Les Paul truss rod sources

I hope to post a build thread on this but currently gathering parts. 

Can anyone point me in the direction of the simpler compression  50's style Les Pauls Truss Rods. 

I presume this is the best way to go if your aiming for vintage style build. 

I would happily go for a two way if there is little distance but from all the noise on the Les Paul Forum I presume simple compression is best. 

All advice and links welcome
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  • WezVWezV Frets: 17007
    Ignore the naysayers and go for a modern rod if you like an easy life. You will be hard pushed to notice a difference in tone. It is there, I wont deny it.... but the practicalities of a modern rod out weigh a very slight tonal change

    Or make your own with some metal rod and a tap.


    There are single action rods available quite a few places.... If its just one you are after ebay isn't a terrible place to start
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  • WezVWezV Frets: 17007
    Fyi... Les Paul forums tend to define "best" as "what happened in 59".

    This is fine, and the correct approach if building an accurate replica... But they do tend to be overly critical of anything that veers away from that
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  • Andyjr1515Andyjr1515 Frets: 3128
    I fully agree with @WezV on this. I would always use a modern truss rod for guitars and for basses. I can't accept that anyone could perceive any difference in tone.
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  • Jez6345789Jez6345789 Frets: 1815
    edited July 2016
    Thanks I think I just needed a dose of clarity it's easy to get lost in the obsessive detail of the les Paul forum and as you say if they did not do it in 59 then its sacrilege. Modern 2 way it is
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  • WezVWezV Frets: 17007
    I will say there are valid reasons for going one way. Just because you want to is as valid as any reason.

    With two way rods you have:

    Pro's- easier to install. Greater adjustment

    Neutral - removes more wood, adds more metal. Potential for slight tonal change from that.

    Con's - less "authentic"

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  • DanielsguitarsDanielsguitars Frets: 3310
    tFB Trader
    Unless it's a replica I don't bother with the traditional ones
    I have to make my own traditional ones because I couldn't find the right ones over here, its typical though.

    They are a pita to do if you're not set up for them imo.

    I've just used a 2 way rod from touchstone tonewood for my tele style that was good and it didn't take alot of depth out compared to some I've seen.

    It still sounded good to me.
    (formerly customkits)
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