
What's Hot


  • relic245relic245 Frets: 1106
    edited July 2016
    At the risk of being called a quack, 

     I work as a hypnotherapist and have helped people with hay fever. Maybe your local one can help you too. 

    Here's what I did. I was working with a lady about something else and she said she had terrible hay fever and had been using an inhaler for years. She was pregnant and didn't want to have the chemicals in her body. 

    I hypnotised her and told her to thank her sinus for protecting her from the harmful pollen. Then to explain that the level of protection was becoming a problem and would it mind turning the sensitivity down little. 

    That's a slight over simplification but the general idea. 

    She now hasn't used the inhaler for over 2 years and rarely suffers at all. Another thing to be aware of is your stress levels. When we are stressed our immune system is depleted and we are more susceptible to allergies.
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  • relic245relic245 Frets: 1106
    edited July 2016
    fixed formatting of previous post
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  • MtBMtB Frets: 922
    Long term sufferer here (40yrs +).
    In the early years my eyes used to swell because they were itchy and I rubbed them - used to have to go and lie on the bed and put a cold wet flannel over my eyes to calm then down - just the sort of thing a boisterous 12 year old wanted to do on a hot summer day!

    After trying everything on the market over the years I have finally settled on Opticrom eyedrops and Beconase nasal spray.
    The effects have declined tho' over the years as well.

    You all have my sympathies.
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  • fields5069fields5069 Frets: 3827
    Nitefly said:

    Oddly, I don't suffer from it at all when I'm abroad, but as soon as I'm home, it starts again.

    That's not odd tbh. If you lived abroad for a while, you would likely develop allergies to local plant life. That's what happened to my wife. She came over from Spain, and was fine for a year or so, before developing allergies to new (to her) flora.
    Some folks like water, some folks like wine.
    My feedback thread is here.
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  • milambermilamber Frets: 118
    edited July 2016
    I've had severe hayfever for almost 50 years now so there isn't anything I haven't tried from drugs to quackary. Bought a pair of these a couple of years back and it's been night and day. You might get the odd strange look from people when out, though they are quite discreet, but better that than hayfever. Lots of different versions, but I just bought the basic ones which are supposed to last a few months. I look after them and clean them from time to time and still have the original £15 pair.

    I won't post a link as not sure if that's allowed, but they are called WoodyKnows nasal filters. They have let me have my summer back.
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  • scrumhalfscrumhalf Frets: 11669
    Another long-tern sufferer.

    The onbly thing I've found that works is to minimise exposure. Stay inside, windows closed, use a fan to keep cool.

    And people wonder why I hate summer.
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  • NiteflyNitefly Frets: 5059
    @fields5069 - makes sense I guess!  

    Having snivelled my way through April and early May, we went to Cyprus for the second half of May - it cleared up almost as soon as I got there, no tablets or sprays for two weeks, it was wonderful.

    The day after we got back, it was back to sniffling, itchy eyes, Loratadine and honey - boo!
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  • fields5069fields5069 Frets: 3827
    Even I'm feeling it at the moment, I usually only have a mild reaction but I can feel it in my eyes for sure.

    I these these cloudy days are worse.
    Some folks like water, some folks like wine.
    My feedback thread is here.
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  • Flink_PoydFlink_Poyd Frets: 2492
    Well my youngest son is getting worse as the weeks go on. Wakes up with a stuffy nose and eyes watering, left eye more than right. Eases through the day a bit then comes back in the evening. We've tried lots of over the counter stuff, tablets, nasal sprays vaseline under the eyes/nostrils all with minimal results. I think it's time for a trip to the doctor as he's got a weekend camping with the Cubs next week 
    Nobody is guaranteed tomorrow.....

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  • Hay fever band works for me, no more one a day tabs since I had the band 
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  • Flink_PoydFlink_Poyd Frets: 2492
    Hay fever band works for me, no more one a day tabs since I had the band 
    Huh? What sort of wizardry is that? @strumjoughlamps ;
    Nobody is guaranteed tomorrow.....

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  • Tone71Tone71 Frets: 637
    It must be bad at the moment as I can feel it although had Xolair jabs on Wednesday, it is nowhere near what it was but have slightly itchy eyes and sore throat, could also be worse as cycling in the countryside a lot more.

    Still love Summer though, hayfever or not.
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  • IamnobodyIamnobody Frets: 7054
    edited June 2017
    Hay fever band works for me, no more one a day tabs since I had the band 
    Huh? What sort of wizardry is that? @strumjoughlamps ;;
    Yes please tell us more. I've 'managed' it  so far this year. Been on the one a days since March and a spoonful of local honey in my first coffee of the day.

    On top of that at the first signs of any suffering a few weeks ago I started on the pirinase spray.

    I'm hoping that it won't get any worse...
    Previously known as stevebrum
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  • https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/aw/d/B001F0QBOS/ref=mp_s_a_1_1_a_it?ie=UTF8&qid=1496584090&sr=8-1&keywords=hayfever+band

    I was recommend it from a friend who had success but thought 'no way', I was wrong it works for me. 
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  • scrumhalfscrumhalf Frets: 11669
    Whatever you do, do NOT buy one of those ridiculous contraptions with two probes that go up your nostrils that light up.

    They're medically ineffective, not bright enough to read by and not varied enough for a light show.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • IamnobodyIamnobody Frets: 7054

    I was recommend it from a friend who had success but thought 'no way', I was wrong it works for me. 

    scrumhalf said:
    Whatever you do, do NOT buy one of those ridiculous contraptions with two probes that go up your nostrils that light up.

    They're medically ineffective, not bright enough to read by and not varied enough for a light show.
    Haha I've tried the probes. No noticeable imptovement at all...

    Will look into the band if it gets any worse this year.

    Previously known as stevebrum
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  • 57Deluxe57Deluxe Frets: 7401
    Never ever suffered until about 5 years ago. Now get a bit of a cough and itch like fcuck all over at some tree/hedge pollen when even stepping outside to put rubbish in bin (nearly a criminal offence in itself!). So something's changed wiv earth DNA somewhere...
    <Vintage BOSS Upgrades>
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