The FB BJJ / MA Thread

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  • FarleyUK said:
    grungebob said:
    Well good luck to you. I’ve seen more “damage” from judo than I ever have BJJ though. 
    The finger soreness is something you just have to get along with when it comes to the Gi. Be careful what grips to utilise though, the older you get the easier it is to mess up your hands. 
    I'd agree with this actually (it's me with the broken ribs). In the JJ classes, it's a lot more controlled - Judo seems more a case of 'going hell for leather' during randori and free sparring. What also seems to clarify it for me, is when I broke my ribs, I had a lot of other people there then telling me all their stories of what they've broken in judo as well.

    It doesn't exactly fill me with confidence.... especially when it was a green belt that broke my ribs (I'm a white belt - you'd expect it to be the other way around).
    I can see this a bit more now- I had a chance to watch some high level randori tonight (Olympians & international players) bloody hell they attack with full force! It's much more explosive than the progressive pressure game I'm used to from BJJ. Even on the ground it's very "all or nothing". 

    I got thrown in the deep end tonight- coach put me in for Newaza sparring. It was fun, I've never rolled in Gi before & found it very restrictive- I don't know how to grip it to use it to my advantage yet, so I played my nogi game.
    I tapped the brown belt I rolled with & "proved my credentials". Now I am apparently fair game for brown/black when rolling. 
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  • FarleyUKFarleyUK Frets: 2509
    FarleyUK said:
    grungebob said:
    Well good luck to you. I’ve seen more “damage” from judo than I ever have BJJ though. 
    The finger soreness is something you just have to get along with when it comes to the Gi. Be careful what grips to utilise though, the older you get the easier it is to mess up your hands. 
    I'd agree with this actually (it's me with the broken ribs). In the JJ classes, it's a lot more controlled - Judo seems more a case of 'going hell for leather' during randori and free sparring. What also seems to clarify it for me, is when I broke my ribs, I had a lot of other people there then telling me all their stories of what they've broken in judo as well.

    It doesn't exactly fill me with confidence.... especially when it was a green belt that broke my ribs (I'm a white belt - you'd expect it to be the other way around).
    I can see this a bit more now- I had a chance to watch some high level randori tonight (Olympians & international players) bloody hell they attack with full force! It's much more explosive than the progressive pressure game I'm used to from BJJ. Even on the ground it's very "all or nothing". 

    I got thrown in the deep end tonight- coach put me in for Newaza sparring. It was fun, I've never rolled in Gi before & found it very restrictive- I don't know how to grip it to use it to my advantage yet, so I played my nogi game.
    I tapped the brown belt I rolled with & "proved my credentials". Now I am apparently fair game for brown/black when rolling. 
    See, that really p*sses me off though. White belts should NOT be thrown in with black or brown, especially in such a high-impact situation.

    When I rolled with a brown belt, I didn't have the knowledge or moveset to be able to do much - so I ended up lying on him and pinning him. I know you learn through experience, but it just seems pretty bizarre.

    Maybe I'm just angry due to a supposed 'expert' breaking my ribs in what should have been a controlled environment!
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  • I get your point, but i thought it was fine to be honest- I told the coach & the guy I rolled with that I was a blue belt at BJJ.
    We played for position & felt reach other out before going for submissions. I never felt threatened on the ground, but that's where I'm comfortable. 

    There's NO way I'd have jumped in to Tachiwaza (?- stand up) with anyone, or been allowed to- I don't know how to ukemi reliably yet, let alone throw safely. They seem to separate Kyu & Dan grades for randori mostly, unless someone wants to work on technique. I was with the other white belts getting the basics under close tuition during that phase of the class. 
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  • If anything I feel a bit sorry for the Brown belt... Thrown in with a random white belt who claims to have some skills, then tapped by them. 
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  • FarleyUKFarleyUK Frets: 2509
    I get your point, but i thought it was fine to be honest- I told the coach & the guy I rolled with that I was a blue belt at BJJ.
    We played for position & felt reach other out before going for submissions. I never felt threatened on the ground, but that's where I'm comfortable. 

    There's NO way I'd have jumped in to Tachiwaza (?- stand up) with anyone, or been allowed to- I don't know how to ukemi reliably yet, let alone throw safely. They seem to separate Kyu & Dan grades for randori mostly, unless someone wants to work on technique. I was with the other white belts getting the basics under close tuition during that phase of the class. 
    Yeah, I think the standing throws are a lot more advanced than the groundwork as you obviously need to get it right or you end up knackering yourself or your opponent.

    I last did JJ 18 years ago (I've started it back up 2 months ago, same time as judo), so it was all pretty rusty and new to me - so in that situation, I think throwing me in against a brown belt was a bit much.
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  • grungebobgrungebob Frets: 3477
    edited January 2019
    If anything I feel a bit sorry for the Brown belt... Thrown in with a random white belt who claims to have some skills, then tapped by them. 
    Don’t. Most judokas do very little ground work. My friend is a first dan black belt in judo and he explained just what they did before moving away from bushido (sp?) style where they did some basic arm bars from turtle  to straight sports judo where ground work is basically a no no. 
    If your goal is to throw someone for ippon or to cover up for five seconds on the ground for the ref to stand you back up don’t be surprised that your ground game is junk. 

    Not taking anything away from your brown belt sub though, he should have enough experience to remain at least safe if not tap you out. 
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  • FarleyUKFarleyUK Frets: 2509
    First session back at JJ tonight - did some very very light Kata stuff as my ribs are still very sore and broken. Actually felt great to be doing something again - it's only been two weeks but I'm going mad!

    Also helped at a couple of events they ran (with the Judo club) so picked up a few pointers.

    The Judo sensei has said she will make sure that the work is very light when I return as well - and she can do one on one lessons. So,I'll be concentrating on footwork mainly which is good...!
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  • grungebobgrungebob Frets: 3477
    Take it easy. Better to ease back in then have a set back. Sounds like you’re doing that so. 
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  • grungebobgrungebob Frets: 3477
    Tonight I got my first stripe so I’m well happy, also got told I’m one to watch for leg locks and heel hooks so it’s nice to know my practice is paying off. 
    0reaction image LOL 3reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • grungebob said:
    Tonight I got my first stripe so I’m well happy, also got told I’m one to watch for leg locks and heel hooks so it’s nice to know my practice is paying off. 
    Well done.

    Now you can't get away with claiming you know nothing now (personal experience!)
    PSN id : snakey33stoo
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  • grungebobgrungebob Frets: 3477
    This morning the thought did occur to me that things have changed. 

    Before being just just a white belt, I felt no pressure to perform well, only to try my best. 
    Now though, it feels like there’s maybe some expectation that I must perform well at least on guys below or equal standing to me. 
    Thats a little bit unnerving. 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • FuengiFuengi Frets: 2850
    grungebob said:
    This morning the thought did occur to me that things have changed. 

    Before being just just a white belt, I felt no pressure to perform well, only to try my best. 
    Now though, it feels like there’s maybe some expectation that I must perform well at least on guys below or equal standing to me. 
    Thats a little bit unnerving. 

    Congrats on the stripe.

    Yeah. I found myself eyeing up no stripe white belts and thinking "better not get tapped".

    A couple of months on and I'm relaxing more into just rolling with everyone without ego. With the brand new white belts I'm happy to let them take my back to see if I can escape.

    Less ego = more fun.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 2reaction image Wisdom
  • FuengiFuengi Frets: 2850
    edited February 2019
    Bit of a swelling in my ear today, anyone had a cauliflower ear drained?

    Little trip to the GP on Monday coming. 

    Edit: Probably the best week of training so far, great fun but a few bruises to show for it including the ear! 
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  • grungebobgrungebob Frets: 3477
    Fuengi said:
    Bit of a swelling in my ear today, anyone had a cauliflower ear drained?

    Little trip to the GP on Monday coming. 

    Edit: Probably the best week of training so far, great fun but a few bruises to show for it including the ear! 
    Hope it goes well for you. My left ear has some constant swelling for the past two weeks but I’m hoping it eases off soon. 
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  • stimpsonslostsonstimpsonslostson Frets: 5424
    edited February 2019
    Get some ear guards!
    I got a bit of swelling VERY early in my BJJ training & went to the GP... who drained it (a bit) she said this was a one time proceedure & that I should protect my ears or accept it. Rugby playing friends were told the same. It wasn't really a fun experience & I have a slight cauliflower on one ear. 

    Ear guards feel weird initially & you'll find certain chokes more difficult to escape, but it gets better & i now feel weird rolling without them (& my gumshield). I got some funny looks when I brought them to judo for a newaza session but don't care. 

    Do you guys wear a gumshield when rolling? It's about 50/50 at the places I train. I like the peace of mind & the ability to bite down when in a sub. 
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  • FuengiFuengi Frets: 2850
    Yep, I wear a gumshield,I can't see why anyone wouldn't. 

    One of the guys wore an ear protecter when he had a swollen ear but not since. I'll see what the doc says on Monday, I can feel the fluid in there. The other side is fine so might just have got a knock. 
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  • grungebobgrungebob Frets: 3477
    One of the big guys at our place wears ear guards but no one else does. Come to think of it only a few use gum shields too but I’ve just bought one so intend to use it going forward. 
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  • FuengiFuengi Frets: 2850
    Saw the doctor this morning. Small lump, no need to go to hospital to have it cut open. Had not spread to the back of the ear, if it does that indicates infection apparently, worth knowing!

    Two options;

    1 leave it alone and body should absorb it. Small risk of infection but if it gets infected with blood in there not great, cauliflower ear. 

    2. Needle it and drain to syringe. Preventative course of antibiotics. 

    I'm going skiing on Friday and didn't want to risk a nasty infection away from home and ruin a holiday, so went for option 2.

    He took about half a ml out in blood. Was a little painful but nothing that would put me off doing it again if need be. 

    Plaster and good to go! 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Excellent. Glad it worked out. 

    Now be careful skiing, I know even more people who've hurt themselves skiing than doing our stupid sports! 

    I was back at judo tonight. Lots of breakfalls & movement drills followed by groundwork playtime. Still finding the gi REALLY restrictive to my game... 
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  • grungebobgrungebob Frets: 3477
    Good to hear (pardon the pun). 
    I’m surprised you’re finding the Gi restrictive, for me no Gi makes me mentally pause especially when trying to use Z guard and the like, I also love to use the paper cutter from side control, I can catch people with it all the time and it’s just gone with no Gi. 
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