Unamplified Acoustic Tent gig – Gigs now done!

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thecolourboxthecolourbox Frets: 10361
edited July 2017 in Live

Hi all, I’ve been asked to play at a local “Picnic in the park” event on 2nd July, however it is in a small acoustic tent which is unamplified, so essentially a sort of busking type set up. I’m not really an acoustic player generally speaking though I am reasonable at it, was always more natural than electric playing to me but ultimately more dull also. But I’m happy to be asked and will be a nice thing to do – the chap who is organizing this tent unfortunately lost his daughter to a speeding motorist (they mounted the kerb at 50mph and hit her at the bus stop, really sad story) and this is something he wants to run in her memory as she was a fan of live music. So obviously very keen to do a good job for my little stint.


I was wondering if you chaps had any good tips for this type of scenario specifically – I’ve done a few small solo gigs in the last year where it’s just me and electric guitar/amp so I’m happy with the format, but the lack of electricity and therefore amplification does concern me a bit! A few questions specifically I have are:


Presumably I’ll be best to stand rather than sit in order to project sound better?

I have a quiet voice (talking and singing) so will be working on my projection in general, but any tips for this would be great - So far I’ve got “Deep breaths and stand with your feet shoulder width apart”. I assume I’ll be better singing slightly toward the higher end of my range than the lower for volume purposes too?

In terms of guitar, I don’t really like strumming all that much, sounds a bit camp fire scout camp. But will finger picking carry enough volume?

What do you reckon to using a cajon with a drum pedal to stamp out a beat with my feet?

I’m fairly happy with my potential repertoire of covers, but should I avoid doing the odd original song?


All hints and tips would be much appreciated


Thank you




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  • bluechargeboybluechargeboy Frets: 1909
    Well personally, someone doing original songs with some rhythmic accompaniment (even foot stamping) is infinitely better than covers without rhythm.

    I don't know nuffink about singing but in my experience it is very hard to be heard playing an un-amplified acoustic guitar over a crowd of talking people, so they would need to be quiet! You could take a little amp anyway just to crank the sound up a bit, just have it a bit louder than the un-amplified guitar, and it doesn't really matter what amp it is.

    It's for charity so just play the songs and don't worry too much. Everyone else playing in that tent will have the same conditions.

    Good luck and have fun. :)

    I'm just a Maserati in a world of Kias.
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  • thecolourboxthecolourbox Frets: 10361
    Well personally, someone doing original songs with some rhythmic accompaniment (even foot stamping) is infinitely better than covers without rhythm.

    I don't know nuffink about singing but in my experience it is very hard to be heard playing an un-amplified acoustic guitar over a crowd of talking people, so they would need to be quiet! You could take a little amp anyway just to crank the sound up a bit, just have it a bit louder than the un-amplified guitar, and it doesn't really matter what amp it is.

    It's for charity so just play the songs and don't worry too much. Everyone else playing in that tent will have the same conditions.

    Good luck and have fun. :)

    Thanks, the cajon kicking I'm thinking might help a bit with interest so good to hear that would not be an awful idea - I'm thinking it works for people like the Lumineers and Seasick Steve (and a band I used to listen to called Tilly and the Wall who tap danced their rhythm section!).

    Yes I think the people there will be largely quiet when listening, I don't imagine it'll be very big - there's a proper stage elsewhere with electricity and proper music so that'll be more the rowdier bit. I'm thinking deckchairs or similar...

    I can't take an amp as there's no electricity! 

    I'm thinking of doing one song with only rhythm accompaniment...but I'll need to get my guts ready for that particular one haha Something like Nina Simone's Be My Husband, or Moby's Natural Blues in the same style
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  • Winny_PoohWinny_Pooh Frets: 8061
    In my experience, unless the tent is a 6 person teepee type thing you will absolutely not be heard.
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  • LegionreturnsLegionreturns Frets: 7965
    You could try a little cube amp, runs on batteries and surprisingly loud for the size, especially if you can hang it from the roof of the tent or a high pole. Don't know where you are or where the gig is but I've got one that I'd be happy for you to try. 

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  • EricTheWearyEricTheWeary Frets: 16657
    I've seen people in similar circumstances and I'm pretty sure there's always been some amplification. I'd also agree with @Blueingreen that some form of accompaniment would be a big help ( probably not the same Cajon beat on everything - do you have a mate who can keep time?).
    Failing those I suspect you've got to take a busking approach and belt it out a bit, or at least have some strummy songs up your sleeve if the fingerpicking isn't cutting it. The acoustic guitar is quite a poor instrument in some ways for unplugged playing - you need an accordion! 
    Tipton is a small fishing village in the borough of Sandwell. 
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  • thecolourboxthecolourbox Frets: 10361
    edited June 2017
    Thanks all, keep em coming. I've aksed the question whether they'll allow a small amp to boost the vocals a bit. @legionreturns that's very kind of you indeed but the event is in a park near Birmingham, Bearwood Warley Woods to be precise. I will see if I can get something though maybe, we have some sort of Ion PA speaker on wheels thing at the quiz I attend which supposedly works without being plugged in if you charge it, but not convinced!

    I've just asked the man and the "tent" is one of these although he's not said what size:

    I was envisioning like an enclosed tent like what you'd have on scout camps etc as that would be much easier! I'd call that a gazebo rather than a tent. Hmm...

    In terms of variety, the covers i'd probably do would be chosen from this list:
    Blowing in the wind – with harmonica
    Champagne supernova or The Seeker (not both) – just guitar
    Natural Blues (Moby) – voice + percussion
    Someone like you (Adele, ish) – with cajon on chorus, just on the beat
    You are the Sunshine of my life (stevie wonder) – just guitar
    Another Travelling Song (Bright Eyes) – with cajon on the beat throughout
    Give me Something Good (Ryan Adams) – just guitar

    I don't have any friends so definitely no friends with rhythm to take over cajon duties, unless somebody on the day fancies it. My dad is quite domineering so I'd rather not ask him or he'll make me change everything until it's his gig, in fact I'd like to do a Simon & Garfunkel song but I daren't as he'd want to join in lol

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  • RocknRollDaveRocknRollDave Frets: 6931
    You'll be lucky to be heard over the sound of traffic around Warley Woods, IMO. When is the gig, I live 2 minutes away!

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  • thecolourboxthecolourbox Frets: 10361
    You'll be lucky to be heard over the sound of traffic around Warley Woods, IMO. When is the gig, I live 2 minutes away!
    Well I'm hoping it's fairly far from Abbey Road side of things, thinking the trees will cover the noise from Barclay Rd and Lightwoods Rd sides. On the plus side, if it is a bit near Abbey Road, I can at least legitimately say I've performed at Abbey Road :)

    It's Sunday 2nd of July, the chap is running it as a fairly free and easy type thing so no set times as yet but we shall see, I'd like to know roughly what time and how long I need to be on for...think he's got about 6 acts so far but usually those numbers fall don't they.
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  • bluechargeboybluechargeboy Frets: 1909
    I think "Blowing in the Wind" is a good choice of song for that tent.
    I'm just a Maserati in a world of Kias.
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  • thecolourboxthecolourbox Frets: 10361
    I think "Blowing in the Wind" is a good choice of song for that tent.
    Lol yes, that was quite intentional :) the Sunshine of my Life song is a rather optimistic one on the other hand
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  • ESBlondeESBlonde Frets: 3646
    If there is another stage with proper amplified music adding to the background and traffic and birdsong and trees rustling in the breeze you are likely gonna have to strum and belt it out. A quite appreciative audience will sit/stand and listen but a couple of drunks outside talking loudly will be a distraction.
    I say go for it anyway, it could well be fun but accept that it's far from ideal.
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  • LegionreturnsLegionreturns Frets: 7965
    edited June 2017
    Just a thought, but Mr Tambourine Man is generally higher and therefore louder for most people compared to blowing in the wind

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  • ESBlondeESBlonde Frets: 3646
    Suggestions for strum along happy singy songs.
    Lindisfarne - Hey Mr Dream seller
    Steelers wheel - Stuck in the middle

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  • thecolourboxthecolourbox Frets: 10361
    Cheers guys for the song recommendations but as I have a fairly short time to re-learn acoustic guitar (!!) I'm afraid I can't really learn any new songs, I don't know those three songs more than the title line (never heard of the Lindisfarne one in fact) so gotta stick to what I know and make the best of them :) It's more practical tips I'm desperate for
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  • slackerslacker Frets: 2302
     It's more practical tips I'm desperate for
    Dont do the gig. You are out of your comfort zone with little time to get ready. There's no amplification and therefore if the location/noise means you are not heard, you have not way to do so. I get you are trying to help someone and that's ok but there's a point where it's too far and I think this is it. 

    I would explain this to the organizer and give him the decision to make...

    1 Cancel with no hard feelings
    2 Get some for of amplification/electricity for the 'tent'
    3 Get a short slot on the proper stage

    A mate of mine did a similar event years ago. He was solo and the stage was so far away from the main action that he was halfway through his set when we found him. He said that was the first time he outnumbered the audience on his own. 

    Never assume competence on the behalf of an organizer and always negotiate gently. 
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  • RocknRollDaveRocknRollDave Frets: 6931
    I don't know your level of experience with singing live, so please forgive me if (as a relative newcomer to fronting a band myself) I am telling my grandmother how to suck eggs, but singing is generally surprisingly LOUD compared to what you would expect, when one is belting out a vocal rather than singing along in the shower or half-heartedly as you wonder around the house.
    Put it another way, I live in a terraced house and I wouldn't be able to practice singing at my normal gigging levels (and by that  I mean the volume I naturally sing at under those circumstances, not including the fact that at a gig it is amplified through a PA) as it really is quite loud and neighbours would complain.

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  • thecolourboxthecolourbox Frets: 10361
    slacker said:
     It's more practical tips I'm desperate for
    Dont do the gig. You are out of your comfort zone with little time to get ready. There's no amplification and therefore if the location/noise means you are not heard, you have not way to do so. I get you are trying to help someone and that's ok but there's a point where it's too far and I think this is it. 

    I would explain this to the organizer and give him the decision to make...

    1 Cancel with no hard feelings
    2 Get some for of amplification/electricity for the 'tent'
    3 Get a short slot on the proper stage

    A mate of mine did a similar event years ago. He was solo and the stage was so far away from the main action that he was halfway through his set when we found him. He said that was the first time he outnumbered the audience on his own. 

    Never assume competence on the behalf of an organizer and always negotiate gently. 
    thanks dude, you're probably quite right though I definitely can't drop out now as I'd be letting them down. I think looking to borrow some battery amplification will be the way to go. I've seen plenty of crap buskers in town here who seem overly loud so thinking something like what they use will be adequate.

    I've looked at the Roland Street Cube and that appears to be 2x2.5watts output...that can't be the right one surely?
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  • RockerRocker Frets: 5105
    A car battery plus an inverter [try Maplin] ought to be enough to power a low powered guitar amp.  Or better still an acoustic amp, which can also be used for a microphone [effectively a PA system in a box].
    Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. [Albert Einstein]

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  • LegionreturnsLegionreturns Frets: 7965
    edited June 2017
    slacker said:
     It's more practical tips I'm desperate for
    Dont do the gig. You are out of your comfort zone with little time to get ready. There's no amplification and therefore if the location/noise means you are not heard, you have not way to do so. I get you are trying to help someone and that's ok but there's a point where it's too far and I think this is it. 

    I would explain this to the organizer and give him the decision to make...

    1 Cancel with no hard feelings
    2 Get some for of amplification/electricity for the 'tent'
    3 Get a short slot on the proper stage

    A mate of mine did a similar event years ago. He was solo and the stage was so far away from the main action that he was halfway through his set when we found him. He said that was the first time he outnumbered the audience on his own. 

    Never assume competence on the behalf of an organizer and always negotiate gently. 
    thanks dude, you're probably quite right though I definitely can't drop out now as I'd be letting them down. I think looking to borrow some battery amplification will be the way to go. I've seen plenty of crap buskers in town here who seem overly loud so thinking something like what they use will be adequate.

    I've looked at the Roland Street Cube and that appears to be 2x2.5watts output...that can't be the right one surely?
    I have the micro cube gx which is 10, and let's you throw in some delay or 'verb plus a modulation effect. Like I said, it's plenty loud. It also has an acoustic setting although I think this is a sim rather than a pre amp. I've played my acoustic through it and it sounds fine. Alternatively it has a mic channel and you could put the vocals through it instead and keep the guitar natural. Runs on aa batteries. 4 or 6, can't remember but they last about 4 hours per fully charged set. I use it for noodling in the park on sunny days with jam mates

    Why don't you pop into your lgs and try what they've got as loud as you can go? 

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  • thecolourboxthecolourbox Frets: 10361
    I don't know your level of experience with singing live, so please forgive me if (as a relative newcomer to fronting a band myself) I am telling my grandmother how to suck eggs, but singing is generally surprisingly LOUD compared to what you would expect, when one is belting out a vocal rather than singing along in the shower or half-heartedly as you wonder around the house.
    Put it another way, I live in a terraced house and I wouldn't be able to practice singing at my normal gigging levels (and by that  I mean the volume I naturally sing at under those circumstances, not including the fact that at a gig it is amplified through a PA) as it really is quite loud and neighbours would complain.
    I know what you mean but a house has 4 surrounding walls to bounce off, my voice for both talking and singing is a bit nasal and soft and typically does not carry brilliantly. Also I think (though may be wrong) that the music you play and sing is generally louder and more rock-ier than me, my singing is a bit middle of the road and mellow so my "singing at home" volume isn't actually all that different to singing live.

    Here's the kind of thing, which shows that the switch to acoustic wouldn't be that much of a stretch as it's essentially similar playing just on an electric

    I'm scared and I'm waiting for life
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