Where to get a respray done?

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Preferably near London or just north of London. I'm toying with the idea of getting my status bass resprayed, but it would have to be without removing the previous finish and also without removing the pups/controls etc. Just thought I'd look into practicalities/expense. It's not a bolt on so that's another problem!
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  • HollowAxisHollowAxis Frets: 117
    edited November 2015
    Malcolm Hine of MPH did a respray on a strat of mine a few years ago.
    I recall it being reasonable price and good work. I think he sent it to someone he knew.
    He is in Edmonton.

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  • HollowAxisHollowAxis Frets: 117
    edited November 2015
    The website is shockingly bad. But ignore that, he is a good guy.
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  • StormshadowGuitarsStormshadowGuitars Frets: 1244
    tFB Trader
    It would look an absolute and utter bollocks without removing the finish, pickups and controls as it can't be done anywhere near properly.
    You'd be throwing your money away no matter who did it.
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  • WezVWezV Frets: 17460
    what he said  - I always cringe any time i see someone attempting a refin with parts in place
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  • axisusaxisus Frets: 28389
    It would look an absolute and utter bollocks without removing the finish, pickups and controls as it can't be done anywhere near properly.
    You'd be throwing your money away no matter who did it.
    Fair enough. That was the kind of feedback I was hoping for. Probably just shelve the idea as the gubbins is waaaaay to fiddly to remove. 
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  • CorvusCorvus Frets: 3091
    tFB Trader

    You certainly have to at least flat back the finish, though doesn't necessarily need totally removing. Some hardware definitely has to go, some can sometimes stay; controls & switches might be able to stay in the cavity, pushed inwards. Depends how the thing is put together. Sometimes pickups can stay, cavity sides can get some colour so it doesn't have a horrible mismatch. Again not guaranteed and depends on how it all hangs together.


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  • WezVWezV Frets: 17460
    Yep, that's the type of pic that makes me cringe. Pickups could have been removed so easily
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  • CorvusCorvus Frets: 3091
    edited October 2015 tFB Trader

    Well that's a matter of opinion, there was absolutely zero need and the job came out fine. After 20 yrs of painting I like to think I can see what is and isn't needed. The controls are still in there with the holes back-taped too, just for added cringe ; )

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  • capo4thcapo4th Frets: 4437
    You told em there chap
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  • WezVWezV Frets: 17460
    I just don't like the idea of subjecting electronic components to solvents, water and buffing compound for the sake of a couple of solder joins

    Might be worth it on the status because they tend to have complex electronics.... But to me that's more reason to remove them.
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  • CorvusCorvus Frets: 3091
    tFB Trader
    I see that to a point but these are masked, the cavity is masked back and front. Almost like a bag. No paint, water or anything gets at the wiring. I'm far happier masking than soldering plus the tape was very quick to do, way faster for me at least than removing the pups, switch, controls etc. I'm not saying it's always a great idea, merely that it can be done without problems, depending on the particular guitar.
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  • WezVWezV Frets: 17460
    I understand that. To me removing and totally protecting is quicker and safer, and it keeps each part clean and as new.

    Its like when I advise on adjusting truss rods. I always go for the safer advice of detuning and loosening before tightening etc because you never know who is reading. Truth is I have adjusted enough to not need to follow my own advise ;)

    I might trust you to mask well, but could I trust anyone else who might read this to be as thorough?
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  • MkjackaryMkjackary Frets: 776
    Could I be nosey and ask what colour it is and what you wanna change it too?
    I'm not a McDonalds burger. It is MkJackary, not Mc'Jackary... It's Em Kay Jackary. Mkay?
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  • CorvusCorvus Frets: 3091
    tFB Trader

    It'd take me a fair while to pull all the gubbins and make notes, take pics etc, the ol' brain cell has to work hard with electrics, like a mental brick wall. I just live in fear of it really.

    Regards other readers our man was talking about having it done so I'd assumed they'd tape it well, if they'd even consider that - more likely to want it disassembled or charge for doing it.
    I do think it's easy enough to do with a bit of common sense and praps some hints, like not using the horrible beige DIY tape and handling the gubbins like it's your first born, though I spose it's never entirely possible to predict what people will actually do.

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  • SkodadadSkodadad Frets: 510
    edited October 2015
    Overspray can get into the tiniest of holes and masking parts means that the coat would often not be a complete job that goes over sharp corners etc. I am thinking that sharp cut off edges are a weak point just waiting to start peeling / flaking. If I was happy to pay someone to paint I'd likely be happy to pay someone to rewire too maybe upgrading or cleaning pots while it was apart.
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  • axisusaxisus Frets: 28389
    Mkjackary said:
    Could I be nosey and ask what colour it is and what you wanna change it too?
    The bass is a sandy yellowy colour, I prefer dark colours, probably a dark green.
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