HX Effects - can snapshots do this?

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Just picked up one of these second hand and planning to use it in 4CM as a pedalboard replacement. I have all the effects I need in a single signal chain on the unit but I'm a bit short on footswitches! I wondered if you can use a snapshot to assign blocks to different footswitches? If there is a way, I can't find it but I'm not very familiar with the Helix series. Basically I'd like something like Snapshot 1 -> FS1 is Tremolo, Snapshot 2 -> FS1 is Flanger. Kind of thing.

ATM I just have 2 patches which are identical other than footswitch assignments. Snapshots would be neater though.
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  • JohnCordyJohnCordy Frets: 651
    No, snapshots can turn on/off blocks or change the parameters of any effects, but not rearrange your footswitch assignments...I think?
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  • jasonbone75jasonbone75 Frets: 684
    I have one and I don't believe this is physically possible with snapshots as far as the footswitches go. The effects and chains belong to the preset and the snapshot captures that preset in a certain configuration.

    I ended up using it in preset mode with the left most pair of footswitches up/down through presets and the four remaining being snapshots within that preset - effectively ending up with 4 versions of each preset.

    You can end up with your outcome by including a tremolo and flanger in the preset but not mapping them to footswitches. one snapshot can have one enabled and vice versa so that achieves what you want but you need to switch brain from stomp mode to snapshot mode. Hopefully that longwinded spiel makes sense!!
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  • gearaddictgearaddict Frets: 898
    Thanks - I think I see what you mean. That would mean one of them would always be on though right? You couldn't have them both off. I guess you could achieve the same thing by mapping both effects to the same footswitch.
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  • jasonbone75jasonbone75 Frets: 684
    you could have them both off in snapshot 3 for instance. with the board setup that way you always have direct access to 4 versions of the preset 
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  • gearaddictgearaddict Frets: 898
    I think what I might try is not assigning a footswitch to delay and reverb, and using the external footswitch for the amp (I was using a HX footswitch to change channels but I don't have to really). That'll free up enough to have everything else on a footswitch...then I can set up snapshots with and without delay and reverb, if I ever want to switch them off (rarely do).
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  • shuikitshuikit Frets: 224
    You might be able to do something similar with command centre and snapshots. What you can do is set a different snapshot that each footswitch does per snapshot.  A combination of this and regular stomps might do it for you
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  • MusicwolfMusicwolf Frets: 3732
    Basically I'd like something like Snapshot 1 -> FS1 is Tremolo, Snapshot 2 -> FS1 is Flanger. Kind of thing.

    ATM I just have 2 patches which are identical other than footswitch assignments. Snapshots would be neater though.
    I've had a look on my full-fat Helix and I don't think that you can do what you are asking.  You can change things around in Control Centre so that, in say Snapshot 1, FS1 = Snapshot 2 but then in Snapshot 2 FS1 now equals say Snapshot 4 etc.  What you can't do is have FS1 = Tremolo bypass in one Snapshot then FS1= Flanger bypass in another SS.  Asigning a FS to  a single, or multiple, effects is the same for all Snapshots.
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  • normula1normula1 Frets: 650
    What you might (and it very much is a might and would require a bit of MIDI cable jiggery-pokery) be able to do is assign a MIDI CC to the individual FX bypass and then use command centre to config a footswitch to send the CC, and have the CC it sends differ per snapshot.
    I may try to give it a go as I've a couple of presets with more FX than I have spare buttons for.
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  • stickyfiddlestickyfiddle Frets: 28141
    edited June 2023
    Could you set up 2 snapshots where both fx are on but in S1 the Flange mix is set to 0% and the Tremolo is 100%, and in snapshot 2 it’s the other way around, then have one FS switch them both on & off together?

    or do something with parallel paths that has the same effect?
    The Assumptions - UAE party band for all your rock & soul desires
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  • gearaddictgearaddict Frets: 898
    Could you set up 2 snapshots where both fx are on but in S1 the Flange mix is set to 0% and the Tremolo is 100%, and in snapshot 2 it’s the other way around, then have one FS switch them both on & off together?

    or do something with parallel paths that has the same effect?
    Oh, that's an interesting idea! I'll have a play. Thanks!

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