2020 Fretboard Virtual Running Club

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  • mcsdanmcsdan Frets: 451
    Sleep lol
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • mcsdanmcsdan Frets: 451
    Seriously, after a normal length run I'll stretch off and get some food/drink in.

    Usually after a long run I'll put in a 30-45 min sleep after having some food/drink. I'm fairly good at getting in an extra nap here and there.

    Sleep is the best recovery IMO.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Rich210Rich210 Frets: 577
    mcsdan said:
    Seriously, after a normal length run I'll stretch off and get some food/drink in.

    Usually after a long run I'll put in a 30-45 min sleep after having some food/drink. I'm fairly good at getting in an extra nap here and there.

    Sleep is the best recovery IMO.
    Yeah that sounds good to me! When I was getting my best bang for buck off training I was getting proper early nights in. I'll be doing that tonight - my legs feel like they're verging on shin splints alongside doms. Hot bath and early night !
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • King85King85 Frets: 631
    mcsdan said:
    Annoyingly I qualified last year for one of my dream races - The UTMB - Ultra Tour Du Mont Blanc. A 100 mile race around Mont Blanc going through 3 countries and 30000 feet of mountains and 46.5 hours. However I injured my knee early last year and left it right until the last point in August before having to pull out of the race. Gutted. 

    For this race you not only have to qualify (3 x 100 miles in 2 years) but also go into a lottery draw. I got in first time too!

    Anyway, I'll requalify and go back another year.
    I think there may be a doc on prime for the mont blanc one too ill have a look!

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • jonevejoneve Frets: 1503
    Only managed one run last week with the ridiculous weather. Planning on getting out for 5 miles or so in the morning hopefully. 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Rich210Rich210 Frets: 577
    King85 said:
    mcsdan said:
    Annoyingly I qualified last year for one of my dream races - The UTMB - Ultra Tour Du Mont Blanc. A 100 mile race around Mont Blanc going through 3 countries and 30000 feet of mountains and 46.5 hours. However I injured my knee early last year and left it right until the last point in August before having to pull out of the race. Gutted. 

    For this race you not only have to qualify (3 x 100 miles in 2 years) but also go into a lottery draw. I got in first time too!

    Anyway, I'll requalify and go back another year.
    I think there may be a doc on prime for the mont blanc one too ill have a look!

    That sounds awesome I'll check it out!

    Legs still feeling like they need a bit more recovery today! Not sure whether it's shin splints or not (I can still do stairs lol) but just a bit strain and feeling heavy so I'll have another day not doing a great deal...maybe even an afternoon nap at some point!
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • BigMonkaBigMonka Frets: 1816
    mcsdan said:
    Sounds good. Should be a fast course course for Amsterdam.

    Yes the ultras are usually in great locations. You get to see some wonderful places. Except at nighttime when all you see is 2m ahead in the dark lol.  I run mostly off road and is much more pleasant and interesting.

    Lost count of ultras I've done now. I know I've done 9x100milers since they sort of stick in your mind. However picked up injury on one and that pulled me out of a few of them and taken a little while to get sorted. 100ks I've done a couple, 75 mile race and 75 miles on my own self supported (stopping at pubs/shops on route to restock water). A few 45/50 milers and some shorter 30-35 milers. A few marathons but certainly marathon distance regularly. I normally do a marathon a week when training and a few doubles e.g. 2 marathons in a weekend, 30+20 milers etc. Issue with too much distance in training is injury and fatigue.

    Did a race around the whole of guernsey coastline. 16 miles of steps followed by 20 miles on the sand. Tough race lol
    Dude you're a machine!!
    I'm along way of doing anything like that as I only did my first half marathon distance a month ago. My biggest question though is how you find enough hours in a week for all the training?! I know everyone's family life is different but I can't imagine regularly getting away with disappearing for multiple hours at a time to go running  :#
    Always be yourself! Unless you can be Batman, in which case always be Batman.
    My boss told me "dress for the job you want, not the job you have"... now I'm sat in a disciplinary meeting dressed as Batman.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Rich210Rich210 Frets: 577
    BigMonka said:
    mcsdan said:
    Sounds good. Should be a fast course course for Amsterdam.

    Yes the ultras are usually in great locations. You get to see some wonderful places. Except at nighttime when all you see is 2m ahead in the dark lol.  I run mostly off road and is much more pleasant and interesting.

    Lost count of ultras I've done now. I know I've done 9x100milers since they sort of stick in your mind. However picked up injury on one and that pulled me out of a few of them and taken a little while to get sorted. 100ks I've done a couple, 75 mile race and 75 miles on my own self supported (stopping at pubs/shops on route to restock water). A few 45/50 milers and some shorter 30-35 milers. A few marathons but certainly marathon distance regularly. I normally do a marathon a week when training and a few doubles e.g. 2 marathons in a weekend, 30+20 milers etc. Issue with too much distance in training is injury and fatigue.

    Did a race around the whole of guernsey coastline. 16 miles of steps followed by 20 miles on the sand. Tough race lol
    Dude you're a machine!!
    I'm along way of doing anything like that as I only did my first half marathon distance a month ago. My biggest question though is how you find enough hours in a week for all the training?! I know everyone's family life is different but I can't imagine regularly getting away with disappearing for multiple hours at a time to go running  :#
    I think @mcsdan has been canny getting his kids into running, which substitutes as quality childcare! Genius.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • PolarityManPolarityMan Frets: 7488
    How are all you guys managing to fit in naps? I can barely fit in a run and shower. 
    1reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • mcsdanmcsdan Frets: 451
    edited June 2020
    BigMonka said:
    My biggest question though is how you find enough hours in a week for all the training?! I know everyone's family life is different but I can't imagine regularly getting away with disappearing for multiple hours at a time to go running 
    Good question. TBH I just fit in here and there.I work 4 days a week (Wed and weekends off),so tend to fit in shorter runs in the week either as recovery (easy pace) which atm I'm doing with my daughter or quality runs e.g. hill repeats, tempo runs etc . You can do alot in 45-60 mins.  Wednesday I have a mid week longer run which is usually time based 1.5-2 hours plus I'll do some basic strength exercises and MTB in the afternoon if I feel like it.  My wife works Sundays so I have all day to do as I please and usually get up and out for 8-8:30am so can get quite a bit done in the that time. I tend to plan ahead so I know what routes I'm doing and when so just a case of getting on with it.

    My work is only 4 miles from home so I'll get up early do 45-60 mins run, back and shower and still be in work for 9am.  If I'm tired I'll have a lay in and run straight after work. My wife gets home about an hour after me so I know I have that time to get run done and back in time to take turn cooking dinner etc.  Hence 45-60 mins runs in the week fits in nicely and give lots of flexibility.  Flexibility is key both for fitting in around life and listening to body especially as volume grows. The best plan is one you can fit it with the rest of life and be consistent.

    I've done this for a few years now used to fitting around. For example I may run 25-30 miles on a Sunday and still be back in the afternoon to play some guitar, see kids, decorate etc and will do dinner for when my wife gets home from work - usually a roast dinner in the colder months. Kids are 18 and 21 so don't need looking after lol but still spend time with them walking the dog, Dads taxi service, helping them out etc. plus time to keep in touch with family (usually Mum on a Sunday afternoon).  I've had many times where I've run say 20-25 miles in the morning then done the wallpapering/painting in the afternoon lol

    Still find time to have a few beers, normal family stuff, watch crap on the TV, play guitar, run a business, socialise etc Running is just part of what I do tbh.

    I've always thought that if you want to do something enough you'll find ways of doing it.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 4reaction image Wisdom
  • mcsdanmcsdan Frets: 451
    Rich210 said:

    I think @mcsdan has been canny getting his kids into running, which substitutes as quality childcare! Genius.
    lol she's 18!  It all started at beginning of lockdown and she was bored so suggested she came for a short run. Did just a couple of miles with lots of walking breaks. She enjoyed it and went from there. Does roughly 3 times a week and I fit the recovery runs in with that so I can help her whilst I'm recovering from the harder stuff. She doesn't like things like hill repeats so we just keep it easy pace with a couple of short walks thrown in. She is comfy with 5 miles now but I mix it up to keep interesting.  These are all off road too so challenging terrain at times.

    My worry is when she returns to work is fitting it in. Where as I see an hour window and fit things in e.g. quality run, strength, yoga etc, she'll rather sit around.  Anyway I have some ideas although does mean a couple of days with double runs or being creative with time. She has done a couple of runs on her own so I'm hoping she could fit in here and there and we still get a run or two together each week.

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • mcsdanmcsdan Frets: 451
    King85 said:
    mcsdan said:
    Annoyingly I qualified last year for one of my dream races - The UTMB - Ultra Tour Du Mont Blanc. A 100 mile race around Mont Blanc going through 3 countries and 30000 feet of mountains and 46.5 hours. However I injured my knee early last year and left it right until the last point in August before having to pull out of the race. Gutted. 

    For this race you not only have to qualify (3 x 100 miles in 2 years) but also go into a lottery draw. I got in first time too!

    Anyway, I'll requalify and go back another year.
    I think there may be a doc on prime for the mont blanc one too ill have a look!

    A few good films out there. Check out

    Netflix - Barkley Marathons - that is one made race! Am I doing it. No. Never! lol
    Youtube - Western States 100 - Unbreakable. Qualified for this last year but didn't get lottery ticket. Maybe another year.

    Anything with Dean Karnezes,  Gary Robbins, Killian Jornet, Timothy Olson, Jim Walmsley and many more
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • mcsdanmcsdan Frets: 451
    BigMonka said:

    I'm along way of doing anything like that as I only did my first half marathon distance a month ago. M#
    What half did you do? Enjoy it?

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • King85King85 Frets: 631
    mcsdan said:

    A few good films out there. Check out

    Netflix - Barkley Marathons - that is one made race! Am I doing it. No. Never! lol
    Youtube - Western States 100 - Unbreakable. Qualified for this last year but didn't get lottery ticket. Maybe another year.

    Anything with Dean Karnezes,  Gary Robbins, Killian Jornet, Timothy Olson, Jim Walmsley and many more

    I've seen the Barkley one but i'll check the other out.

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • PolarityManPolarityMan Frets: 7488
    Well my treadmill packed up today :( 

    Think the motor has prob gone and it was bought in 2015 so well out of warranty. Guess I'll be running outside for a bit.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • mcsdanmcsdan Frets: 451
    9.3 miles this morning.

    Daughter had to go to work for training (trainee hairdresser) ready for when they re-open. Couple of hours she said so thought plenty of time to get my a run in and pick her up on the way back. Dropped her in 9:45am ready for 10am and headed on to the country park a few miles further and started run. About an hour in she gives me a call to pick her up. I'm over the back of the country park at that point!!. Thought I had at least another 40 mins or so. Anyway head back and the shortcut is all hills. Cue another phone call about where I am lol Anyway run done and she was picked up on the time we agreed beforehand.

    Trying to fit in runs here and there but moving goal posts don't help!!
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • mcsdanmcsdan Frets: 451
    Well my treadmill packed up today :( 

    Think the motor has prob gone and it was bought in 2015 so well out of warranty. Guess I'll be running outside for a bit.
    Running outside is better anyway ;)
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • PolarityManPolarityMan Frets: 7488
    mcsdan said:
    Well my treadmill packed up today :( 

    Think the motor has prob gone and it was bought in 2015 so well out of warranty. Guess I'll be running outside for a bit.
    Running outside is better anyway ;)
    Guess I'll find out, is there any apps that will let me plot a 5k circuit?
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • PolarityManPolarityMan Frets: 7488
    Also any tips on pacing? Most of the time I jsut whack it on 10 k/hr and forget about it unless im going for a PB.Im worried im going to knacker myself too quickly without that artificial pacing
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • King85King85 Frets: 631
    mcsdan said:
    Well my treadmill packed up today :( 

    Think the motor has prob gone and it was bought in 2015 so well out of warranty. Guess I'll be running outside for a bit.
    Running outside is better anyway ;)
    Guess I'll find out, is there any apps that will let me plot a 5k circuit?
    https://gb.mapometer.com/ is your friend! I always use it and it's pretty much bang on with my watch.

    Have a google for repairs to your treadmill, you never know it could be an easy fix!
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
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