I've got an audition on Wednesday!

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  • BodBod Frets: 1432
    :) But I'm curious why you're selling all the others to buy one?  Surely you have something that can do the job...
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  • My Ibanez SA feeds back a lot and the humbucker isn't great. Goes out of tune a lot.
    My Torero pups (EMGs) are sterile and even if I swapped them I've had enough of Floyds.
    So I'll sell these two and get a decent second one...

    I will also have only one acoustic guitar if my Martin LXM sells. But I wont be doing enough acoustic stuff to warrant a "spare". How many pub players actually bring in two acoustics!?

    In fact, how many people bring two guitars to a gig? Most?
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • BodBod Frets: 1432
    I take 2, but seldom use the second.  It's essential to have a backup though.
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  • bigjonbigjon Frets: 681
    This ^^
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  • Just don't know if I can bring two along as well as a heavy amp and pedal-board! 
    I'm going to start a topic asking just how many people do bring a second. 

    Woohoo, we have a gig in December in Edinburgh!
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • In fact, how many people bring two guitars to a gig? Most?
    For bigger/far away gigs, I take two, the other guitarist takes three (he needs an alternate tuning for one song) and the bassist takes two. I think we have about £13k of guitars on stage at those gigs...quite scary, really.
    <space for hire>
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • That is pretty scary....!
    Our gig is a local pub so not sure what the plan is... 
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  • Crikey, just under 2 months later and ~24 songs down with another 4 to go and a gig in December. 

    I really notice the difference between the 57/08 pups in one PRS and the 59/09s in the other. The 59/09s are much hotter. 

    I'm one for simplicity but there is so much to try out... the boost pedal has to be my fave and most useful ever (along with distortion and wah). The options for going from clean to crunch to solo... which pickups to use for which songs (does anybody ever use the two HH in parallel?) - so many options there. Tone pot - hardly ever touched. There are just so many aspects I never encountered before when practising at home now that it's also about the "sound." At home I don't much hear the difference between the split coils and HH but at volume in the band then yes, I hear it big-time! 
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  • GrunfeldGrunfeld Frets: 4099
    That is pretty scary....!
    Our gig is a local pub so not sure what the plan is... 
    Well duh, you tell us where it is and if we are near enough we turn up. 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Edinburgh yeah? ;)
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  • To be honest I'm not sure I want too many people I know there for the first time - maybe better "cut our teeth" first..
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  • close2uclose2u Frets: 997

    sounds like you're having a blast

    so many aspects of what you're describing in this thread I have been through  in the last couple of years ... it is a great feeling and a steep learning curve

    still have only played a very small number of gigs unfortunately as the various band incarnations I've been involved with have exploded / imploded just at the crucial times

    advice from me to you - if I may be so bold ... make sure you have always done your homework re: learning the songs and knowing the songs inside out ...

    fx settings and levels is an on-going aspect for me to get to grips with too

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Songs... yes, so much to learn! Right now I'm doing most of it by ear, copying keyboard bits if needed etc. But it's mainly patterns I'm remembering and not underlying song structure - hopefully I'll come to analyse each song at some point. 24 songs in one month... there are definitely bits that I forget at times!
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  • close2uclose2u Frets: 997
    And I'm with you on the joys of playing clean - that was a revelation after years of bedroom distortion fizz
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  • I play clean a lot actually - mostly unplugged! :)
    I just don't practice at loud volumes..
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  • CabicularCabicular Frets: 2214
    Always take a back up guitar... I'm actually pretty intolerant of people who don't I don't want to watch someone fanny about for 5 minutes changing a string while the rest of the band shuffles awkwardly about.
    Get a double guitar gig bag (thats what I do) A mono one if you can afford it but the fender ones are perfectly serviceable . In fact I'll give you one of them for free if you don't mind picking it up from town (I work behind the playhouse)
    PM me if you want it

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