Anyone from the UK gigged abroad recently?

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MaxA867MaxA867 Frets: 66
Was just wondering if anyone here has any recent experience of travelling to the EU/Europe for a gig?

My function band’s been offered a wedding gig in Switzerland next March. Band mates are keen to do it as it’s a friends wedding and they fancy a weekend away in the Alps, but I imagine since Brexit that it might be far more hassle than it’s worth.. 

I’ve played in Europe before, but that was a few years ago, pre leaving the EU. Back then we didn’t have to worry about visas, work permits, carnets or CITES. I’ve checked the and MU websites but the guidance is pretty vague. Does anyone know the current situation regarding all this? Any advice much appreciated. 
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  • RolandRoland Frets: 8900
    Don’t forget that Switzerland isn’t part of the EU, and has different rules about work visas and tax.
    Tree recycler, and guitarist with
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  • MaxA867MaxA867 Frets: 66
    Roland said:
    Don’t forget that Switzerland isn’t part of the EU, and has different rules about work visas and tax.
    Yes, good point. On the site it seems to just have generic advice for EU + Norway, Switzerland, Iceland and Liechtenstein. But as you say, may be different from the EU. 
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  • MoltisantiMoltisanti Frets: 1143
    if the wedding party is UK based you can have them pay you here. I'd be amazed if you need any permits/visas to play a private function in a hotel.

    The biggest hassle is travelling with guitars,pedalboards, drums etc - if you can go digital it will be a lot simpler

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  • maltingsaudiomaltingsaudio Frets: 3201
    MaxA867 said:
    Roland said:
    Don’t forget that Switzerland isn’t part of the EU, and has different rules about work visas and tax.
    Yes, good point. On the site it seems to just have generic advice for EU + Norway, Switzerland, Iceland and Liechtenstein. But as you say, may be different from the EU. 
    You will however be travelling through the EU if you’re driving, so you will need your paperwork in order for that. Best place to ask is Uk touring group on fb, this comes up all the time
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  • MaxA867MaxA867 Frets: 66
    Yes. I was thinking it would be much easier to fly in with guitars and a small fly rig (which apparently if you can carry on your person you don’t need a carnet) and hire backline/PA/kit, rather than drive the van and potentially face a grumpy customs officer on the way. 

    Will get one of the lads in the band to check out said FB group. Cheers guys

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  • BlacksheepBlacksheep Frets: 294
    In last couple of years I’ve done gigs in Belgium, France and Denmark with no issues. In October I drove to Denmark and back with some gear (Marshall/2 guitars/bass/snare and cymbals) while the rest of the guys flew. Got pulled over by UK passport control on way back. I opened the boot full of gear and they weren’t the slightest bit interested. Just asked me to lift out a case to ensure there were no stowaways. I got the impression the only thing they care about is people smuggling 
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  • merlinmerlin Frets: 6860
    I have spent a large chunk of my life making approximately 60% of my living from gigs in Europe.

     I'm not a violent person but I still want to kick seven shades of shit out of Farage and Cameron. 

    However, the MU have been pushing for fair travel for Musicians between UK and EU since the shit hit the fan. The threat of not being able to work in Eurooe is not as bad as it seems. 

    However, I still want to kick seven shades of shit out of Farage and Cameron. 

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  • KeefyKeefy Frets: 2416
    merlin said:
    I have spent a large chunk of my life making approximately 60% of my living from gigs in Europe.

     I'm not a violent person but I still want to kick seven shades of shit out of Farage and Cameron. 

    However, the MU have been pushing for fair travel for Musicians between UK and EU since the shit hit the fan. The threat of not being able to work in Eurooe is not as bad as it seems. 

    However, I still want to kick seven shades of shit out of Farage and Cameron. 

    I’ll hold your coat. Then it’s my turn.
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  • EricTheWearyEricTheWeary Frets: 16550
    The wonderfully named Thangam Debbonaire (that may or may not be the correct spelling)has talked about a fairer deals for musicians traveling into the EU. So if she becomes Labour culture secretary that's hopeful. 
    Most of my Facebook time is in groups about travelling into the EU and a lot of questions about the post Brexit regulations on pets (we now have the crap AHC system rather than the EU pet passport scheme) and the rules about not taking meat and dairy in. They do check re pets but the meat thing seems mostly ignored. Very occasionally you hear of someone who has been made an example of. But otherwise everyone gets checked for people smuggling. I suspect they just have better things to do than check musician's carnets. 
    Tipton is a small fishing village in the borough of Sandwell. 
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  • rze99rze99 Frets: 2437
    merlin said:
    I have spent a large chunk of my life making approximately 60% of my living from gigs in Europe.

     I'm not a violent person but I still want to kick seven shades of shit out of Farage and Cameron. 

    However, the MU have been pushing for fair travel for Musicians between UK and EU since the shit hit the fan. The threat of not being able to work in Eurooe is not as bad as it seems. 

    However, I still want to kick seven shades of shit out of Farage and Cameron. 

    Also not a violent man nor do I condone violence. But…..if I were I’d add that disgusting amoral lump Johnson. 
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  • mike257mike257 Frets: 374
    if the wedding party is UK based you can have them pay you here. I'd be amazed if you need any permits/visas to play a private function in a hotel.

    The biggest hassle is travelling with guitars,pedalboards, drums etc - if you can go digital it will be a lot simpler
    Can't assume that you need nothing. 

    If you're taking anything beyond instruments (mixer, PA, lights, IEMs, etc) you'll need a carnet for your equipment. Even pre-Brexit you needed this for Switzerland as it's not in the customs union. The carnet is a temporary import/export document - essentially a passport for your gear that allows it to cross a customs border without you paying import duties and local taxes. You're looking at at least £500 to get one produced. You also have the responsibility to make sure it's completed correctly at each border, or you can get in to all sorts of bother. You have to fill it out correctly and get it stamped at a customs facility for export before crossing a border, and then immediately stamped for import on the other side.

    If you were driving UK > Switzerland with a carnet for your equipment, you'd need to get it stamped at the following places:

    - At a UK customs facility (usually Sevington) for export from the UK
    - Calais for import to the EU
    - EU side of the Swiss border for export from EU
    - Swiss side of the border for import to Switzerland 
    - all of this in reverse on the way back

    If the person or business entity paying you is based in Switzerland too, you may also need an A1 form from the UK Government for each person travelling to work/perform, otherwise your earnings can be subject to a withholding tax by local authorities in the country in which you're working. 
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