If going down the AX8 route....

What's Hot


  • I had A5X before the Genelec’s, switched last year as I thought they sounded better, to my ears.

    ive no idea which they are, sorry. They’re the bew ones without the volume control on the front.
    Read my guitar/gear blog at medium.com/redchairriffs

    View my feedback at www.thefretboard.co.uk/discussion/comment/1201922
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  • CabicularCabicular Frets: 2214
    I have the genelec 8020s and the A7x in my studio (by a bizarre co-incedence 
    The genelecs are great but if you Stretch to th Adams do it
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  • Ah that's interesting. Maybe ear fatigue affected my judgement then. That was my main reason for replacing the Adams, I don't get ear fatigue at all with the Genelecs.
    Read my guitar/gear blog at medium.com/redchairriffs

    View my feedback at www.thefretboard.co.uk/discussion/comment/1201922
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  • Thanks for the input, plenty to mull over now
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  • FRFR is Full Range Frequency Response. Speakers that give you the full range of frequencies that IRs (or any other audio source) offer. Yamaha DXR10 is what I use, but there are loads of other speakers that you could use.
    Full Range Flat Response. A speaker could be full range but not flat response if it can reproduce everything from 10hz-24khz but has an obvious peak at one or more frequencies. Theoretically, the idea is that a flat response is most desirable because then it's reproducing exactly what you put into it. In practise, I suspect most gigging guitarists end up plugging into PA systems that are pretty far from flat, regardless of what nice monitors we've bought for ourselves.

    With regard to OP, if you have space it might be nice to try both, at least initially. If you get a power amp and an unpowered FRFR cab, you can compare the results with a regular guitar cab and see what you like. I've just bought a Matrix GT800FX power amp and FR10p cab, and I'm keeping my Zilla Fatboy 2x12 for the time being. Live I expect I'll mostly use the FR10p, but I'll see if the Zilla gets enough use to warrant keeping. 
    My YouTube channel, Half Speed Solos: classic guitar solos demonstrated at half speed with scrolling tab and no waffle.
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  • Apologies, didn’t mean to misguide anyone.
    Read my guitar/gear blog at medium.com/redchairriffs

    View my feedback at www.thefretboard.co.uk/discussion/comment/1201922
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  • FRFR is Full Range Frequency Response. Speakers that give you the full range of frequencies that IRs (or any other audio source) offer. Yamaha DXR10 is what I use, but there are loads of other speakers that you could use.
    Full Range Flat Response. A speaker could be full range but not flat response if it can reproduce everything from 10hz-24khz but has an obvious peak at one or more frequencies. Theoretically, the idea is that a flat response is most desirable because then it's reproducing exactly what you put into it. In practise, I suspect most gigging guitarists end up plugging into PA systems that are pretty far from flat, regardless of what nice monitors we've bought for ourselves.

    With regard to OP, if you have space it might be nice to try both, at least initially. If you get a power amp and an unpowered FRFR cab, you can compare the results with a regular guitar cab and see what you like. I've just bought a Matrix GT800FX power amp and FR10p cab, and I'm keeping my Zilla Fatboy 2x12 for the time being. Live I expect I'll mostly use the FR10p, but I'll see if the Zilla gets enough use to warrant keeping. 

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  • OnTheRopesOnTheRopes Frets: 44
    edited February 2018
    Sometimes this forum annoys, I accidentally clicked inside the blockquote and then it was impossible to get out of it to type anything even in HTML view.
    Anyway @jonnyscaramanga ;;; thanks for the input, this subject is just expanding both in terms of confusion and expense lol.
    I had to research why I might need a Matrix power amp and this short but to the point video helps the most.
    I think that I might have to grow organically into that though not sure I can buy a AXFX or AX8, monitors, power amp and FRFR cab all at once, at least not without some heavy domestic issues

    @Jonathanthomas83 No worries
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  • Sometimes this forum annoys, I accidentally clicked inside the blockquote and then it was impossible to get out of it to type anything even in HTML view.
    That's probable the single most annoying "feature" of this forum! ha
    Read my guitar/gear blog at medium.com/redchairriffs

    View my feedback at www.thefretboard.co.uk/discussion/comment/1201922
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  • The great thing is you can grow into it with no rush. I don't know if I need the Matrix gear or not, but I got it used, so I won't lose money if I need to move it on. I already had a guitar cab to try it with. And if you want to hear it through a PA speaker you can easily rent an hour or two in a local rehearsal room where they've probably got speakers quite similar to what you might buy yourself (my nearest has Yamaha DBR12s, for example).
    My YouTube channel, Half Speed Solos: classic guitar solos demonstrated at half speed with scrolling tab and no waffle.
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  • noisepolluternoisepolluter Frets: 890
    edited February 2018
    I’m selling a pair of Yamaha MSP3 20w powered monitors if that’s of any interest? Should work well for home playing.
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  • Have had the AX 8  for a couple of weeks now and with a baby in the house I've been setting it up over headphones which isn't much fun but lets me position stuff in the grid for live shows.

    First rehearsal through the EV ZLX12's we use for main PA (or FRFR as it seems to be called these days!!) was great. Just a few tweaks to the high and low cuts in the cab block and I got a great sound - much quicker than the Kemper I used to use

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  • this subject is just expanding both in terms of confusion and expense lol.
    I found the endless options overwhelming when I had the Helix. There's enough in the unit itself to figure out but when you factor in all the FRFR options and things like IRs....it just becomes mind boggling. I think some people enjoy that journey and discovering how to do things differently. I just kept going down rabbit holes of "does A sound better than B" until I lost the will.

    Oddly, I found the HD500 easier because you don't expect it to sound amazing so you just find a tone that vaguely works and and get on with it. :)
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  • peteripeteri Frets: 1286

    I found the AX8 significantly easier than the Helix.

    Partly because the AX8-Edit Software is really good, but also I found there were a number of 'hacks' to use to get the best out of the Helix which just aren't options in the AX8.

    Best purchase I ever made (after the AX8) was the Austin Buddy's Naked Amps pack.

    I was completely cynical about the idea, I can dial in presets thank you very much.

    But it's so useful, and gets amazing results with the built in IRs, so saves a chunk there

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  • RolandRoland Frets: 9083
    gearaddict said:

    ... I think some people enjoy that journey and discovering how to do things differently. ...
    That’s true. Using anything like a Helix or AxeFX opens up access to a lot of factors. If you use a traditional amp and pedals then you don’t have access to these, except by buying and selling loads of equipment.

    The way I look at it I’ve learned a great deal about how things affect sound, with no more cost than my original investment. That education is valuable.

    It’s also allowed me to gig with minimal equipment: Guitar, AxeFX, midi pedal, and powered 1x12 speaker. Previously I would have needed electric and acoustic guitars, two amps and cabinets, and a large pedal board, and a larger car, to get the same range of sounds. 
    Tree recycler, and guitarist with  https://www.undercoversband.com/.
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  • So for the Fractal hardware are there available user profiles that you can download or buy with somebodies presets all worked out?
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  • peteripeteri Frets: 1286
    Absolutely - Austin Buddy, plus a load of others Glenn Delane for example
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  • I find it best to make my own. Use the virtual knobs and controls the way you would in the real world. I find that most amps sound great without much alteration at all, genuinely, 12oclock on most EQ dials sound usable on many of my favourite amps. IRs are a different thing, but you’ve got a good few to choose from so it’s just a matter of reading Yek’s amp guide (a Fractal forum user who’s written a few guides and a wiki - google it) to see what cab goes best with which amp.
    Read my guitar/gear blog at medium.com/redchairriffs

    View my feedback at www.thefretboard.co.uk/discussion/comment/1201922
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  • Cheers

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