Low levels on audio export from DAW - HELP!!

I am nearing my wits end with a problem I've seemingly developed of late. I'm recording some short soundclips for a friend who's developing his own range of guitar pickups. I'm using an old but perfectly solid P4 3.2ghz PC with 2gb RAM and separate system and audio drives. Soundcard is an RME Multiface1 (8 analogue ins and outs) and I'm using a budget Behringer Xenyx small mixer just for a mic pre into the RME and as a monitor level control. I have the recording aux 'bus' from the desk going to the first two 'IN's on the RME and the first two 'OUT's from the RME running to the 'TAPE IN' phono sockets on the desk. 

I've recorded several clips so far and levels on the two DAWs I use (an old version of Sonar 4 and likewise for Nuendo) look fine - both on recording and playback. Levels in the souncard's built in mixer/routing software 'Totalmix' look equally healthy. I also ensured that I got a reasonable recording level and recorded in 24 bit for an extra bit of leeway. 

When I select the track and then export the audio, ie File > Export > Audio (I've tried selecting broadcast wave and AAC) the resulting file has severely dropped in level. A friend has suggested running it through a mastering type plug in to boost the level but surely for one simple mono track with a bit of guitar playing I shouldn't have to do this? I've compared my track with clips from pickup makers websites and the difference in volume is staggering. I've also tried running a db boost on the file through Audacity but this doesn't seem to do the trick either and often ends up clipping the file.  

I have no problems with clicks, pops or latency but this level drop thing is driving me barmy. I'm convinced it's something I have connected incorrectly between the soundcard and the desk but for the life of me can't find what!

I'm going to try again at the week end but if anyone has any suggestions I'll be really grateful. I had this rig set up before and don't recall having a level problem. I think back then that I had my studio monitors connected directly to the soundcard's outs rather than via the mixer - could this be the problem?
Seemed like a good idea.....

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  • ecc83ecc83 Frets: 1739
    edited January 2014

    Just a thought but, go into Windows Sounds and Audio Devices from Control Panel and work thru the various menues and check that a "slider" has not been pulled down. Xp used to slam the Synth slider down on me once a month or so...Boggled the A off me till I sussed it!

    I trust you have disabled both the OnBoard Sound and Windows noises?

    Also, download Samplitude Silver Cloud. I never have any issues exporting from that.Either .wavs or mp3.



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  • citizen68citizen68 Frets: 172
    Thanks for the reply Dave. I'm pretty sure that I've done all that but well worth double checking as you say - will also try the samplitude software - cheers.
    Seemed like a good idea.....

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • CirrusCirrus Frets: 8562
    edited January 2014
    In Nuendo, when playing the recording go into the mixer view. On the far right is the output bus fader - make sure it's at 0db. Put a meter plugin vst on that track and see what peak/rms levels you're actually getting - if you do an export the levels of that wav file should be the same. To check, export a mixdown then import that mixdown back into nuendo on a fresh track, and compare the recording with the exported track level. I'd be very surprised if they're not the same?  :-O
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • citizen68citizen68 Frets: 172
    Muchos gracias Cirrus - I'll be giving that a try - really appreciate the help
    Seemed like a good idea.....

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • citizen68citizen68 Frets: 172
    edited January 2014
    Turns out the standard XP sound drivers were not installed at all and the computer was using my RME as the windows default playback & recording device. I did have windows sounds off and the onboard audio disabled in BIOS.

     I installed the XP (AC97) drivers then launched my DAW - checked the windows mixer levels and like you said Dave @ecc83 one of the sliders was below half way up - turned this up full and problem solved!

    Thanks again ;)
    Seemed like a good idea.....

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • ecc83ecc83 Frets: 1739
    citizen68 said:
    Turns out the standard XP sound drivers were not installed at all and the computer was using my RME as the windows default playback & recording device. I did have windows sounds off and the onboard audio disabled in BIOS.

     I installed the XP (AC97) drivers then launched my DAW - checked the windows mixer levels and like you said Dave @ecc83 one of the sliders was below half way up - turned this up full and problem solved!

    Thanks again ;)
    Sooooper! You will have to keep an eye. It is a bug in XP I was told that it Jodrells the controls about once a month or so!

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  • citizen68citizen68 Frets: 172
    Cheers Dave that would certainly appear to be the case - a mate of mine is hoping to start a guitar pickup business & I've been doing some sound clips for him - I've had to check that slider & whack it back up a few times - it's a habit now!
    Seemed like a good idea.....

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • ecc83ecc83 Frets: 1739
    citizen68 said:
    Cheers Dave that would certainly appear to be the case - a mate of mine is hoping to start a guitar pickup business & I've been doing some sound clips for him - I've had to check that slider & whack it back up a few times - it's a habit now!

    We are of course on borrowed time with XP . According to many 'sperts, post March 14, any XP machine on the internet will instantly be attacked by a zillion mad hackers and there will be no Msoft fixes for it. 

    I really have no idea what will happen but I have two XP desktops and am looking to buy Win 7. The Msoft test download seems to indicate that they can run the 32bit version. I am hoping that I can get away with buying just ONE copy of Windows 7! 

    On a brighter note it seems development of W9 is well underway and one can hope it will be a vast improvement on 8?

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • citizen68citizen68 Frets: 172
    edited January 2014
    Now I've got that level problem sorted I don't mind what they say Dave - my music machine only has music software & no tinternet connection - boots up in around 55 seconds & closes down in a flash - wish my other computers did similar!
    Seemed like a good idea.....

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
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