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The Parkinson of Pedals- Chris Buck on TPS

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  • english_bobenglish_bob Frets: 5314
    Meh. I'd like to see more players who aren't bluesweeblers. Since GigRig products are a prerequisite to get on apparently, someone who uses a G2 for all it's worth for something effect-heavy and complex enough to actually make a switcher necessary would be good.

    Don't talk politics and don't throw stones. Your royal highnesses.

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 2reaction image Wisdom
  • EricTheWearyEricTheWeary Frets: 16656
    Meh. I'd like to see more players who aren't bluesweeblers. Since GigRig products are a prerequisite to get on apparently, someone who uses a G2 for all it's worth for something effect-heavy and complex enough to actually make a switcher necessary would be good.

    I've suggested Aziz Ibrahim a couple of times in the TPS YouTube comments. He is a gigrig customer, not a bluesweebler and would have something different to say about effects. Maybe it's not that simple but they've had years to get him. 
    Tipton is a small fishing village in the borough of Sandwell. 
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  • meltedbuzzboxmeltedbuzzbox Frets: 10343
    Aziz would be a great shout. Brilliant player, really nice guy and no ego
    The Bigsby was the first successful design of what is now called a whammy bar or tremolo arm, although vibrato is the technically correct term for the musical effect it produces. In standard usage, tremolo is a rapid fluctuation of the volume of a note, while vibrato is a fluctuation in pitch. The origin of this nonstandard usage of the term by electric guitarists is attributed to Leo Fender, who also used the term “vibrato” to refer to what is really a tremolo effect.
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  • thegummythegummy Frets: 4389
    Daft hair but a decent guitar player and seems a nice bloke. Just one question... am I supposed to know who he is? 
    You won't know him outside of Youtube videos, his band isn't famous or anything.

    I found out about him from a thread on here recently where he plays Bernie Marsden's guitar.

    There seems to be a lot of crossovers from Youtube channels, appearing on each others' channels. I guess it's with the idea of gaining more subscribers from that person's following. Fine by me really; unless it's a player I personally like and listen to the music of then it makes no difference to me if they're a nobody with a Youtube channel or from a famous band I don't listen to.

    Reminds me of how Celebrity Big Brother used to be like a snooker player from the 90s, a popstar from the 80s, some minor soap star etc. but these days it seems to just be someone from each of all the other "reality" shows like a yearly compilation. "Now That's What I Call Idiocy"
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  • thegummy said:
    You  won't know him outside of Youtube videos, his band isn't famous or anything.
    He’s been featured in guitar mags, won Best New Guitarist in Total Guitar, has played with Slash and is endorsed by Blackstar.
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  • John_PJohn_P Frets: 2768
    Not a bad episode.   I like it more when Mick leads the discussion- you can he’s used to interviewing people.    
    Interesting to see how he uses the gain pedals and compare them.  He can definitely play, not my thing but I can see why fans of the John Mayer clean/low gain style would like it. 
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  • thegummythegummy Frets: 4389
    thegummy said:
    You  won't know him outside of Youtube videos, his band isn't famous or anything.
    He’s been featured in guitar mags, won Best New Guitarist in Total Guitar, has played with Slash and is endorsed by Blackstar.
    Is that all from his YouTube stuff or has he been in more well known bands previously?
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Hey guys. A mate just sent me a link to this so I thought I'd chip in to answer some questions :) 

    No, not famous by any stretch. My Nan still forgets my name on occasion! Just a guitar player in a band with a YouTube channel that I started uploading to regularly because I wanted to buy a new MacBook but couldn't justify it unless it was bought with money made from the video stuff I'd be using for! haha. Joking aside, the videos I upload - Friday Fretworks - have taken off a bit and have started gathering traction recently for some reason. It is what it is though; I wouldn't consider myself a YouTuber by any stretch. I'm a musician that's been gigging since I was 13 in anywhere from the Dog & Duck to arenas as part of Slash's band. I teach, I write for Guitar Magazines, I do stuff for LickLibrary, I make YouTube videos, I do demos for companies, I play in a touring band, I do session stuff... all to try and make a living from music! It's a funny ol' game these days...

    In regard to Buck & Evans, I totally get why some people don't get it. I'll be honest, I'm still sceptical of the whole thing myself! It came off the back of a one off gig I did with Sally Ann (singer) which led to a rave review, which led to a 3 track EP, which led to playing in the US which led to Radio 2 liking us which led to big festivals which led to label interest which led to...etc etc. It's a fu*king weird mix of guys I can appreciate but it's one of those things that keeps gathering traction with very little effort really. We're just on the verge of releasing an album which is very different to the existing stuff available, which was us kinda publicly finding our feet. The new stuff is much less blues rock orientated. I'll post some stuff when I can :) 

    But yeah, there we are. Nobody famous, just a lad from Wales who needs a haircut and to spend less time fiddling with overdrive pedals and more time practicing :) 

    Cheers!  =)
    0reaction image LOL 4reaction image Wow! 15reaction image Wisdom
  • stickyfiddlestickyfiddle Frets: 28679
    @ChrisBuckGuitar ;

    Welcome! No offence meant by my not already knowing you - I live in the Middle East so am often a little out of the loop.. 

    I honestly haven’t heard of you guys until this TPS but will certainly look you up. 

    And i I do admire your approach to pedals, which seems to be mostly “o can’t decide between the Klon, KTR, KoT, Amp 11 and B.B., so I’ll have all of them”, which is rather impressive :D 
    The Assumptions - UAE party band for all your rock & soul desires
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  • TA22GTTA22GT Frets: 362
    @ChrisBuckGuitar ;

    I enjoy your playing, particularly your feel. Your right hand has an amazing touch in the way it sounds a note.

    You also come across as a decent and aware guy and that's important in life so just keep on keeping on what you are doing mate.
    No sucking up here, I appreciate talent when I see and hear it and always encourage it. Peace.
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  • gringopiggringopig Frets: 2648
    edited July 2020
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  • thegummythegummy Frets: 4389
    Since he's being tagged a few times, if Chris does check back on this thread I just want to provide balance and say that I like the music of Buck & Evans.

    I would also be in to hearing you play in a different genre as well though, if that's something you plan for the future.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • markr76markr76 Frets: 410
    Well I met Chris at the guitar show in Birmingham. I was lucky enough to be asked by Thorpy if I'd help out on his stand. Which was great fun. I met some fantastic people and listened to some great players who visited the stand.
    Well Chris visited the stand and proceeded to blow me away with his playing while testing the pedals. He was an absolute gent and a pleasure to chat to. It was a bonus for me also as he was playing my les Paul at the time. Although I've not quite been able to tease the same quality of playing out of it since!
    I also got the chance to pop down to the live hall and watch Buck and Evans perform. They were really good.
    As you can tell I'm a big fan!
    0reaction image LOL 1reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • I’m a fan. Great touch and tone. Young guy but a honest and thoughtful chap. Really enjoying Friday Fretworks too
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  • mudslide73mudslide73 Frets: 3129
    markr76 said:
    It was a bonus for me also as he was playing my les Paul at the time. Although I've not quite been able to tease the same quality of playing out of it since!

    To balance things out there's no danger of anyone playing it as badly as I did :) @markr76 ;
    "A city star won’t shine too far"

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  • richardhomerrichardhomer Frets: 25000
    Bumping this as Chris has done a comparison between a 57 Les Paul (though looking at where the logo and tailpiece are - I’m not sure if it’s actually a ‘conversion’) and an R7.

    My personal view is it shows that the player is the most important contributor to ‘the tone’ - lovely playing:

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  • rsvmarkrsvmark Frets: 1459
    edited August 2018
    Bumping this as Chris has done a comparison between a 57 Les Paul (though looking at where the logo and tailpiece are - I’m not sure if it’s actually a ‘conversion’) and an R7.

    My personal view is it shows that the player is the most important contributor to ‘the tone’ - lovely playing:

    @richardhomer thanks for that. Watched it this morning. Not only did it feature some more great playing, it was a good AB comparison of the two. Identical chords/licks on each, pick up by pick up. My take away is that both were lovely, but different colours. Neither better nor worse but what colour do you prefer. And as you say, the player plays a key part of that
    An official Foo liked guitarist since 2024
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  • richardhomerrichardhomer Frets: 25000
    rsvmark said:
    @richardhomer thanks for that. Watched it this morning. Not only did it feature some more great playing, it was a good AB comparison of the two. Identical chords/licks on each, pick up by pick up. My take away is that both were lovely, but different colours. Neither better nor worse but what colour do you prefer. And as you say, the player plays a key part of that
    Agreed - I definitely didn’t think one was ‘better’ than the other. 
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  • rsvmarkrsvmark Frets: 1459
    rsvmark said:
    @richardhomer thanks for that. Watched it this morning. Not only did it feature some more great playing, it was a good AB comparison of the two. Identical chords/licks on each, pick up by pick up. My take away is that both were lovely, but different colours. Neither better nor worse but what colour do you prefer. And as you say, the player plays a key part of that
    Agreed - I definitely didn’t think one was ‘better’ than the other. 
    Although one was rather more expensive than the other. £100k seemed ott - was he about right?
    An official Foo liked guitarist since 2024
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