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Something to focus on . . .

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  • RavenousRavenous Frets: 1484

    As well as the Matheson, I'll second Quarky's suggestion for Star Maker by Olaf Stapledon.  An old classic that's sometimes hard to get through, but amazingly imaginative.

    (I personally don't like his Last and First Men... too repetitive for my tastes and some appalling dated stereotypes in the early chapters. But that's just my opinion.)

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • crunchmancrunchman Frets: 11716
    Don't know much of the recent stuff but Harry Harrison, Jack Vance and Alan Dean Foster are worth a look.

    If you like EE Doc Smith then David Weber might be worth a look.  It's not particularly visionary but his earlier stuff is a good read.  His later stuff is bloated.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Paul_CPaul_C Frets: 8085
    I recommend ignoring any of them that haven't had a film version made.

    Clearly they must be appalling.
    Starship Troopers ?
    "I'll probably be in the bins at Newport Pagnell services."  fretmeister
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Paul_CPaul_C Frets: 8085
    crunchman said:
    Don't know much of the recent stuff but Harry Harrison, Jack Vance and Alan Dean Foster are worth a look.

    If you like EE Doc Smith then David Weber might be worth a look.  It's not particularly visionary but his earlier stuff is a good read.  His later stuff is bloated.

    I've just read a Harry Harrison (Planet Of No Return) which was ok if a little lightweight, I've got a collection of his stories on my Kindle too.

    I've also got one by Jack Vance (Lyonesse) but none of his Sci-Fi, and Alan Dean Foster (Splinter of the Mind's Eye - a Star Wars novelization) which I liked, so they'll both have to be checked out.
    "I'll probably be in the bins at Newport Pagnell services."  fretmeister
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • fretmeisterfretmeister Frets: 25495
    Paul_C said:
    I recommend ignoring any of them that haven't had a film version made.

    Clearly they must be appalling.
    Starship Troopers ?
    An excellent film.

    Clearly just improving on the book, By re-writing 99% of it.

    I’m so bored I might as well be listening to Pink Floyd

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Paul_CPaul_C Frets: 8085
    edited November 2016

    ok, here we go with the list I've assembled so far:

    Joe Haldeman - The Forever War
    William Gibson - I've read a few but ages ago so I'll start again, with Neuromancer
    Alfred Bester - The Demolished Man / The Stars My Destination
    Ursula Le Guin - The Dispossessed / Left Hand Of Darkness
    Frederick Pohl - Gateway / The Space Merchants
    Gregory Benford - Timescape
    Larry Niven - lots to explore, I'll start with the other Ringworld books
    Samuel R Delany - Nova / Dahlgren (not an easy read apparently, but I'll give it a go)
    Daniel Keyes - Flowers For Algernon
    Robert A Heinlein - The Moon Is A Harsh Mistress / Stranger In A Strange Land
    Brian Aldiss - the Helliconia books
    Joanna Russ - The Female Man
    Christopher Priest - Inverted World (next up to read on my Kindle) / The Affirmation
    Philip K Dick - The Man in the High Castle / The Divine Invasion (I have the the other two in the trilogy)
    Roger Zelazny - Lord of Light / Isle of the Dead
    Greg Bear - Blood Music
    Robert Silverberg - Dying Inside / the Majipoor series
    J G Ballard - The Drowned World / The Atrocity Exhibition
    Bruce Sterling + William Gibson - The Difference Engine
    Kurt Vonnegut - Cat's Cradle / The Sirens of Titan
    David Brin - the Uplift Series
    Stephen R Donaldson - The Gap Cycle
    Poul Anderson - I've read Tau Zero but nothing else, not decided what else to read yet
    Vernor Vinge - Rainbow's End / The Children of the Sky
    C J Cherryh - Downbelow Station
    Octavia E Butler - Lilith's Brood
    Charles Stross - Accelerando
    Robert L Forward - Dragon's Egg
    Greg Egan - Diaspora
    Stephen Baxter - Manifold:Time / Proxima / Diaspora
    Jim Munroe - Everyone In Silico
    Robert Charles Wilson - Spin
    Peter Watts - Blindsight / Echopraxia
    Margaret Atwood - The Handmaid's Tale
    Kathleen Ann Goonan - Queen City Jazz
    Walter M Miller - Canticle For Leibowitz
    Pat Cadigan - Synners
    Jack Vance - Tales of the Dying Earth / Big Planet
    Keith Roberts - Pavane
    Carl Sagan - Contact
    James Tiptree Jr. - Her Smoke Rose Up Forever
    Sue Harrison - Cry Of The Wind
    Philip Jose Farmer - The Fabulous Riverboat / To Your Scattered Bodies Go
    John Scalzi - Old Man's War
    Fritz Leiber - The Wanderer
    Clifford D Simak - City
    Hal Clement - Mission Of Gravity
    Nancy Kress - Beggars In Spain
    Lois McMaster Bujold - Vorkosigan Series
    Connie Willis - Oxford Time Travel Series
    Bruce Sterling - Schismatrix Plus
    Olaf Stapledon - Last and First Men / Star Maker
    Karen Joy Fowler - Sarah Candy
    Arkady Strugatsky - Roadside Picnic
    Claire North - The First Fifteen Lives Of Harry August
    Jeff Vandermeer - Annihilation (I have this on my Kindle, the first of four)
    James S A Corey - I've read Leviathan Wakes, I'll read the others in the series
    Madeleine L'Engle - A Wrinkle In Time
    Theodore Sturgeon - More Than Human
    Frank Herbert - The Dosadi Experiment
    Audrey Niffenegger - The Time Traveler's Wife (which I have but haven't read yet)
    A E Van Vogt - World Of Null-a
    Edmund Cooper - Seahorse in the Sky
    James Gunn - The Magicians
    Cixin Liu - The Three-body Problem (I have it on Kindle, not read yet)
    James L Cambias - A Darkling Sea
    M R Carey - The Girl With All The Gifts
    Adam Roberts - Jack Glass: The Story of a Murderer
    Mary Doria Russel - The Sparrow
    Paul McAuley - Fairyland
    Alasdair Gray - Lanark
    Barrington J Bayley - Collision Course
    C L Moore - Best of her short stories
    Algis Budrys - Who?
    Ernest Cline - Ready Player One
    Joan D Vinge - Outcasts of Heaven's Belt (Vernor's ex-wife)
    Michael Swanwick - Vacuum Flowers
    John Varley - Steel Beach
    Michael Marshall Smith - Only Forward

    and no doubt many more, but it's somewhere to start

    "I'll probably be in the bins at Newport Pagnell services."  fretmeister
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • RavenousRavenous Frets: 1484

    I forgot to say - a short story that is worth reading on the internet.  It's not in print any more, but the text is available on line.

    Farewell to the Master - by Harry Bates.

    (It's the original core of The Day the Earth Stood Still - but very different to the movie.  It has some twists which make it well worth 2-3 hours of your time.)

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • NiteflyNitefly Frets: 5059
    Well that should keep you going until the weekend!

    Seriously, there are some real classics there, many I'd forgotten.  Good luck!
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • SporkySporky Frets: 30129
    Paul_C said:

    Greg Egan - Diaspora
    I think that was my first read of his. Distress and Permutation City are a bit easier to get into; the Orthogonal Trilogy is the best of his work.
    "[Sporky] brings a certain vibe and dignity to the forum."
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Paul_CPaul_C Frets: 8085
    Sporky said:
    Paul_C said:

    Greg Egan - Diaspora
    I think that was my first read of his. Distress and Permutation City are a bit easier to get into; the Orthogonal Trilogy is the best of his work.
    noted :)

    "I'll probably be in the bins at Newport Pagnell services."  fretmeister
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Philly_QPhilly_Q Frets: 25023
    Mammoth lists on here already so I hardly dare contribute, but I think you should try some Michael Moorcock and Lucius Shepard.  And John W. Campbell.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Paul_CPaul_C Frets: 8085
    edited November 2016
    Philly_Q said:
    Mammoth lists on here already so I hardly dare contribute, but I think you should try some Michael Moorcock and Lucius Shepard.  And John W. Campbell.

    I'm sure you're right, I've read some Moorcock but I don't own any (correction: I have The Runestaff) - I shall look into them all.
    "I'll probably be in the bins at Newport Pagnell services."  fretmeister
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Paul_CPaul_C Frets: 8085

    I've double-checked my bookcases and looked through my Kindle to be sure of what I do and don't have, and ordered 7 books from Amazon (all but one s/h so the total for the books was £5 and the total inc. postage was £24 :) ) those here and those ordered have been crossed off.

    With all the ones ordered added to the ones already here but unread, it should get me to Xmas and then if I have some cash to spend I can order a few more.

    I'll have a look at the library too, but I do like to read good books at least twice so buying is preferred.
    "I'll probably be in the bins at Newport Pagnell services."  fretmeister
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • SteveRobinsonSteveRobinson Frets: 7340
    tFB Trader
    I don't read much sci-fi but recently I quite enjoyed William Gibson's "Pattern Recognition", Asimov's "Rendezvous with Rama" and I'm currently reading "The Tourist" (time travel paradox thing) by Robert Dickinson bought on the back of a Guardian review.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Forget Sci Fi, do something interesting like motorcross racing or go karting. 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Hey Andy - sorry to hear about your troubles bruv. Rough times. Cherish the time you spend with your little girl and try not to be bitter about her mum. I really feel for you mate.

    Do you have a wall in your home that your little girl could decorate? Perhaps a small room/bathroom - cover a walk in slate and have coloured chalks or plain white paper that can be drawn or painted on...... your little girl will love it and it can be built up every time she visits.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Paul_CPaul_C Frets: 8085

    So far I've acquired:

    Proxima - Steven Baxter
    The Demolished Man - Alfred Bester
    Gateway - Frederick Pohl
    Who? - Algis Budrys
    Sarah Canary - Karen Joy Fowler
    Schismatrix Plus - Bruce Sterling
    Jack Glass - Adam Roberts
    Accelerando - Charles Stross
    Cat's Cradle and The Sirens of Titan - Kurt Vonnegut
    Downbelow Station - CJ Cherryh

    plus a free download of a novella, Bloodchild by Octavia E Butler

    I also found an unfinished book on my Kindle that I'm currently reaching the end of: Wool by Hugh Howey

    So I've now got 19 to work through, which should keep me amused for a while.
    "I'll probably be in the bins at Newport Pagnell services."  fretmeister
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Paul_CPaul_C Frets: 8085

    I'm up to 34 Sci Fi books waiting to be read, despite having read quite a few already.


    Proxima - Steven Baxter
    The Demolished Man - Alfred Bester
    Gateway - Frederick Pohl
    Sarah Canary - Karen Joy Fowler
    Schismatrix Plus - Bruce Sterling
    Accelerando - Charles Stross
    The Sirens of Titan - Kurt Vonnegut
    Downbelow Station - CJ Cherryh
    Ready Player One - Ernest Cline
    The Girl With All The Gifts - M R Carey
    Echopraxia - Peter Watts
    China Mountain Zhang - Maureen F. McHugh
    By Light Alone - Adam Roberts (I'm really enjoying Jack Glass)
    Doomsday Book - Connie Willis
    The First Fifteen Lives Of Harry August - Claire North
    The Doubt Factory / The Water Knife - Paolo Bacigalupi

    On Kindle:

    Ancillary Mercy - Ann Leckie
    Spin - Robert Charles Wilson
    Big Planet / The Dying Earth - Jack Vance
    City - Clifford D Simak
    Best Of - C L Moore
    Qubit - Finn Mack
    We - Yevgeny Zamyatin
    Stranger In A Strange Land - Robert Heinlein
    Star Maker / Last And First Men - William Olaf Stapledon
    Master of Life - Robert Silverberg
    Daddy's World / Voice of the Whirlwind - Walter John Williams
    Anvil of Stars - Greg Bear
    The Three-Body Problem - Cixin Liu
    Dark Eden - Chris Beckett

    Which will fill a fair bit of 2017 :)
    "I'll probably be in the bins at Newport Pagnell services."  fretmeister
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Paul_CPaul_C Frets: 8085

    Update: My Sci-Fi "waiting to be read" list now stands at 135 - it's like the Yamaha bass collecting madness but in paperback and kindle form ;)

    Fortunately they're mostly £3 or less, but it's still got a little out of hand ;)

    "I'll probably be in the bins at Newport Pagnell services."  fretmeister
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • 57Deluxe57Deluxe Frets: 7401
    whoops - I think I have mis-clicked...
    <Vintage BOSS Upgrades>
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
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