Filling dents and marks prior to paint? Best method?

I've got my guitar build heading for paint next week and have been doing a lot of sanding but there are a couple of minor dings that would be best filled before heading to the painter.

Is glue and dust the best method or is there something better?

Any tips please?
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  • randellarandella Frets: 4399
    It depends how deep the dings are.  Isopon P38 works pretty well for deeper dings and scratches - it's a two-pack polyester car body filler that dries very quickly, sets rock hard and sands easily.  It's not dear, you can get it in Halford's.  For very small dings I've used Rustin's grain filler too, but it takes much longer to harden, and doesn't dry as hard.

    These will only be of use if you're painting a solid colour though!
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  • the_jaffathe_jaffa Frets: 1863
    None of them are particularly deep at all really so I think P38 is a bit OTT. Will have a look into the Rustin's stuff.

    It is getting painted a solid colour
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  • CorvusCorvus Frets: 3013
    tFB Trader
    If you're taking it a painter who knows his onions let him do it, he'll use a filler he knows & trusts, and sand to perfection. If a solid colour. Some shrink and/or are porous.
    But if they're small & shallow Dolphin Glaze. Upol Fantastic is my one of choice for substantial fills, not sure it can be got other than large tubs though.
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  • PVO_DavePVO_Dave Frets: 2385
    If Rich is doing this (lamf68) leave him to sort it out - he may even be able to steam some of them out :)
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  • lamf68lamf68 Frets: 851
    edited June 2016
    Definitely try steaming them out first, if you've got the time to get it, and I've only seen it on eBay, get some Nitro - Combi - Spachtel. Fuck knows what all that means but it's a cellulose putty, it's that stuff ypu used to see cars covered in in the 70's when people were too lazy to spray them.. It's a grey/blue goop in a tube, goes on lovely, dries quickly and can be wetsanded easily... Best product I've ever used for light dings, it's a twat on deep dings as it takes ages to dry in deep marks....
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  • koneguitaristkoneguitarist Frets: 4225
    I have used super glue in small nicks and scratches, works well, and also clear nail varnish on neck dings where it's a clear finish.
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