iPad practice options

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Si_Si_ Frets: 384
Hi All,

Looking to get a cheap but good (I know, these often don't go together) solution for practicing on my iPad when away with work.

I've got one of the iRig adapters I bought years ago but never used so I download the free version of AmpliTube but wow it sucks! Are there any better options? or is that as good as it gets? I don't want to buy the full app going from the crap free version.


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  • RichardjRichardj Frets: 1538
    I have the Amplitube Fender for iPad (used with the iRig adapter bought from this parish) and it isn't terrible. It is a bit quiet but is pretty much the same as on my PC laptop. I suspect the free one is just too limited as a way of getting you spend your hard earned. Honestly I'm quite happy with it.
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  • TTonyTTony Frets: 28098
    I use JamUp - but I've never had any real problem with Ampltube.
    Having trouble posting images here?  This might help.
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  • RichardjRichardj Frets: 1538
    Something else I've just remembered, I travelled around Canada with a Pocket Pod Express and that was possibly as good as, if not better than, the Amplitube. If you can find one cheap enough worth a look. IMHO.
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  • fretmeisterfretmeister Frets: 24906
    The original iRig is a noisy pile of crap but I still use it. The HD version is supposed to be much better, but it is expensive.

    If I can then I take my Roland Cube Jam. Cracking bit of kit.

    I’m so bored I might as well be listening to Pink Floyd

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  • dindudedindude Frets: 8575
    I second that the irig adaptor is almost unusable in its crapness. If your going to use it quite often then it's worth investing in something like the Apogee Jam, it's a world apart. Best of the software is probably Jamup/bias.
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  • guitargeek62guitargeek62 Frets: 4266
    JamUp is great, I've not bothered with any other practice apps since getting it - easily worth the (low) price. :)
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  • fretmeisterfretmeister Frets: 24906
    JamUp is great, I've not bothered with any other practice apps since getting it - easily worth the (low) price. :)

    What interface do you use with it?

    I’m so bored I might as well be listening to Pink Floyd

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  • Si_Si_ Frets: 384
    Anyone tried the Line6 Sonic Port?
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  • daveyhdaveyh Frets: 700
    Si_ said:
    Anyone tried the Line6 Sonic Port?
    My son has one, works very nicely tbh, I'd happily get one myself if I had an iPad.
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  • guitargeek62guitargeek62 Frets: 4266
    JamUp is great, I've not bothered with any other practice apps since getting it - easily worth the (low) price. :)

    What interface do you use with it?
    Just an iRig for now, I get a bit of hiss but nothing terrible tbh. I'd like to upgrade to something better and use it for recording too - the iRig HD makes sense as I could use it with my mac too then. :)
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  • stickyfiddlestickyfiddle Frets: 27894
    Jamup Pro with Apogee Jam and Bias for extra amp tweakage-geekery. Can't be beat afaik
    The Assumptions - UAE party band for all your rock & soul desires
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  • hugbothugbot Frets: 1528
    All the iPad amp apps I've tried seem to be intent on nickel and diming you for extra effects. Also I can't find one with a pitch shifter. I've just been using GarageBand. Which isn't so hot as far as effects bat can export projects directly to mac which is nice for making ideas.
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  • CeeBeeCeeBee Frets: 39
    I have a Line 6 Sonic Port, works really well. You get to use the mobile POD app with it, which is free and has some good tones in it. Also bought Jamup Pro, but Bias is the one I'm seriously impressed with. As an amp modeler it's pretty good, you can virtually design you own amp from the various components. Change pre amp/ power amp, different valves etc. also there's a great online community where you can download loads of other peoples amp models, some pretty good ones on there. You can import the amp models from Bias into Jamup. Also bought Ampkit+ but haven't done that much with that as yet.
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  • stickyfiddlestickyfiddle Frets: 27894
    hugbot;194130" said:
    All the iPad amp apps I've tried seem to be intent on nickel and diming you for extra effects. Also I can't find one with a pitch shifter.

    I've just been using GarageBand. Which isn't so hot as far as effects bat can export projects directly to mac which is nice for making ideas.
    Jamup has a Whammy model. It also has regular sales and freebies if you follow their Facebook page.
    The Assumptions - UAE party band for all your rock & soul desires
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  • I bought a fake Chinese iRig for about £3 and it works a treat. So far I've not been too fussed by any of the free apps I've tried. I have a pocket pod that lives on my pedal board as an emergency amp and sounds much better than any app I've tried imo. 
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  • NiallmoNiallmo Frets: 467
    I use Jam Up Pro through an iRig. Perfectly acceptable for practice. I also have Bias which is awesome for whiling away time wondering wether you should use three valves biased hot or four vales at medium in the preamp and could that other rectifier give slightly firmer bottom end.
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  • fretmeisterfretmeister Frets: 24906
    JamUp is great, I've not bothered with any other practice apps since getting it - easily worth the (low) price. :)

    What interface do you use with it?
    Just an iRig for now, I get a bit of hiss but nothing terrible tbh. I'd like to upgrade to something better and use it for recording too - the iRig HD makes sense as I could use it with my mac too then. :)
    My original iRig is ok for a bit of headphone practice but I'd never record with it - it's hissy and crackles.

    Still, the free Amplitude Ampeg bass model is pretty good, so at least I didn't have to spend money there!

    I’m so bored I might as well be listening to Pink Floyd

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  • FretwiredFretwired Frets: 24602
    Si_ said:
    Anyone tried the Line6 Sonic Port?
    I have one - I tried them all and settled on this as I found it to be the best. The FREE App is pretty good - based on the classic POD 2 tones and it works with Ampltube.

    Remember, it's easier to criticise than create!
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  • fretmeisterfretmeister Frets: 24906
    Are there any bass models on the free line 6 app?

    I’m so bored I might as well be listening to Pink Floyd

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  • I like the tascam iOS interface. I've used it with my phone and it's good. However, I do find you end up being in a bit of a Mess of cables with interface, iPad, guitar and headphone leads. Those vox am plugs look awfully appealing from time to time.
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