Black mirror

WezVWezV Frets: 17153
i am now on the second watch through of the new series.

i don't think it's as original as it was, but the overall production values are much higher.

well worth a watch.  I give it 4.8 meow meow beenz
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  • axisusaxisus Frets: 28356
    4.8 out of 5 I presume? I saw one episode of the first series and I really liked it, the one where everyone is filming a girl on their mobiles and she's very confused. Great story.
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  • menamestommenamestom Frets: 4796

    I've never watched it, but it is next up after Glitch, which is not bad, considering it is Australian.  
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  • Watched the first three so far.

    The first has been the most enjoyable, but I've not  been fussed on the endings of all three really, no great payoff.
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  • DopesickDopesick Frets: 1510
    Episode one was very good. Episodes two and three are fucking brilliant. Fourth episode bored me to tears sadly.

    I'll watch five and six tomorrow.
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  • WezVWezV Frets: 17153
    Dopesick said:
    Episode one was very good. Episodes two and three are fucking brilliant. Fourth episode bored me to tears sadly.

    I'll watch five and six tomorrow.
    I liked 4, but I must admit I had to check Netflix had not started playing something else when I got about 20 minutes in.  I think that one will be better on the second watch

    Watched the first three so far.

    The first has been the most enjoyable, but I've not  been fussed on the endings of all three really, no great payoff.
    I think the lack of a great pay off is what seperates them from everything else.  
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  • WezVWezV Frets: 17153
    axisus said:
    4.8 out of 5 I presume? I saw one episode of the first series and I really liked it, the one where everyone is filming a girl on their mobiles and she's very confused. Great story.
    They do tend to stay with you.  The first one I watched was the one with the PM and a pig.... oddly prescient 

    yes... out of 5.  It's a reference to the first episode  of this series, and a nod to another series with a similar idea at its core
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  • DopesickDopesick Frets: 1510
    WezV said:
    Dopesick said:
    Episode one was very good. Episodes two and three are fucking brilliant. Fourth episode bored me to tears sadly.

    I'll watch five and six tomorrow.
    I liked 4, but I must admit I had to check Netflix had not started playing something else when I got about 20 minutes in.  I think that one will be better on the second watch
    Yeah same for me I guess. I watched it still reeling from the previous episodes, and it was 3am, so I'd have a hard time absorbing anything in that state. It did look very nice with a soundtrack to thrill. A second watch is needed for me also I think.
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  • I thought the ending of the third episode was actually really good, it kind of changed the way you viewed all the little interactions earlier on. I wasn't that impressed with the first two. Good (obvious) ideas but they could've done more with them. 4 has been my favourite so far.
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  • stickyfiddlestickyfiddle Frets: 28075
    Have watched the first 3 tonight.

    Definitely not bad, and I'm glad stuff like this gets made, but I can't shake the same feeling I've always had with BM - that it's just not quite as clever as Charlie Brooker thinks it is.
    The Assumptions - UAE party band for all your rock & soul desires
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  • dafuzzdafuzz Frets: 1522
    Only watched the 3rd, 4th and 5th so far but thought the 4th was the best one

    It isn't all that clever tbh but it's decent telly
    All practice and no theory
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  • holnrewholnrew Frets: 8207
    Yay for the community reference.

    I've only seen the first two. I don't think anything will come close to White Christmas, but I've enjoyed themvery much. Especially Bryce Dallas Howard in her bra
    My V key is broken
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  • WezVWezV Frets: 17153
    Have watched the first 3 tonight.

    Definitely not bad, and I'm glad stuff like this gets made, but I can't shake the same feeling I've always had with BM - that it's just not quite as clever as Charlie Brooker thinks it is.
    I think it's pretty damn clever, but not always totally original.... hence the community reference in the opening post.

    its almost like he has a random idea generator that picks words from click bait headlines.

    just rewatching the horror episode.... there is a hell of a lot of foreshadowing I missed the first time around.
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  • IvanMCIvanMC Frets: 91
    The first season was pretty good and original. Some episodes touched the core of me: the one about the girl whose boyfriend passes away but can talk to "him" through technological advances really got me down. I'll definitely have a go at this other season. I just hope it hasn't turned particularly gruesome 'cos I've been unusually sensitive lately...
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  • IvanMCIvanMC Frets: 91
    Took in two episodes last night. Third season, first and second episodes. They just blew me away. Looks like these guys will never run out of ideas. The first one was beyond amazing and it got me all cut up, since I didn't find the situation precisely far-fetched or out of touch with reality as it were. Life seems to be a huge facebook and we mark each other continually. We tell each other "good morning" and we rate each other. You go buy yorself some coffee and you rate the guy who sold it to you and he rates you as well. Holy f..k, are we far from that in real life?
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  • Have watched up until the one with the army people shooting the zombies...
    So far have been mostly hugely underwhelmed by this series. It isn't half as clever as it thinks it is and seems to have gone for style over substance this time.
    The San Junipero one being the exception as it was quite moving.

    The acting, I should say, has been absolutely first class in this series...just don't think the scripts do it justice.
    3/5 for me.

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  • May I just add, however, that the scene where the woman threatens to kill the stuffed toy ("I'LL DO IT! I'LL KILL HIM, CUT HIS HEAD OFF AND SHOVE IT UP MY ARSE!") is one of the best scenes in any programme ever. :)

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  • IvanMCIvanMC Frets: 91 people shooting zombies? That doesn't sound particularly witty. Actually, I've never got to enjoy The Walking Dead or any zombie thing out there. The only zombie thing I seriously love is Zombie Stomp, by the majestic Ozzy Osbourne, and Zakk, who blows our heads off with his Les Paul. Fortunately, I haven't seen that one yet. Aye, the acting is absolutely top-notch.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • IvanMC said: people shooting zombies? That doesn't sound particularly witty. Actually, I've never got to enjoy The Walking Dead or any zombie thing out there. The only zombie thing I seriously love is Zombie Stomp, by the majestic Ozzy Osbourne, and Zakk, who blows our heads off with his Les Paul. Fortunately, I haven't seen that one yet. Aye, the acting is absolutely top-notch.
    Yeah..not my thing either, TBH. I found it quite preachy and patronising, assuming I had interpreted it how it was intended.

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  • MyrandaMyranda Frets: 2940
    IvanMC said: people shooting zombies? That doesn't sound particularly witty. Actually, I've never got to enjoy The Walking Dead or any zombie thing out there. The only zombie thing I seriously love is Zombie Stomp, by the majestic Ozzy Osbourne, and Zakk, who blows our heads off with his Les Paul. Fortunately, I haven't seen that one yet. Aye, the acting is absolutely top-notch.
    Yeah..not my thing either, TBH. I found it quite preachy and patronising, assuming I had interpreted it how it was intended.
    Spoiler It's not zombies, but the poor/genetically rubbish/ethically different people. and the VR/Augmented reality chip implanted in the soldiers prevents them from seeing this - which if you're a fan of SciFi is almost an obvious plot and it was not long into the episode before I was thinking that's the way it was headed... it's actually a subject I'm interested in, the information age seems to be a new propagander age and should we ever turn ourselves over to direct-to-brain interfaces how can we trust we've not been hacked to perceive things differently, benign - rose-tinted-vision: a post trump apocalyptic wasteland made tollerable by clever implants less benign: working as a slave chopping up people - soylent green, it's people - to feed to other people and being fooled into thinking you're not a human killer/butcher... but I don't think that Black Mirror captured the depth of unknowing that I think could be engendered Spoiler

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