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  • vasselmeyervasselmeyer Frets: 3682
    edited September 2017
    If you want natural feedback, the amp volume and the gain you're using have to be enough so that the pickups in the guitar are  "hearing" the sound from the  amp speakers and creating a loop. I suspect that the  second clip has that  amp up LOUD as a Klon doesn't usually have the mega-gain to get feedback at lower volumes.

    If the FreqOut is too expensive look at a second-hand BOSS FB-2 or an EHX Freeze. They might do it. Another trick is to put your guitar's headstock against the  amp when you hold the note.  You can often get that feedback loop through sympathetic vibration.
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  • zepp76 said:

    The other clip that interests me is this:

    In in the notes he says he used a Klon Centaur for the sustained notes, now, I don't have a Klon Centaur to hand but I do have a EHX Soul food that I've never used, would that do as a poor mans substitute? I'll also look into treble boosters but don't really want to spend much just to nail one song.
    It's literally the same circuit, so should work fine! 
    The Assumptions - UAE party band for all your rock & soul desires
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  • clarkefan said:
    @vasselmeyer really? GM used a sustainer on that?  Cool I never heard that :) If Gary bloody Moore needed help then god help the rest of us! :)

    I was a bit obsessed with GM's version of the track and when listening on headphones to it, there was a distinct tonal shift when coming out of the melodic sections into the sustained note. I emailed the webmaster on his site (1995 so no Facebook or Twitter) asking how he recorded it and was quite surprised when they responded it was overdubbed with a sustainer. I would have thought that a guitarist with a touch as assured as GM would have been able to cover that track without an overdub.
    Very cool, thank you :)  I'll dig out the album again, he plays brilliantly on it, there's another track on it, near the end, a lesser known Green track, with an absolutely huge guitar sound, can never get it as big as that...
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  • I love that blues for greeny record.

    Gm really manages to express himself sp soulfully without any pyrotechnics  (even though you know he could blaze it up any second)
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  • SimpleSimonSimpleSimon Frets: 1025
    edited September 2017
    Check out those vids of Phil Harris playing the Greenie LP through the Lazy J20 (whilst he was briefly custodian) Phil demonstraes how to manipulate the Guitar to get the base Greenie sounds including feedback. I suspect he was engaging the Cruiser overdrive pedal to achieve this but he shows how simple the phrases are and that its all in the technique. Hes obviously a massive fan himself and has spent many years honing his own skill of the LP as an instrument.

    edit: heres the link


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