Quad Cortex

What's Hot
Used by Rob Harris, Chris Shifflett, Rabea, John Smith and others.

Must be good. Interested to hear thoughts from owners. Considering an upgrade from Atomic Amplifire 
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  • NerineNerine Frets: 2362
    Go Fractal instead. 

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  • sweepysweepy Frets: 4237
    Had a brief go on one at the show, not ideal tbh but unimpressed when compared the Fractal FM9
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  • NelsonPNelsonP Frets: 3437
    Nerine said:
    Go Fractal instead. 

    How come?
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • John_PJohn_P Frets: 2758
    I love my QC,  but I was after something that sounded good, easy to use and compact.
    For me it has the balance right and being able to use amp captures was a feature I wasn't fussed about but love.  
    I used fractals before the QC and they sound great but the QC is smaller and imo much easier to use and edit at gigs. 
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  • NerineNerine Frets: 2362
    NelsonP said:
    Nerine said:
    Go Fractal instead. 

    How come?
    It’s just better. The ecosystem is better, the modelling is better, the support is better, the editor is better, the connectivity is better, the sound is better, the switching is more flexible, the effects are better, the amount of models is better. 

    I owned an FM9 and prior borrowed a Quad Cortex for a few gigs. 

    Thought the Quad Cortex was a bit subpar to be honest. I was nothing but impressed with the Fractal. Totally transformative in terms of me being happy using modellers live. 

    Each to their own, but I’d happily buy an FM9 again (and probably will). The QC? Nah. Seemed like a bit of a toy in comparison. 
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  • BGGBGG Frets: 699
    Gone from DV Mark Multiamp, Helix, Kemper to QC. 
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  • Bats_Bats_ Frets: 79
    I’ve only used one in person at the guitar show. 

    I know it can sound good, anything can now, but it just felt really cheap, the screen was especially bad, really low resolution. 

    Definitely not worth the £1500 or whatever it is new. 

    A lot of pro’s will use it as they are endorsed, as with other units. I don’t think it’s a reflection of the quality of the unit. 

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  • mo6020mo6020 Frets: 484
    I have one. It's fine, but I almost always use my tube amps and actual pedals. 

    If I was gigging more and having to schlep gear around the place constantly I'd probably use it more.
    "Filthy appalachian goblin."

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  • nero1701nero1701 Frets: 1579
    My journey...

    Quad...to FM3..to Kemper..to one single afternoon with Quad and back to FM3 where I'll be staying. 
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  • allenallen Frets: 777
    My personal view is that these things are so good now it's more about the usability/ecosystem.

    I own a QC and a Kemper.

    I think there are limitations of the QC (e.g. doesn't have the range of effects and amps of Helix or Fractal), but they are far outweighed by the ease of use on the device itself. I just love the fact that I can tweak something really easily in an instant, and can create presets from scratch so easily.

    In comparison I have owned a HX effects for years and I've finally got to grips with the UI, but still doesn't have the immediacy of the QC.

    And let's be honest, how many amps, modulations, reverbs or delays do you really NEED if you are a gigging musician?
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 3reaction image Wisdom
  • mo6020mo6020 Frets: 484
    allen said:
    My personal view is that these things are so good now it's more about the usability/ecosystem.

    I own a QC and a Kemper.

    I think there are limitations of the QC (e.g. doesn't have the range of effects and amps of Helix or Fractal), but they are far outweighed by the ease of use on the device itself. I just love the fact that I can tweak something really easily in an instant, and can create presets from scratch so easily.

    In comparison I have owned a HX effects for years and I've finally got to grips with the UI, but still doesn't have the immediacy of the QC.

    And let's be honest, how many amps, modulations, reverbs or delays do you really NEED if you are a gigging musician?
    The QC form factor is brilliant, that's for sure. 

    I don't really care about the range of amps/effects as I only really use captures of my own amps (or their close relations), and the pedals are all good enough.

    We all like to cork sniff when it comes to gear but the core benefit of modellers for me is you don't need to cart all the heavy gear around, and they are very good for that. 
    "Filthy appalachian goblin."

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • onyironyir Frets: 52
    Pretty happy with my QC. I also upgraded from an Atomic Amplifire. I think it sounds great (most modellers can sound great nowadays) and it's very easy to use. The selling points for me were the form factor and  how easy it is to edit stuff on the unit itself, which came in handy in rehearsals and gigs, as I don't take a laptop with me to edit. There are some great captures out there of all kinds of rare amps and pedals that you wouldn't have access to otherwise. I do think the footswitch arrangement could be more flexible (a la fractal or helix command centre) but arguably it is enough for most use cases
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