Next trip - Amsterdam, hotel recommendations and things to do?

What's Hot
Could the kind people recommend some nice hotels in Amsterdam?  looking to go start of January for 3 nights with a girl, so nice hotel, if I were going with the lads then I wouldn't care if I were sleeping on the floor as that seems to be most people's experience of hotels in cities like Amsterdam but if someone has any recommendations of nice hotels I would be most grateful.

Also, what are there to do apart from getting high as a kite? lol
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  • RolandRoland Frets: 9083
    Tree recycler, and guitarist with
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  • AlnicoAlnico Frets: 4616
    Hotel IBIS next to Central Train Station.

    Dead opposite is what they call the Main Town Bridge. With the Hotel behind you, stood on the bridge looking down singel canal, on your right is the only Coffee shop you will need while your there, 'The Doors'. To your immediate right is a Cheese Shop called Kaase Land, that is on the corner of 'Prince Henrik Kade' - remember that because in the morning, it's almost the law that you go down there approx 1/2 mile to 'Barneys Coffee Shop' for breakfast. Run by Londoners, been there since the 80's, cool as anything.
    Back to being stood on Town Bridge. To your left you should see a restaurant called 'Gaucho's'. Argentinian Steak House, food of the Gods.

    From Town bridge (With hotel IBIS behind you), the Red Light District is away to your left, behind the buildings you can see, the main shopping fashion area is straight down singel canal for what feels like miles until you reach Vondel Park and then it's away to the right of the park. The park is a VERY cool place to be on a Sunday but in Mid January, i don't know, maybe not so much !

    South of the River is the Heineken experience thing / factory, it;s not bad.
    Go north out of the city on one of the millions of forms of transport to a place called 'Zandaam' to find a more genuine dutch feel, rather than a neon tourist trap. There are lots of nice places to eat there.
    There is nothing to the west (Of any note) until you reach Haarlem, approx 20 km and a very short train ride from the central station that's right next to the hotel - it;s like 25 minutes on the train.
    Haarlem is where i used to live and it's the most beautiful, old world place i've ever been. You can easily spend a day there enjoy Holland without the 'Spend-spend-spend' nature of Amsterdam. If you do go, find the 'Botermarkt and you are right at the end of the street i lived on, right in the heart of the city. It's the Old market place. It's lined with lovely shops, a brilliant coffee shop called 'Easy Going' (Say Hiya to Willem, Theo and Miranda from 'Engls Phil'). Approx 10 minutes away on teh other side of 'Gedempt Oudegracht' is the road that leads you back towards the Train Station. It's best to have got the bus when you get there, to Ged.Oudegracht and once you've seen that end of town, start walking back towards the station and take in the sights as you go back across town. You are walking towards the 'Grote Markt' now, the big market place. It's in front of another huge church, dating back zillions of years and looks amazing. You're also now right in the heart of 'Early evening restaurants' and wine bars. Last train back to Central Station is around 11pm - taxi will be around £40-50 Euro by now i reckon.

    Once you're back in 'The Dam', go and have a look (Another day) at the other market place where 'The Bluebird' is, Amsterdams oldest English Owned Coffee Shop. It's away towards the south east of the city, it's called 'Waterloo plein'. As well as the Bluebird, there is a massive flea market there and LOTS of amazing 'Lunchy' type of places.
    On your way back to the central station is the 'Oude Kerk' (Old Church) which is where a lot of history occurred during the occupation. 
    If World War II interests you at all, the city (and Haarlem) has so much local history for you to delve into, you could spend a week just doing that. The Dutch are very proud of how their  ancestors dealt with Wars and especially how they dealt with the Nazi's and the occupation. They are a hugely resilient people and if you show an interest in their country, they are normally more than happy to help you and show you as much as you want to see. I can't remember where the Musuem is but anyone will tell you and it's WELL worth it.

    If you're into Architecture, its' literally everywhere. In Haarlem you should especially see the 'Bavo Cathedral' and in Amsterdam it is literally just everywhere, maybe less so on the redeveloped  shore line of the river but very much so the further south you go from there and into the older streets and canal side walkways. Truly, utterly beautiful. Kase Land shops are everywhere and there is nothing like getting stoned then buying a big handful of lovely fresh bread, sundried tomatoes and some of the best cheese on the planet and just walking around the old streets trying to take in what it's like to live there !(That's how i ended up living there and one thing it is, is expensive in Amsterdam. I lasted a month before i had to get out to Haarlem but it is the ultimate 'Blast' to live in those big, massive houses / apartments that line the canal.

    Don't go too far east, all you will find is Ikea and the ring road !

    There's tons more. If you're into tech and photography, find a street in Amsterdam called 'Damrak', the guitar shops are dotted around, some are very old traditional-sell-violins-and-oh-ok-i-suppose-we-will-stock-guitars-if-we-have-to and some are very like our PMT and large Indie stores.

    Dam Square always has some kind of attraction going on (10 minutes from Central Station - Go immediate left out of the station and along until the buildings / block on the other side of the road end in a very ornate looking hotel. Cross over and walk straight down. It's the street with all the 'Bureau de Change' places every 20 ft and quite a few main stream world banks are there too should you need such a thing, TSB, Barclays, HSBC etc. As you walk down past all of that, Dam Square will come up on your left.

    If you're still stuck for something to do after that, there's live sex shows (TONS of fun with a girlfriend / wife going with you), there's live bands everywhere and everywhere stays open until 3 am when everywhere seems to just close all at once until about 8am, when seemingly everywhere opens again and you can start as early as you like.

    Stay away from EVERY single person who tries to get your attention on the streets, no matter what. If you're with a Woman it makes you even more of a magnet because they are quite happy to escalate any situation and they know you are less likely to carry it on when you're with a woman. If you do end up in a battle of words with them, watch your peripheral vision for their back up to suddenly swarm around you and then, watch out for knives. Best avoided by simply ignoring them. They also know that if you do not say one word to them, they can't claim provocation when the inevitable city cop shows up.
    NOBODY fucks with Amsterdam City Cops. If you see anyone give these guys any lip, you will see what i mean. They kick your arse first and ask questions later if they think you're being dodgy and then you give them a hard time. If you have genuinely been hurt or hassled by anyone, they will be your best friend.

    Try as much local food as you can and above all else, enjoy the atmosphere and the culture. It's all around you, everywhere over there.

    Have a really great time.
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  • blobbblobb Frets: 3265
    Rembrandtplein has a nice vibe to it. I stayed in a hotel on the square last time I went 'Hotel Royal Amsterdam', small rooms but nicely setup, you don't spend much time in them to be honest. Turned up at 8:30 and found out Hawkwind were playing the Melkweg that night, half an hour later spacerock heaven. Some good record shops in the vicinity too. Nice coffee shop round the corner with outside seats so you can smoke tobacco if that's your thing. The 'smoking allowed, tobacco isn't' rule can get a bit confusing at times.
    Feelin' Reelin' & Squeelin'
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  • scrumhalfscrumhalf Frets: 11670
    I liked the zoo when I was last there. As a place to visit, not as a place to stay.
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  • @alnico wins. Thread over.
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  • RaymondLinRaymondLin Frets: 12319
    Thanks @alnico !!! that's great help.

    I'll remember NOT to interact with people selling stuff on the street, I am normally good at "ignoring" strangers.
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  • jellyrolljellyroll Frets: 3074
    Art 'otel opposite central station is nice though not budget prices.  

    There are a couple of photography museums worth visiting. - FOAM and Huismarseille. They're both on the same street. A couple of weeks ago FOAM had a great exhibition of Magnum original contact sheets by Robert Capa and HCB amongst others.
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  • jellyrolljellyroll Frets: 3074
    edited December 2015
    Oh....and FOAM is round the corner from Dirk Witte - a decent guitar store........ ;)
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  • WazmeisterWazmeister Frets: 10087
    edited December 2015
    The Van Gogh Museum is stunning mate - stand before the massive wheat fields and dense the emotion and movement.

    Rembrandt studio excellent too, and the Anne Frank is notable.

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  • RaymondLinRaymondLin Frets: 12319
    edited December 2015
    Thanks guys, though the trip has been postponed to March, booooooo

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  • ESBlondeESBlonde Frets: 3646
    Hire a bike and join in.

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  • RMJRMJ Frets: 1274
    I went to a sex show in Amsterdamwhen I was a plucky 20 something...mental. Man plucked from audience had a dildo strapped to his head and was then instructed by a nice young lady to insert it in various locations.
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