body/neck only from a Guitar shop called The Rock Shop, West Edmonton Mall,
Edmonton Alberta Canada, when I went to visit my cousin earlier on this year. It was propped up on a guitar stand at the back of the shop, so I made an offer for it and brought it home.
I haven't got a clue why it had been stripped of the essentials, when I asked about it one guy said "  it's been there for ages". Actually nobody seemed to WHY it was there..So last month I decided to put the guitar together.
The guitar has been completely rewired, all the cavities have been coated with non conductive paint and the bottom of the control cavity has 2mm copper sheeting and is extensivley screened.
The pickups that I have used are Ibanez INF3 and INF4 which I have used bsically because I had them in stock, they're powerfull and can be coil tapped,
which I've done by using a Push/Pull on the tone control knob.
I've installed a brand new set of Grovers to keep them in tune and a
 PRS Tremolo bridge has ben used.
The frets hve been skimmed and polished which affords a very low action and the intonation has been set, It's gor Ernie Ball 9's on.
The Serial number is 10168389 .
The Private Stock number is- 1932 dated- 4.27.09
The headstock is has the Paul Read Smith signiture and another sgniture which I can't make out and the control Plate has the Carlos Santana Signiture and has the number LTD 032 on it

Feel free to ask any questions

Then it ends and reappears at £279 BiN with a new description which is minus all the PRS references:

The guitar has been completely rewired, all the cavities have been coated with non conductive paint and the bottom of the control cavity has 2mm copper sheeting and is extensivley screened.
The pickups that I have used are Ibanez INF3 and INF4 which I have used bsically because I had them in stock, they're powerfull and can be coil tapped,
which I've done by using a Push/Pull on the tone control knob.
I've installed a brand new set of Grovers to keep them in tune

The frets hve been skimmed and polished which affords a very low action and the intonation has been set, It's gor Ernie Ball 9's on.

Feel free to ask any questions

HarrySeven - Intangible Asset Appraiser & Wrecker of Civilisation. Searching for weird guitars - so you don't have to.
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