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2/3 delay suggestions

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samzadgansamzadgan Frets: 1471
edited January 2017 in FX
for about the last 3-4 years, my delay has been the EQD Disasters transporter snr. I love it and it does everything I would want.

but...I'm bored...and want a change...

now im thinking about replacing it...but would probably have to have 2 or 3 delay pedals to replace it, or a simple multi-delay pedal.

The issues with the multi delays is that either they are over complicated, or you can't stack delays. Also the majority have a redundant tap switch which I have no use for. So, for these reasons I'm not keen on multi's unless there is one that I'm not aware of which avoids these issues.

so which 2 or 3 pedals would you suggest? Something analog...something with some modulation...something digital with weird stuff...?
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  • hubobuloushubobulous Frets: 2372
    A start for me would be the Ana Echo if you're thinking of stacking. Leave the modulation etc to another device and use the Ana as a simple, non tap addition
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  • hubobuloushubobulous Frets: 2372
    The Line6 Echo Park is also very versatile, easy to use and not mad expensive. Second hand, this would add a lot of options with the Ana
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  • For something a little different try the Caroline Kilobyte. Absolutely love it. 
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  • TeetonetalTeetonetal Frets: 7868
    A start for me would be the Ana Echo if you're thinking of stacking. Leave the modulation etc to another device and use the Ana as a simple, non tap addition
    +1 on the Ana.
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  • FuengiFuengi Frets: 2850
    If you can get hold of a TC Alter Ego v1 it's got so many great delays and perfect for stacking after an analog delay.

    The Reverse setting is just stunning, has an amazing 2290 copy and does an excellent Memory Man impersonation, with or without modulation. Also the Echorec setting is sweet.
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  • GassageGassage Frets: 31584
    Really depends on budget.

    here's a few I like

    The new Boonar is an amazing tape echo pedal.
    T Rex Replia is always a fave
    Carl Martin Delayla is never mentioned here but is utter jaw dropping and cheap as, 2nd hand.
    A humble DD2 still slays giants around it.
    Chrono does everything in one box
    Flight Time is the 2290 of pedal boards.

    *An Official Foo-Approved guitarist since Sept 2023.

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  • simonksimonk Frets: 1467
    My current favourites:
    Boss DM-2w
    MXR Echoplex
    Young ADM600
    Diamond Memory Lane Jr
    Digitech Altered Ego 
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  • samzadgansamzadgan Frets: 1471
    @Gassage budget is about 200 per pedal.

    in the past I've thought about getting 2 or 3 catalinbread delays...

    the other criteria is Trails...I need trails...

    what are peoples thoughts on the TC Triple delay? Functionally it seems like a bit of winner, but TC pedals have never appealed to me...and the demos are so uninspiring.
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  • JohnPerryJohnPerry Frets: 1641
    I sold my DT Sr to buy a TC Triple and prefer it in every possible way. Fantastic ambient pedal with huge tone options thanks to the series and parallel stacking and all the toneprints. Don't miss the EQD at all

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  • samzadgansamzadgan Frets: 1471
    JohnPerry said:
    I sold my DT Sr to buy a TC Triple and prefer it in every possible way. Fantastic ambient pedal with huge tone options thanks to the series and parallel stacking and all the toneprints. Don't miss the EQD at all're the perfect case study!

    let me ask you this...the EQD definitely adds a certain character to the tone and sound of the you get anything like that from the TC? 
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  • EricTheWearyEricTheWeary Frets: 16656
    The Boss DD500 you can stack two delays and, I also believe, you can change the function of the tap button to be a preset. So that's three switches/ pre sets before you go into the menus, MIDI,etc. It probably is over complicated but looks like you can keep it to a simple set up.

    For something a little different try the Caroline Kilobyte. Absolutely love it. 
    That's an interesting pedal, lol fi delay with a momentary oscillation foot switch, IIRC.

    Stay with EQD and get an Avalanche Run? Has a tap switch but you can hold it to get self oscillation and it has some of the most versatile uses for an expression pedal so it's one of the best for making interesting noises without being a multi or having to go into sub menus, etc. 

    Seymour Duncan Vapor Trail -  analogue with adjustable modulation and has that wet insert for those experimental days. 

    Wait and have a look at the Mooer Ocean Machine? Big bugger but you can definitely stack delays. Gets proper launch at NAMM in a couple of weeks. Complex but looks more WYSIWYG than say the Boss.
    Tipton is a small fishing village in the borough of Sandwell. 
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  • JohnPerryJohnPerry Frets: 1641
    samzadgan said:
    JohnPerry said:
    I sold my DT Sr to buy a TC Triple and prefer it in every possible way. Fantastic ambient pedal with huge tone options thanks to the series and parallel stacking and all the toneprints. Don't miss the EQD at all're the perfect case study!

    let me ask you this...the EQD definitely adds a certain character to the tone and sound of the you get anything like that from the TC? 
    Absolutely, depending on the preset. You can have a transparent digital delay or something dark like the DT. And you can have both at once and another on top. The possibilities are enormous. Have a look at the manual online, it'll give you a feel for it.

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  • Don't sell the Sr. Please.  Such a great pedal. 
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  • GassageGassage Frets: 31584
    samzadgan said:
    @Gassage budget is about 200 per pedal.

    in the past I've thought about getting 2 or 3 catalinbread delays...

    the other criteria is Trails...I need trails...

    what are peoples thoughts on the TC Triple delay? Functionally it seems like a bit of winner, but TC pedals have never appealed to me...and the demos are so uninspiring.

    Try a Chrono. Honestly, it's like a desert island delay cos it covers so much ground. Just play around with echo harness settings. Swiss Army Knife delay

    *An Official Foo-Approved guitarist since Sept 2023.

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  • ruomaruoma Frets: 67
    I'm currently quite happy with mxr echoplex for washy high feedback layer into a minifoofer delay for analogue stuff into a TC alter ego as main tap tempo' tape delay. Those three together give wonderful ambient results! Very very curious about a hungry robot the wash though.. But if going for multiple pedals I would definitely get different flavours: an analogue, a tape and or a digital. 
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  • Sam, try The Fairfield Circuitry Meet Maude as one of them - I know you love your weird, and it sounds stunning. No doubt in my mind that you'd love it. Ideal circumstances too; it's not really a pedal that'll suffice as your only delay, but my god it sounds beautiful - I'd still happily have another, it's second only to my Moog for sound. 
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  • juansolojuansolo Frets: 1778
    edited January 2017
    We've done a delay that's got zero PT noise, around 600ms, and the repeats can have an analogue flavour. Very small. 4 controls: delay time, feedback, mix and tone. First three do what you'd expect, tone actually adjusts the filter to give more or less filtering on the repeats. No tap on it though as running two delay ICs (to eliminate PT noise) won't allow it.

    The only downsides for you is no trails and no modulation as there's simply no room (we made this as compact as possible there is really no space in there). On the upside, it'd be half your budget for a pedal so you could have two in one box for £200.
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  • Placidcasual79Placidcasual79 Frets: 1042
    edited January 2017
    What about EQD Avalanche Run - I don't own the pedal but played with one the other day at a mates. That does some incredible stuff - unlikely to get bored of that I'd have thought.
    Or the BOSS RE20 looks cool......
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  • AxeWieldingBastardAxeWieldingBastard Frets: 157
    edited January 2017
    Kleissonic Echolapse might be worth a look. 

    The Line 6 Echo Park or even an M5 would make a great complimentary delay for not much money. 

    When I sold my DTSR I replaced with a Skreddy Echo and an Echo park. I thought I'd miss the parallel delays, but I didn'the.  I probably missed the reverb from channel one the most.
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  • If you like stacking delays, I prefer having a more simple one than weird, washy, complex ones. Stacking too many darker, washy things makes a big mush. Of course, that may be your thing. 

    I stack a dd2 and a juansolo one which is very much tape voiced. I also have ghosts one - so I get a second repeat after each repeat on the juansolo that's sort of reversed. These go into a polara reverb. The juansolo is usually modulated too, but the louder I play the less modulation I use. 

    The dd2 stacks way better than the line 6 did in all the analogue modes, so I'd set that in a digital emulation mode for clean repeats. 

    So try a dd2 or a dd3. You may find a dsd2 or dsd3 cheaper.  :) 
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