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Gibson guitars - Are the negative reviews fair?

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  • abw1989abw1989 Frets: 657
    I really wanted a Gibson LP last year so went to a store with the intention of walking out with one. I wanted to spend less than £1k so was limited to the Studio and Tribute models. I tried around six guitars in total what with different finishes. They all sounded different, even between the same model but different finishes.

    What is worse is that they all had something wrong with them which put me off. Two had a rattle from some where inside the pick up routes or control cavity; at least half had sharp fret edges; at least half had buffing compound stuck behind the frets and where the neck meets the body. I understand that this is the 'cheap' end of Gibson, but I expected better.

    My band mate also has two Gibsons. His 2016 Trad LP has a pick up selector ring with a mind of it's own and refuses to stay tight, and the selector switch itself on his Trad V pretty much decides which pick up it wants for you from time to time. 

    That said both of his are killer sounding!
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  • ArchtopDaveArchtopDave Frets: 1375
    edited November 2018
    I mostly agree with @Philly_Q above. I have to say all the Gibsons, which I've bought and still have, have all been well made. I really like the fact that there is tonal variation within a particular guitar model. This means you can hopefully find the ones that are really special to you.

     I particularly love Les Pauls. I've just recently added to my collection - bought new from one of the big UK shops - I would normally want to try playing the guitar before buying, but there was only a single specimen, and it would have been a very long journey to try out, so I comforted myself with distance selling regulations as a backstop. As it turned out, the guitar is finely crafted, and sounds superb.
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  • ICBMICBM Frets: 74388
    abw1989 said:

    My band mate also has two Gibsons. His 2016 Trad LP has a pick up selector ring with a mind of it's own and refuses to stay tight, and the selector switch itself on his Trad V pretty much decides which pick up it wants for you from time to time.
    There seems to be some evidence that the quality of Switchcraft switches is falling, sadly - like CTS pots and Oak Grigsby switches already have.

    The loose switch can be easily fixed by putting a little nail varnish or similar on the threads and then tightening it fully with the right tool though.

    "Take these three items, some WD-40, a vise grip, and a roll of duct tape. Any man worth his salt can fix almost any problem with this stuff alone." - Walt Kowalski

    "Only two things are infinite - the universe, and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe." - Albert Einstein

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  • guitars4youguitars4you Frets: 15374
    edited November 2018 tFB Trader
    I went on holiday last year to France - Booked the location etc after some planning and looking etc - Then after payment I came across a review that slated it - I nearly cancelled but didn't - Got there and found nothing wrong at all certainly with regards to what they had mentioned as a bad issue

    So yes it makes it hard to evaluate - You are not sure on the calibre of person making negative comments - What are they comparing it to - What knowledge they have - What good or bad experience they have had on that brand - So maybe the best bet is to listen, even be influenced to an extent, but don't take it for gospel especially on something that can be subjective

    Feel, aesthetics, playing experience, tonal character are all a mater of taste - Granted QC  is a different issue - If everybody who brought a LP found the finish flaked off then a fair comment - If someone very pernickety found some filler around an inlay then is it really a big deal ?

    I would admit that if I tried 10 new Gibson Guitars in one store, identical models, that I'd find more variation on such a guitar then I would on say 10 x PRS models - But it has always been this way - maybe QC is better now than in the 70's and 80's but agree it is not perfect 

    I see other brands with far less QC issues but they can be bland with no character 

    Agree some comments are valid but you need to judge for yourself as well 

    Will be interesting to see in 2/3 years time what changes a new CEO will implement and at what price points
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  • hyperbenhyperben Frets: 1429
    It does seem to be popular to slate Gibson. It’s definitely based on truth but I’m not convinced all these people have a lot of experience. Many seem to jump on the band wagon. Perhaps for some a Gibson is out of reach for them so it makes them feel better to slate Gibson...?

    I’m not saying there are no QC issues with Gibson - there are. But what I read on the internet about Gibson makes them out to be far worse than my own experience of them. And I’ve owned A LOT of Gibsons. Or it could be that my standards are lower etc. But the tone...well that’s where it’s at really. Gibsons are generally great sounding guitars!

    Always best to try before you buy. Then internet reputation is irrelevant as you can judge each guitar individually.
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  • p90fool said:
    What were half of your favourite records made with? 

    That's right, not a perfect, dipped-in-glossy-plastic cheapy, or a 'boutique' version for twice the price. 

    It's funny how those players who formed the taste of generations managed with their crappy Gibsons. 
    What's that got to do with anything?
    <space for hire>
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  • Only played a LP custom, but my hands don't like the shorter scale length and narrowish necks.

    Enough to know they're not for me, though often very glam.
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  • FretwiredFretwired Frets: 24602
    I currently own 2 Gibson guitars and have had 5 in total. No problems or issues. When shopping for a Gibson I tend to go to a good independent store like Coda or Andertons. They will check the guitars they are sent and will send back anything they think isn't good enough - they won't put a guitar with issues on display in their store. I've played loads of guitars in Coda and never played a duff one. It says something about the quality and attention to detail of the store which is why they get my custom.

    Remember, it's easier to criticise than create!
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  • ToneControlToneControl Frets: 12248
    I've owned 2 Gibsons, both full-on USA-made, a 335 and a Les Paul 2008
    Both needed the nuts recutting. Pretty lame for a guitar that expensive.

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  • I've only owned one actual Gibson, which was a Voodoo Les Paul I bought second-hand. I'd wanted one for years, ever since I first saw it in a magazine... found one, bought it, was a bit disappointed with it when I got it - not because of any QC issues, just because I thought the finish was a bit tacky-looking in real life compared to the photos.

    Gigged it once, it sounded fine and played nicely, but I found that compared to my LTD EC1000 it felt really clunky: the control knobs weren't where I wanted them and the top frets were hard to get to.

    I sold it, went back to using my LTD, and didn't miss it. If I was in the market for another singlecut now, I'm pretty sure I'd be looking at either LTD, PRS, or possibly a Jackson Monarkh; don't think I'd give Gibson a thought.

    Not really sure what this adds to the conversation tbh: I just wanted to join in!
    Too much gain... is just about enough \m/

    I'm probably the only member of this forum mentioned by name in Whiskey in the Jar ;)

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  • jdgmjdgm Frets: 852
    I own 3 Gibsons, all bought over the internet without playing them 1st.
    I'm very happy indeed, they're all excellent guitars.
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  • usedtobeusedtobe Frets: 3842
    jdgm said:
    I own 3 Gibsons, all bought over the internet without playing them 1st.
    I'm very happy indeed, they're all excellent guitars.
    Very similar to my own experience.
     so if you fancy a reissue of a guitar they never made in a colour they never used then it probably isn't too overpriced.

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  • In most cases if any company ships crap poorly finished guitars they are going to get some stick if they do it on a regular basis then they start destroying there brand value if the fail to resolve issues and show indifference they then prime the pump on an Internet lynch mob.

    also alienate their dealer network by forcing unreasonable conditions on them and rapidly the mob deafens the fan boys and dealers.

    I own two Gibson one well finished which was a 2015 Amazon special junior which other than the know faults is pretty good and has no obvious quality issues.

    tne far more expensive 345 sounds awesome is a lovely guitar but the headstock top edge has not been buffed so is flat and heavily rippled Matt lacquer. Is that acceptable on a 3k guitar not from my perspective. But as I was told it is what it is return it and get a refund if you don’t like it. It’s all part of owning a Gibson.

    combine that with a very cynical pricing policy you simply have had a corporation that as list the respect of its customers and dealers.

    hopefully The new guy will not just chase the dollar but quickly build Gibson to become the gold standard of American guitar buildind.

    Big ask but its doable unless the investors have his ball in a vice.

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  • ICBMICBM Frets: 74388
    Jez6345789 said:

    tne far more expensive 345 sounds awesome is a lovely guitar but the headstock top edge has not been buffed so is flat and heavily rippled Matt lacquer.
    My Dove acoustic is the same. It's also one of the best-sounding acoustics I've ever played.

    It would be slightly less frustrating if these things were related, but they aren't - buffing the finish properly wouldn't have made it sound any different. To be fair, you don't see it when you're playing it or when it's on a hanger.

    "Take these three items, some WD-40, a vise grip, and a roll of duct tape. Any man worth his salt can fix almost any problem with this stuff alone." - Walt Kowalski

    "Only two things are infinite - the universe, and human stupidity. And I'm not sure about the universe." - Albert Einstein

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  • stonevibestonevibe Frets: 7338
    I've owned lots and played probably hundreds, maybe even close to a thousand as I worked in a guitar shop in my twenties. Anyway, lots of Gibson guitars have been through my hands in my lifetime.

    Some are so good that you can play anything and it will sound great. Others are total dogs and you can't understand how they ever got through 'Quality Control'.

    The problem for Gibson is they often boast about being Built in the USA and being hand built etc So when you play a bad one and it costs a premium price, you don't forget that fact.

    PRS is often cited as being expensive, well made and very consistent. Whether you like them or not is a personal taste matter, but it is hard to fault their consistency.

    I feel if Gibson were around £699 for a Standard Les Paul then we wouldn't bitch and moan about them so much. Problem is they are at least double that, if not more. 

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  • TimmyOTimmyO Frets: 8092
    Usual Fretboard balance is restored - couldn't let all that positive Gibson chat go unpunished  :s
    Red ones are better. 
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  • Owned 4. DG335 that had to be sent back as frets were scratched and fretboard was also scratched and missing paint around sound holes 

    A 59 vos finish which looked fine but sounded a bit dead

    A slash rossa corsa which is great 

    A signature t which was the cheapest one but which actually is the only one which had no blemishes or issues 

    So 50/50 for me

    I have also owned 5 strats and they have all been immaculate

    2 prs. Again both immaculate

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  • teradaterada Frets: 5123
    edited November 2018
    If I went over my guitars (any brand) with a fine toothed comb I'm sure I'd find some sort of blem with all of them.

    F me they all sound and play brilliantly though
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  • I own one Gibson Les Paul and compared to my usa fender it feels decent mainly because of the wonderfully thin finish (in comparison to the fenders thick poly). I am convinced that its finish above all other considerations that makes Gibsons such an easy choice after trying both versions of the Johnny A signature - Gibson version rang like a bell and felt sweet, Epi version felt like a guitar under a blanket (with almost vague height frets). If the Epi had thin nitro I would have gone for it...
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  • FelineGuitarsFelineGuitars Frets: 11962
    edited November 2018 tFB Trader
    Philly_Q said:

    Gibson's bad reputation is certainly based on fact, but it does get a bit exaggerated, to the extent that some people will say they're all rubbish, probably without even trying them.

    It doesn't really make me consider the alternatives - Huber, Knaggs, Eggle etc - because they are hugely expensive and they lose about 95% of their value the moment you walk out of the shop.

    Also, although many manufacturers make LP-types there are surprisingly few SG alternatives.

    Will people stop it with that shit - it perpetuates the belief when it's not true. 
    People who get to play a "better" guitar and absolutely love it, but won't buy it because of that dumb reinforced trope

    Many guitars have a re-sale value. Some you'll never want to sell.
    Stockist of: Earvana & Graphtech nuts, Faber Tonepros & Gotoh hardware, Fatcat bridges. Highwood Saddles.

    Pickups from BKP, Oil City & Monty's pickups.

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