DIY Compressor + Treble Booster finished

Just a couple of poodle/fuzzdog kits in a single enclosure, but just finished it this weekend, and really happy with how it's worked out...

Got a Rickenbacker 1993 Plus a few months back, and was itching for a tone-fettler that might cop a good McGuinn.  Having read that his Ric was modded with an onboard Vox Treble booster, before hitting a compressor, I decided to approximate that with an Orange Squeezer and a Vox Treble Booster 2-in-1.  Both individually footswitchable, and the order can be toggled.  I also did a tone switch for each.  The stock Vox TB only just peaks above unity gain maxed out, so it's just switchable caps for really-bright-but-a-bit-quiet, and still-bright-but-considerably-louder. For the Squeezer I used a Mark Hammer suggestion (link) which while subtle, does give a smidge more brightness (it's much more noticeable when going OS>TB rather than the other way around).

Anyway, it works a treat, and with the booster cranked, the TB>OS sound really does cop that big Byrds-y compressed swell very nicely.  Naturally it all gets a bit hissy/noisy/messy if you pump it into something gainy, but it's a lot of fun all the same.  The surprise is how usable the OS>TB is too...less crazy dipping-and-swelling, but a healthy treble kick on top of that lovely Orange Squeezer magic.  Yet to try it with anything humbucker equipped, but it worked really really well with a P90 equipped Ibanez hollowbody, too.

Cheers for reading!
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