Splawn amps...

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CHrisP86CHrisP86 Frets: 360

I'm thinking about ordering a Splawn Super Comp or Competition but no where to actually try them as the only store in the UK stocks them are currently out of stock.

Any general thoughts about them or any reason not too?  They sound really good from the video's on youtube.  Also been looking at the 6505, 5153 and Uberschall.

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  • Seen protest the hero use a splawn I think, hot rodded Marshall kinda sound.

    Preferred it when they used a 6505 and an Engl if I'm honest, but that's one gig - and there are so many variables that my statement is, for all intents and purposes, useless.
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  • DarrenDarren Frets: 169
    The competition is basically a quickrod without the clean channel and is 50W.. The newer 2013 quickrods are getting some rave reviews with the B+ option which lowers the voltage and adds a bit more sag in the feel which older QR's didn't have.. I ordered a Nitro back in 2007 but didn't gel with it at all.. There was more emphasis in the low mids rather than the QR's high mids.. To my ears the QR was a much better sounding amp.. As also mentioned it is a great hot rodded plexi/800 type of tone depending on where you set the gears..
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  • CHrisP86CHrisP86 Frets: 360
    Thanks for comments so far.

    Which of the Competition and Super Comp do you think would be most different from my Cornford MK50?
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  • DarrenDarren Frets: 169
    I think both will be different to your MK50..with the 2 splawns you have mentioned it comes down to where you like your mids to be.. The super comp is a single channel version of the Nitro and the Competition is a single channel version of the QR.. You still get both OD1 and OD2 and the 3 switchable gears..Both amps just omit the clean channel.. If you want marshall type mids then the Competition..if you want a more Rectifier type of tone then the Super Comp.
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  • CHrisP86CHrisP86 Frets: 360
    Thanks Darren, your SLO looks great btw!

    Sounds like the Super Comp would probably be the one for me.  Just have to work out whether I want to take the chance and spend £1,500 on an amp that I've never tried.  Need to try the EVH first as that seems to get really good reviews too and would be half the price...
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  • DarrenDarren Frets: 169
    Thanks Chris The soldano is great.. From personal experience I would sooner take the EVH over the Super Comp.. There are a couple more options on the Splawn but keep in mind you can't foots witch all 3 gears..only between gears 1&2 or 2&3 but you can switch between OD 1&2 on the fly.. Splawns are also very stiff feeling amps where the EVH is more liquidy in feel.. It's all a matter of personal taste really but if I were going to go the Splawn route then it would be the Quick Rod..
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  • CHrisP86CHrisP86 Frets: 360
    Definitely heading somewhere to try the EVH at the weekend then!
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  • Hi Chris where in the country are you ? I have a Splawn Competition 50 that you are welcome to try out if you're anywhere near the North-West.

    I had a 5153 before the Splawn and while it was great and covered a lot of ground they are totally different in sound and feel. The EVH is very easy to dial in, easy to play at any volume and just works well. The Splawn is much fussier about cabs/speakers, but to my ears is way more open sounding and has much better dynamics. It's much more Marshally, especially at volume, feels like an old school amp, which rewards you when you play well and highlights when you don't...it's much less complex in terms of build, only 3 preamp tubes and 2 power amp tubes vs 7 preamp (i think) and 4 power tubes in the EVH.

    If you could try both in the same room you'd hear a massive difference, for what i want now the Splawn suits me much better, but i'd happily play a 5153 anytime too, they are great amps :)

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  • NerineNerine Frets: 2482
    If you're looking for a Marshally voiced thing, the CAA OD Classic Plus is the best sounding amp I've ever come across.
    Far superior to every Bogner, Budda, Marshall, Boogie etc etc I've ever owned.
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  • CHrisP86CHrisP86 Frets: 360
    Thanks for the offer Moltisanti, in the South East though so couldn't really be further away!  

    I've read on other forums that the Splawn can be fussy and I think that's what's putting me off buying before trying.  Really annoyed that I faffed so long instead of just ordering the Nitro that Toneworld had in stock and trying it out.  Did you order your Competition without trying it?

    Will also have a look at the CAA OD Classic Plus.
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  • i actually traded it for my 5153 with a guy on MR, i did a lot of research and the general consensus is that the Competition is basically a really good JCM800, it sounded good with my creamback cab but came to life with a standard marshall 4x12. i thought that if i didn't like it it would be easy to sell in the UK, but it turned out to be awesome. i know sounds great had a nitro last time i was in there

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  • no association ( ToneWorld - Manchester )  but these guys are very relaxed - i spent all afternoon playing musicman guitars through a selection of splawns in their sound booth .. 

    this is their current advertised stock 

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  • CHrisP86CHrisP86 Frets: 360
    I will definitely buy a Splawn at some point but think I will just keep an eye out for a second hand one.

    Thanks for the tips.  I had been keeping an eye on the ones you mentioned, but they are all sold now though.  When you go further in to the ones on tone world, they both say out of stock.

    Changing the subject a bit but has anyone ever bought anything from music-produktiv.co.uk?  They seem to have some interesting amps in stock.
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  • CHrisP86CHrisP86 Frets: 360
    Actually thinking that maybe I could buy a second hand Splawn from US ebay as they have the voltage switch on the back that I could just turn to UK voltage.  Does anyone know if there is more to it than that though?  Does anything else have to be changed in the amp?
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  • MoltisantiMoltisanti Frets: 1143
    not sure to be honest, i would check on the splawn forum, it rarely gets used but there is a lot on there if you search. also rigtalk has a lot of splawn users

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  • DarrenDarren Frets: 169
    CHrisP86 said:
    Actually thinking that maybe I could buy a second hand Splawn from US ebay as they have the voltage switch on the back that I could just turn to UK voltage.  Does anyone know if there is more to it than that though?  Does anything else have to be changed in the amp?

    The only other thing you would need to change is the HT fuse I think.. from a 4A to a 2A Other than that yeah they have the voltage selector on the back and you would be good to go.. As Rick said above check out Rig Talk forum, there usually a few splawns kicking around on there.. If you have difficulty in getting one shipped if you get one from rig talk give me a shout as I know a few guys on there who would help out..
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  • CHrisP86CHrisP86 Frets: 360

    Excellent, sounds like that could be the way to go.

    And thanks in general for all the comments, been really helpful!!

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