Chapman Youtube Drama Continues...

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  • King85 said:
    soma1975 said:

    I could understand crowdfunding to replace gear vital for a bands tour to go on- they may face bankruptcy or worse if they are unable to finish

    Not sure sure about replacing drones, MacBooks and cameras though 
    Yeah I don't get it tbh. You're either insured or not and I think it's a naff thing to do asking for cash but if people want to throw money at them I guess it's their prerogative. 

    Didn't Dave Simpson's fans buy him a '62 Strat?
    They did but they're fans as you say. It's no different to buying merch or a ticket to a gig of someone you like, that money (or part of it) ends up with the person you're a fan of.

    So saying his fans bought him a strat is no different to saying fans bought any artist everything they own albeit this was in a more direct way.

    To go back on topic though none of us as far as i'm aware know any of these people Rob etc so we're basing on hearsay etc which seems daft.
    Waaaaait a minute

    If a fan is purchasing music, tickets or merch then there is a transaction going on- their money for goods and services

    This is charity. It’s completely different t
    Well, I guess you could think of it in terms of the fact that most of their fans aren't going to gigs at all - the content they want is video, which is why so many of them were asking if they could help. No gear = no videos, so the fans chipped in to make that happen.
    Yea that’s a good perspective and I’ll accept that to a point but you can make videos without drone footage

    From a personal point of view, if I were in a similar position and needed helped out (to be honest I’d probably just go home bankrupt and work in McDonalds) but if I were to set up a gofundme to replace stolen gear it would be for the bare minimum I needed to get through whatever needed getting through.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • gibsongretschfangibsongretschfan Frets: 1050
    edited January 2020
    soma1975 said:
    I know the world has moved on but in the entitled 2010s and 2020s it seems the done thing to just outright ask for money for things you'd like to have. 

    Unless you are Rabea in which case people keep 'mysteriously' buying or giving you free guitars and I'm certain they expect zero in return for them. 

    None of that side of things sits well with me but it is what it is. 

    I think there's a few on here that have a connection to Rob. 
    I had a mate that kept “mysteriously” being gifted guitars. So his girlfriend thought anyway. Sometimes they were on “long term loan”
    14reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • fields5069fields5069 Frets: 3827
    Have we established when the first stuntman started stunting?

    Some folks like water, some folks like wine.
    My feedback thread is here.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • soma1975soma1975 Frets: 7215
    stunting or Stunting? 
    My Trade Feedback Thread is here

    Been uploading old tracks I recorded ages ago and hopefully some new noodles here.
    4reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • OctafishOctafish Frets: 1937
    Have we established when the first stuntman started stunting?

    ...and was he a cunning stuntman?

    1reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Well, I guess you could think of it in terms of the fact that most of their fans aren't going to gigs at all - the content they want is video, which is why so many of them were asking if they could help. No gear = no videos, so the fans chipped in to make that happen.
    Yea that’s a good perspective and I’ll accept that to a point but you can make videos without drone footage

    From a personal point of view, if I were in a similar position and needed helped out (to be honest I’d probably just go home bankrupt and work in McDonalds) but if I were to set up a gofundme to replace stolen gear it would be for the bare minimum I needed to get through whatever needed getting through.
    True enough, that point, it's splitting hairs and I'd wager that nobody who put money in really cared about that, and their personal motivations for donating without putting conditions on what it could be spent on are really nobody else's business.

    Not that I don't think it's monumentally stupid to travel with that kind of gear uninsured, of course. I can just see a reasonable path from there to here.
    <space for hire>
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • crunchmancrunchman Frets: 11716
    soma1975 said:
    I mean, he still has 736,000 subscribers which is the metric people tend to use to measure these things.

    That was 737k a day or two ago when I watched the first few seconds of the iphone video.  It's a small percentage of the total number, but if he's lost a thousand subscribers in less than 48 hours, it's not good for him.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Well, I guess you could think of it in terms of the fact that most of their fans aren't going to gigs at all - the content they want is video, which is why so many of them were asking if they could help. No gear = no videos, so the fans chipped in to make that happen.
    Yea that’s a good perspective and I’ll accept that to a point but you can make videos without drone footage

    From a personal point of view, if I were in a similar position and needed helped out (to be honest I’d probably just go home bankrupt and work in McDonalds) but if I were to set up a gofundme to replace stolen gear it would be for the bare minimum I needed to get through whatever needed getting through.
    True enough, that point, it's splitting hairs and I'd wager that nobody who put money in really cared about that, and their personal motivations for donating without putting conditions on what it could be spent on are really nobody else's business.

    Not that I don't think it's monumentally stupid to travel with that kind of gear uninsured, of course. I can just see a reasonable path from there to here.
    I’ll be honest and say I am uncomfortable with this kind of fund raising in its entirety. I do respect the rights of people to do with their money as they see fit ie. Big Ben Brexit Bong- However, cashing in on goodwill is only a few steps removed from full blown TV Evangelist skullduggery in my opinion

    Kickstarter campaigns, when run properly, are a completely different case, I also don’t have a problem with Patreon etc  
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • Okay, you've all convinced me. I hate him now.


    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 2reaction image Wisdom
  • crunchman said:
    soma1975 said:
    I mean, he still has 736,000 subscribers which is the metric people tend to use to measure these things.

    That was 737k a day or two ago when I watched the first few seconds of the iphone video.  It's a small percentage of the total number, but if he's lost a thousand subscribers in less than 48 hours, it's not good for him.
    It was 742k last Monday - his channel's lost 6k subscribers in six days, and it's still going by the looks of it. I'm sure it's a concerning trend.
    <space for hire>
    0reaction image LOL 1reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Okay, you've all convinced me. I hate him now.
    We can end the thread now
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • PhiltrePhiltre Frets: 4233
    Okay, you've all convinced me. I hate him now.
    We can end the thread now

    Not so fast.

    2reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • King85King85 Frets: 631
    King85 said:
    soma1975 said:

    I could understand crowdfunding to replace gear vital for a bands tour to go on- they may face bankruptcy or worse if they are unable to finish

    Not sure sure about replacing drones, MacBooks and cameras though 
    Yeah I don't get it tbh. You're either insured or not and I think it's a naff thing to do asking for cash but if people want to throw money at them I guess it's their prerogative. 

    Didn't Dave Simpson's fans buy him a '62 Strat?
    They did but they're fans as you say. It's no different to buying merch or a ticket to a gig of someone you like, that money (or part of it) ends up with the person you're a fan of.

    So saying his fans bought him a strat is no different to saying fans bought any artist everything they own albeit this was in a more direct way.

    To go back on topic though none of us as far as i'm aware know any of these people Rob etc so we're basing on hearsay etc which seems daft.
    Waaaaait a minute

    If a fan is purchasing music, tickets or merch then there is a transaction going on- their money for goods and services

    This is charity. It’s completely different t
    He provides YouTube content that his fans enjoy, how is that any different?
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • HaychHaych Frets: 6158
    crunchman said:
    soma1975 said:
    I mean, he still has 736,000 subscribers which is the metric people tend to use to measure these things.

    That was 737k a day or two ago when I watched the first few seconds of the iphone video.  It's a small percentage of the total number, but if he's lost a thousand subscribers in less than 48 hours, it's not good for him.
    Is that a meaningful metric?  I mean, I subscribe to lots of channels and most of the time when a new video notification hits my inbox I just hit delete and forget about it.  

    Out of those 700-odd thousand subscribers, how many really are really engaged?  How many belong to can't be bothered to unsubscribe?  How many are dormant accounts?

    I'm sure the figure of true followers, if that's the right word, is quite high but just because it states 737,000 subscribers do we think 737,000 people actually give a turd?

    I half ask the question out of a genuine curiosity as I don't know how YouTube metrics really work and half out of scepticism that people really give a toss about half the things they subscribe to/sign up for/follow online.

    There is no 'H' in Aych, you know that don't you? ~ Wife

    Turns out there is an H in Haych! ~ Sporky

    Bit of trading feedback here.

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • King85 said:
    King85 said:
    soma1975 said:

    I could understand crowdfunding to replace gear vital for a bands tour to go on- they may face bankruptcy or worse if they are unable to finish

    Not sure sure about replacing drones, MacBooks and cameras though 
    Yeah I don't get it tbh. You're either insured or not and I think it's a naff thing to do asking for cash but if people want to throw money at them I guess it's their prerogative. 

    Didn't Dave Simpson's fans buy him a '62 Strat?
    They did but they're fans as you say. It's no different to buying merch or a ticket to a gig of someone you like, that money (or part of it) ends up with the person you're a fan of.

    So saying his fans bought him a strat is no different to saying fans bought any artist everything they own albeit this was in a more direct way.

    To go back on topic though none of us as far as i'm aware know any of these people Rob etc so we're basing on hearsay etc which seems daft.
    Waaaaait a minute

    If a fan is purchasing music, tickets or merch then there is a transaction going on- their money for goods and services

    This is charity. It’s completely different t
    He provides YouTube content that his fans enjoy, how is that any different?
    Because this isn’t a transaction.

    If his videos were pay per view then that would be comparable but they are funded by advertising and sponsorship.

    He was asking for charity to replace equipment and personal items.

    Digitalscream made the argument that those items were needed to make the videos which the fans want to see, and they are free to do with their money what they wish, but it’s still not the same as paying for a good or service

    Furthermore, if any of this missing equipment was vital to their channels production then it should have been insured (as Digitalscream pointed out) and therefore cutting corners and saving money on insurance then expecting others to foot the bill isn’t a business practice (or personal financial gain) that that sits well with me

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 3reaction image Wisdom
  • PC_DavePC_Dave Frets: 3434
    King85 said:
    King85 said:
    soma1975 said:

    I could understand crowdfunding to replace gear vital for a bands tour to go on- they may face bankruptcy or worse if they are unable to finish

    Not sure sure about replacing drones, MacBooks and cameras though 
    Yeah I don't get it tbh. You're either insured or not and I think it's a naff thing to do asking for cash but if people want to throw money at them I guess it's their prerogative. 

    Didn't Dave Simpson's fans buy him a '62 Strat?
    They did but they're fans as you say. It's no different to buying merch or a ticket to a gig of someone you like, that money (or part of it) ends up with the person you're a fan of.

    So saying his fans bought him a strat is no different to saying fans bought any artist everything they own albeit this was in a more direct way.

    To go back on topic though none of us as far as i'm aware know any of these people Rob etc so we're basing on hearsay etc which seems daft.
    Waaaaait a minute

    If a fan is purchasing music, tickets or merch then there is a transaction going on- their money for goods and services

    This is charity. It’s completely different t
    He provides YouTube content that his fans enjoy, how is that any different?
    Because this isn’t a transaction.

    If his videos were pay per view then that would be comparable but they are funded by advertising and sponsorship.

    He was asking for charity to replace equipment and personal items.

    Digitalscream made the argument that those items were needed to make the videos which the fans want to see, and they are free to do with their money what they wish, but it’s still not the same as paying for a good or service

    Furthermore, if any of this missing equipment was vital to their channels production then it should have been insured (as Digitalscream pointed out) and therefore cutting corners and saving money on insurance then expecting others to foot the bill isn’t a business practice (or personal financial gain) that that sits well with me

    Yeah, but are they "real" fans? Or just "fans"?
    This week's procrastination forum might be moved to sometime next week.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • prlgmnrprlgmnr Frets: 4071
    Have we established when the first stuntman started stunting?

    And was he a Musician?
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • digitalscreamdigitalscream Frets: 28013
    edited January 2020
    Haych said:
    crunchman said:
    soma1975 said:
    I mean, he still has 736,000 subscribers which is the metric people tend to use to measure these things.

    That was 737k a day or two ago when I watched the first few seconds of the iphone video.  It's a small percentage of the total number, but if he's lost a thousand subscribers in less than 48 hours, it's not good for him.
    Is that a meaningful metric?  I mean, I subscribe to lots of channels and most of the time when a new video notification hits my inbox I just hit delete and forget about it.  

    Out of those 700-odd thousand subscribers, how many really are really engaged?  How many belong to can't be bothered to unsubscribe?  How many are dormant accounts?

    I'm sure the figure of true followers, if that's the right word, is quite high but just because it states 737,000 subscribers do we think 737,000 people actually give a turd?

    I half ask the question out of a genuine curiosity as I don't know how YouTube metrics really work and half out of scepticism that people really give a toss about half the things they subscribe to/sign up for/follow online.
    It's not that meaningful for a channel like Rob's on the face of it, but it can be if you apply a bit of logic. Consider this - he's on track to have lost 1% of his total subscriber base in a week.

    If, however, only 20% of those total subscribers are actively engaged regularly (eg as it is with a forum, which is my only frame of authoritative reference), then that loss becomes 5% and is much more significant - particularly since the lost subscriptions will be largely comprised of previously-active subscribers.

    Looking at it another way, he gets an average of 30k-40k views within the first four weeks on his videos of late. If even half of those lost subscribers were previously part of those early viewers (ie not part of the long tail), then that's a massive loss.

    Yes, there's conjecture and assumption here, but still...if I were Rob, I'd be rather concerned right now.
    <space for hire>
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • One time I was at Sound City in LA, about a year before it was closed, and one of those big American rock bands was tracking and we got to walk into the session and checkout the console on the understanding we didn't touch anything.

    So I didn't touch anything, and I wasn't a knob, and this story wasn't worth reporting to you lot.

    Im gonna make a video exposing that. 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • BridgehouseBridgehouse Frets: 24584
    One time I was at Sound City in LA, about a year before it was closed, and one of those big American rock bands was tracking and we got to walk into the session and checkout the console on the understanding we didn't touch anything.

    So I didn't touch anything, and I wasn't a knob, and this story wasn't worth reporting to you lot.

    Im gonna make a video exposing that. 
    And @WiresDreamDisasters will incite his fan to harass you with rude comments
    2reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
This discussion has been closed.