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I want to take my girlfriend to Inverness

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  • I bought a very nice toaster in Inverness. And a Yamaha electro acoustic.  In the same weekend. Heady times indeed.
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  • You all have me thinking of this: -

    You are the dreamer, and the dream...
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  • TTonyTTony Frets: 28420

    I want to take my girlfriend to Inverness

    That should stop her just popping round  when she feels like it!
    Having trouble posting images here?  This might help.
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  • HattigolHattigol Frets: 8295
    If this was QI and I now mentioned having recently taken my wife up the Arsenal, I fear a buzzer would immediately be going off but there you go....
    "Anybody can play. The note is only 20%. The attitude of the motherf*cker who plays it is  80%" - Miles Davis
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  • Hattigol said:
    If this was QI and I now mentioned having recently taken my wife up the Arsenal, I fear a buzzer would immediately be going off but there you go....
    Depends on where you live.. you could just as easily take her down the Arsenal..
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  • cj73cj73 Frets: 1004
    It’s further south but I’ve heard that the Duke’s Pass is lovely
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  • I have been to Inverness a couple of times and my lasting memory is of some very rough people in Asda. Lots of places nearby you would want to visit - dolphin spotting off the Black Isle or Nairn for example. I've never been on an overnight sleeper so that sounds fun but for anything more than a day I'd probably want to get out of Inverness itself.    
    Tipton is a small fishing village in the borough of Sandwell. 
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  • Used to spend time in the base in Kinloss with a previous employeer, we always stayed in the Newton in Nairn, a bit out of Inverness but nice:

    Over all it's a fantastic bit of Scotland up there - enjoy!
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  • NelsonPNelsonP Frets: 3454
    Always treat your train like you treat your woman!

    How, how do you mean, Sir? Do you mean, do you mean take her home at weekends to meet your mother?

    No, I mean get inside her five times a day and take her to Inverness and back!
    You are Swiss Tony and I claim my £5
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  • NiteflyNitefly Frets: 5059
    The last time I was in Inverness I got the bus to Muir of Ord and went to the Glen Ord distillery, where I bought a bottle of SOGO (Singleton Of Glen Ord) singke malt.  It's all gone now.

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  • munckeemunckee Frets: 12857
    Paul_C said:

    is that a euphemism ?
    I know someone who took his wife up The Shard....
    I got taken up the Gherkin once but I don't like to talk about it.
    3reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • NelsonP said:
    Always treat your train like you treat your woman!

    How, how do you mean, Sir? Do you mean, do you mean take her home at weekends to meet your mother?

    No, I mean get inside her five times a day and take her to Inverness and back!
    You are Swiss Tony and I claim my £5
    Surely Lord Flashheart?
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom

  • Thankfully all the  "Wee Frees" in the council seem to be dwindling and dying off.  About bloody time too lol!!

    Proud Ness has created a great buzz though and pretty much all positive barring the usual holy joe types. This is the biggest pride based activity for a good while in contrast to the smaller ones in between times.

    As you said over Fort Billy direction is well worth a visit, loads of good sporting (winter ones when the snow hits) activities going on there and lovely sights to see, some really awesome scenery.

    Of course in keeping with the euphamisms ITT you can now take your girlfriend up the Castle's viewpoint. ;-)

    Some great pics to be had if a togger and you get a decent day.

    It's getting a makover ahead of becoming a full on tourist attraction, the courts are moving elsewhere, long overdue.

    Agreed @EricTheWeary ; but bear in mind that applies to every Asda everywhere IME, seems to attract a certain ahem demographic.

    That is a tasty one theSingleton @Nitefly and for a few year Mrs Urq worked there looking after their Biomass on account of her being an Environmental Scientist and all.

    They give staff preferential prices on all their wares ind indeed all Diagio's wares too, I was gutted when she had to leave lol.

    We still have the Singleton presentation box with glass etc that staff got, the Whisky is long since gone.

    Whilst I remember Cawdor Castle (of Macbeth legend fame) is worth a visit too if you like that sort of thing.

    Although it is a bit dull and samey like most modern town centres their is a wee renaissance going on and I think due to the shift to becoming more of a Uni Town/City with the shiny new UHI campus and associated Halls and such.

    As a result there has been a rise in Artisnal drinking places  which changing the nightlife makeup, pretty  much all for the good.

    Much more choice live music and other entertainment wise these days thankfully.

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  • Im also from Inverness originally. use it as a base to visit some of the best scenery in the British Isles is my advice. 

    What part of Sneck did you hail from @mikeyrob73?

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  • johnnyurq said:
    Im also from Inverness originally. use it as a base to visit some of the best scenery in the British Isles is my advice. 

    What part of Sneck did you hail from @mikeyrob73?

    Hilton Originally @johnnyurq , worked in The Gellions for a bit many years ago 
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  • johnnyurq said:
    Im also from Inverness originally. use it as a base to visit some of the best scenery in the British Isles is my advice. 

    What part of Sneck did you hail from @mikeyrob73?

    Hilton Originally @johnnyurq , worked in The Gellions for a bit many years ago 

    What a coincidence @mikeyrob73 , Hiltoner here too. Balloan and then Evan Barron Rd, went away and then came back lol.

    Drank and drunk regulalry in the Gellions from mid 70s onwards (less so the last few years) and my old band/bands played there a few times over the years. They squash bands into the bay window facing onto the High St these days, compact and bijou for a 5 piece band and no mistake. Really miss the old place they had upstairs back in the day, great craic and mostly great folks.

    Our rehearsal place used to be the Drover until it finally got ran into the ground, flats now of course.

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • mikeyrob73mikeyrob73 Frets: 4713
    edited September 2018
    Temple Crescent, Cauldeen Road and then Oldtown place for me mate. around 2001, when i moved back from Jersey i worked in the Gellions, mainly in the back bar ( Montys) 
    yeah i hated worked Saturdays in the Front bar when they had Kenny on in that bay window.
     The Drover LOL god i only ever drunk in there a few times despite it being my local, my best mates old man was always in there sat in the same seat. Used to drink it Dows a fair bit till i got barred for life for a small altercation.
    im sure our paths will have crossed @johnnyurq ;;

    im guessing surname is Urquart? no relation to Steve are you ? 

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  • Know loads of folks from around those areas, went to school with lots at Cauldeen, then Millburn for a year until the new IRA was finished, most moved on now though.

    A good chance we may have crossed paths as you say, my old covers band used to regulalry play Foxes and the like for a good part of the noughties.

    Not related to Steve as far as I know but I think one or both of my boys know/knew him. I think I must be an older cove than you lol, in my mid 50s.

    It is worse now in the Gellions they seem to have Schiehallion in permanent residence as well as Kenny, not sure if they were as all pervasive in your time there. I went to school with Dunc Maclennan (AKA Farmer Dunc) that did/does the discos there if he was a fixture when you were there.

    Did Calum Macloed that used to have the Hayloft work in Monty's when you were there @mikeyrob73? A card and no mistake, he did make the Hayloft a great gigging venue during the 80s though so fair play to him.

    The Drover was a fun pub for sure lol and as you say folks arse cracks were molded into their favourite seats and no one else sat there, for a variety of reasons. Was never our regular much preferred the Lochardil back bar or Dows until it went a bit silly.

    The Drover was great for us because we got to leave our gear setup and had a sweet deal with the owners, a few free gigs a year and we got rehearsals gratis. Wasn't bad when the upstairs was on the go in the 70s and 80s, turned to shite after that and they stopped opening it up.

    Apologies for the semi nostalgic thread hijack @Handsome_Chris. :)

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  • JAYJOJAYJO Frets: 1542
    Drove to oban from Liverpool and went straight to the Ben nevis ale House and got bladdered. Spent the rest of the night looking for a chippy. Every light looked like a chippy but was a closed shop selling tartan pants, caghools and shortbread. Got back to the guest house 12.20and the nicelady was waiting for me.  "What time dya call this etc. Here's half your money back your out in the morning" . Anyway I ate nothing till I got to a chippy in Inverness. Just take   her to see the plastic lochness monster if she hasn't already got her own.! Ooh Mrs. 
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  • Hey @johnnyurq im 45 this year so not such a big age gap, Dows was pretty much a regular haunt for me until around 2000, when i got barred. 
    Aye Jimmy Mackenzie  in The Drover, same seat, everyday, kinda why i avoided it. The Hayloft was always great, last orders in The Rock Garden, Cut through the train station and the Hayloft would still be open for another good couple of beers. 
    I did hear a rumour Stevie was dead, which doesnt suprise me, live fast die young that one. Willie and Kate had the Gellions when i worked there, i just needed a job when i moved back from Jersey and after drinking there for many years asked willie for a job, which helped me out for a wee while. No Justice used to play down the back towards the mens toilets on a regular basis back then :) oh the banter 

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