Supro et al style sound and finish, any alternatives?

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thecolourboxthecolourbox Frets: 10359
Hi all

Just wondering if anybody knew of any amps other than the Supro reissues (which are very spendy!) that did the similar kind of junk shop type amp sounds especially if they have the looks to go with it as well? Bonus marks for reverb or loop, master volume.

Or the ultimate cheapskate idea I did have as a new year project was to get or make/modify a cab to look a bit like them and use either the JHS Twin Twelve pedal I already have or one of the Supro based ones into a solid state power amp somehow mounted to the cab to get something unusual and quirky, but would be obviously much better if there was a similar amp.

Or some kind of amp rehouse project?

All a bit whimsical but am having ideas which I do like to feed
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  • KalimnaKalimna Frets: 1590
    Honeyboy Amps?

    Dont know quite what they sound like, but the visuals might be the vibe you're after. British made too.

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  • KKJaleKKJale Frets: 993
    Vintage 47 are in the States, but they do 240v versions. Maybe somewhat spendier than ideal, but they might provide some inspiration.
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  • 57Deluxe57Deluxe Frets: 7401
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  • Thanks fellas these are all gorgeous but definitely above the spendy limit for me I'm afraid. I've only a 68 reissue Princeton to offload to pay for this so was hoping there was a ball park kind of thing in the lower spendiness reaches :)
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  • FatPeteFatPete Frets: 683
    You need a Wilkinson

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  • Nice, a very quick Google didn't bring much except Wilkinson pickups though, where would I find them?
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  • Rehouse the fender in something quirky and put an ibanez lo fi pedal or a boss Xtortion in front. 

    Boom, instant lo fi, cool looking amp without spending horrible amounts of money. Plus, it's already a brilliant, well made amp that can do more than a junky lo fi tone. 
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  • How about an evil robot amp, not a retro look but tonally you might like it....
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  • I'm not realistically up to anything like that to be honest, I know I suggested a crappy compromise type idea above but really that would never get done. The Princeton I'm sure is good for something but it doesn't strike me as a good amp as a base for this sort of thing, it does clean but not quiet enough to use at home as well as playing out anywhere, and the drive is not a nice sound at all and has to be at way too high a volume anyway.

    It also does not like my Jhs Silvertone twin twelve pedal much, it's OK with the MXR dist+ but still not doing it for me
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  • Just buy a Supro then dude (I dont think they sound garagy either just like a warmer princeton/deluxe) ... some of your gear threads do give the impression that you think way too much about this stuff at the expense of practicality and creativity. Just play what works for you, not what works for Jack White, even he changes up gear all the time and you won't see him with a Jimmy Page rig either.

    I had a similar thing trying to cop Eric Johnson's thing for years but I really don't get on with strats... now I play a hollowbody or Gretsch into a voxy amp with lots of pedals = way happier.
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  • The Evil Robot does sound good (though not going to win any awards for looks but that's OK) and that's a new one on me. 

    You're probably right about the other bit but I've no way to play at the moment as I've no amp usable at the volume i can cope with in a small room and I've a useless couple of preamps in a crap little set up and no room to set anything else up until i can dump them off so I'm planning whimsical 2018 exploits instead I think, using that as distraction. I'll be quiet :)
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  • Pignose? 

    Sorry,  I didn’t mean to be personal...oh, yeh, there are variations of them and all relatively cheap.

    I wonder what the Lone Wolf Harp Train 10 is like with guitar, £300 Chinese valve combo with retro looks. Can’t find anything on line where anyone uses it for anything other than harmonica but it is supposed to have that fifties small combo vibe. 
    Tipton is a small fishing village in the borough of Sandwell. 
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  • Lol thanks Phil, pignose not for me I'm afraid but will have a look at the other one, cheers
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  • You could probably do worse than a peavey wiggy. It's basically a bandit in a funky head format, capable of sounding pretty good but you can easily dial in a trashy sound. 
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  • 57Deluxe57Deluxe Frets: 7401

    Sorry,  I didn’t mean to be personal...oh, yeh, there are variations of them and all relatively cheap.

    I wonder what the Lone Wolf Harp Train 10 is like with guitar, £300 Chinese valve combo with retro looks. Can’t find anything on line where anyone uses it for anything other than harmonica but it is supposed to have that fifties small combo vibe. 
    @thecolourbox Don't turn your nose up at a PIGNOSE! They are basically the Marshall JTM Mk1 as have the Bsssman circuit but with a Master Vol.

    Can get some great roaring tones from mine and are rated at 40W from 2x6L6 3x12AX7. Out into a 4x12 and is a massive sound.

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  • thecolourboxthecolourbox Frets: 10359
    edited December 2017
    57Deluxe said:

    Sorry,  I didn’t mean to be personal...oh, yeh, there are variations of them and all relatively cheap.

    I wonder what the Lone Wolf Harp Train 10 is like with guitar, £300 Chinese valve combo with retro looks. Can’t find anything on line where anyone uses it for anything other than harmonica but it is supposed to have that fifties small combo vibe. 
    @thecolourbox Don't turn your nose up at a PIGNOSE! They are basically the Marshall JTM Mk1 as have the Bsssman circuit but with a Master Vol.

    Can get some great roaring tones from mine and are rated at 40W from 2x6L6 3x12AX7. Out into a 4x12 and is a massive sound.

    I thought pig nose were the little battery amps to be honest, what model is that @57Deluxe ?

    Edit, sorry Google searched it and found it, the G40v? Not a looker by any stretch but could be an interesting project...
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  • 57Deluxe57Deluxe Frets: 7401
    edited December 2017
    for a short while there was also the ultra rare G60V

    I have followed the Premier Guitar Ask Amp Man upgrade on my G40V..

    The amp is ultra portable for a loud tube amp and makes an excellent backup -  or even better - part of a stereo setup with a Tweed Deluxe!

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  • 57Deluxe57Deluxe Frets: 7401
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