New Passport Question

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Tone71Tone71 Frets: 634
edited February 2018 in Off Topic
My passport needs renewing and I`ve got to get some photos done.

I normally have a beard from October - March and am cleanish shaven the rest of the year so if I have a pic tomorrow it will have a full beard yet when I travel in the Summer/Autumn I will be beardless.

I`m leaning towards having a shave for the sake of it, but......

Does it matter?
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  • RaymondLinRaymondLin Frets: 12059
    Bring a fake beard with you through immigration to wear it for that 30 seconds.

    problem solved.
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  • ICBMICBM Frets: 73100
    If your passport photo is clean-shaven but you're bearded, they'll assume you're an Islamist with a stolen passport.

    If your passport photo is bearded but you're clean-shaven, they'll assume you're an Islamist who's gone undercover.

    If you use your passport most when you're clean-shaven then it would probably make things a lot easier to be clean-shaven in the picture, even though I'm mostly joking...

    "Take these three items, some WD-40, a vise grip, and a roll of duct tape. Any man worth his salt can fix almost any problem with this stuff alone." - Walt Kowalski

    "Only two things are infinite - the universe, and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe." - Albert Einstein

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  • VimFuegoVimFuego Frets: 15896
    whatever you do, make sure you have plenty of candles about your person, and some switchy things and the odd alarm clock, then it'll all be good.

    I'm not locked in here with you, you are locked in here with me.

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  • FretwiredFretwired Frets: 24602
    Big beard .. what could go wrong .. 'off to fight with IS are you sir' ... 'only October to March as outside that period I'm getting the poppy crop in ..'

    Remember, it's easier to criticise than create!
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  • From

    Changes you don’t have to report

    You don’t have to tell HM Passport Office or get a new passport if you:

    • change your address or contact details
    • get a new job
    • change your appearance slightly - for example, dye your hair or grow a beard
    • change your marital status (divorce, marry or form a civil partnership) but keep your name
    • change your title, for example, doctor or professor
    • become a national of another country as well as the UK
    • emigrate

    Good luck, hope you're not allergic to latex!!

    I'm just a Maserati in a world of Kias.
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  • I have grown a beard since getting my current passport.  A fairly neat one, not Mr Twit stylee.

    No latex incidents to date, and that included a couple of visits to the good old US of A.
    Trading feedback | FS: Nothing just now
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  • Tone71 said:
    My passport needs renewing and I`ve got to get some photos done.

    I normally have a beard from October - March and am cleanish shaven the rest of the year so if I have a pic tomorrow it will have a full beard yet when I travel in the Summer/Autumn I will be beardless.

    I`m leaning towards having a shave for the sake of it, but......

    Does it matter?
    I'd probably advise having it trimmed short beard/ long stubble for the photo's so the pic looks like you either with a beard or without. A full beard to clean shaven or vice versa won't get your pics refused by the passport office unless you look "completely different" but it can raise eyebrows at immigration controls in other countries.

    I "may" have some experience in these matters.
    littlegreenman < My tunes here...
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  • danishbacondanishbacon Frets: 2714
    edited February 2018
    They look at your eyebrows/eyes. 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • ICBMICBM Frets: 73100
    They look at your eyebrows/eyes. 
    So if you're going to shave, it's probably best to leave the eyebrows alone...

    "Take these three items, some WD-40, a vise grip, and a roll of duct tape. Any man worth his salt can fix almost any problem with this stuff alone." - Walt Kowalski

    "Only two things are infinite - the universe, and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe." - Albert Einstein

    5reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • They look at your eyebrows/eyes. 
    And a lot of other things besides...
    littlegreenman < My tunes here...
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  • Tone71Tone71 Frets: 634
    Tone71 said:
    My passport needs renewing and I`ve got to get some photos done.

    I normally have a beard from October - March and am cleanish shaven the rest of the year so if I have a pic tomorrow it will have a full beard yet when I travel in the Summer/Autumn I will be beardless.

    I`m leaning towards having a shave for the sake of it, but......

    Does it matter?
    I'd probably advise having it trimmed short beard/ long stubble for the photo's so the pic looks like you either with a beard or without. A full beard to clean shaven or vice versa won't get your pics refused by the passport office unless you look "completely different" but it can raise eyebrows at immigration controls in other countries.

    I "may" have some experience in these matters.
    That is too intriguing........and the advice I will take  
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • SassafrasSassafras Frets: 30320
    They didn't even notice I'd had a sex-change.
    3reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • RockerRocker Frets: 5037
    It was on the RTE News recently that a *lot* of people from Northern Ireland have applied for and received Republic of Ireland passports.  A Unionist politician confirmed that he has counter signed a number of applications from people he knew to be staunch Unionists.  Brexit has a lot to answer for.  
    Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. [Albert Einstein]

    Nil Satis Nisi Optimum

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  • boogiemanboogieman Frets: 12524
    My passport photo has me clean shaven but I’ve had a goatee beard for a few years. 9 times out of 10 it doesn’t cause any problems, but occasionally going through the automated passport gates I get pushed over to see an actual person to check my passport. 
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  • In the seventies I was passing between Yugoslavia and Italy,my passport photo was of me with long hair and full beard at the time  I had close cropped hair and no beardt,three fricing hours in Italian passport control YMMV
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  • blueskunkblueskunk Frets: 2916
    I look well dodgy on my passport pic ;)
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • ICBMICBM Frets: 73100
    further said:
    In the seventies I was passing between Yugoslavia and Italy,my passport photo was of me with long hair and full beard at the time  I had close cropped hair and no beardt,three fricing hours in Italian passport control YMMV
    Were they waiting for it to grow again so they could see what you looked like?

    "Take these three items, some WD-40, a vise grip, and a roll of duct tape. Any man worth his salt can fix almost any problem with this stuff alone." - Walt Kowalski

    "Only two things are infinite - the universe, and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe." - Albert Einstein

    1reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • It felt like it
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