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girl with 'unusual' name made fun of shock!

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  • This ain't owt new! Years ago someone did nearly the same with the months of the year. They thought "Let's use the initials of the 7th to 11th months of the year" for our little boy.

    Only a Fool Would Say That.
    3reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • PVO_DavePVO_Dave Frets: 2391
    Saw a comment on Facebook just now:

    ”if she gets fat when she’s older, will she change her name to obcd” :D 

    Poor kid
    7reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  •   At least she wasn't called @Bridgehouse now that would have been cruel =)

    My next offspring will be called dr1v3l in your honour
    Nice, that's the same as the number plate I have on the Capri.

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • p90foolp90fool Frets: 32367
    edited December 2018
    There's a tiny village school about ten miles from me which unlike the others is thriving, because that's where all the hippies for miles around send their stupidly-named offspring, their local primaries all coincidentally seem to be hotbeds of bullying. 

    The school in question only has a couple of local farm kids who are heavily outnumbered by Cloud, Starshine, Peace and their ilk, so nobody gets their dinner money beaten out of them or their bag thrown in the river until high school. 

    It's a tricky subject, shaming a five year old is unforgivable, but the parents need a slap. 

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • dbphotodbphoto Frets: 716
    I went to school with a girl called Gay Gardner (short for Gaynor I presume?) and she did have a hard time.

    Then again, my two are called Sia and Beau, so I can’t really judge others on what names they choose I suppose.
    2reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • p90fool said:
    There's a tiny village school about ten miles from me which unlike the others is thriving, because that's where all the hippies for miles around send their stupidly-named offspring, their local primaries all coincidentally seem to be hotbeds of bullying. 

    The school in question only has a couple of local farm kids who are heavily outnumbered by Cloud, Starshine, Peace and their ilk, so nobody gets their dinner money beaten out of them or their bag thrown in the river until high school. 

    It's a tricky subject, shaming a five year old is unforgivable, but the parents need a slap. 

    The only parents that need a slap are the ones who raise intolerant, bullying children.
    1reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 5reaction image Wisdom
  • BRISTOL86BRISTOL86 Frets: 1920
    Well I guess the parents finally got the attention they were clearly so desperately craving when they named her in the first place. 
    2reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 5reaction image Wisdom
  • I'm scared and I'm waiting for life
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • BridgehouseBridgehouse Frets: 24584

      At least she wasn't called @Bridgehouse now that would have been cruel =)

    My next offspring will be called dr1v3l in your honour
    Nice, that's the same as the number plate I have on the Capri.
    I had you down as a Montego Sport kind of chap
    1reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • p90foolp90fool Frets: 32367
    p90fool said:
    There's a tiny village school about ten miles from me which unlike the others is thriving, because that's where all the hippies for miles around send their stupidly-named offspring, their local primaries all coincidentally seem to be hotbeds of bullying. 

    The school in question only has a couple of local farm kids who are heavily outnumbered by Cloud, Starshine, Peace and their ilk, so nobody gets their dinner money beaten out of them or their bag thrown in the river until high school. 

    It's a tricky subject, shaming a five year old is unforgivable, but the parents need a slap. 

    The only parents that need a slap are the ones who raise intolerant, bullying children.
    Be realistic, if you go to a school full of farm kids and you're a hippy kid with a weird name who smells of wood smoke they WILL pick on you. 

    Nobody is "raising" a bully, it's just inevitable with a bunch of barely supervised nine year olds who all look and sound alike when one of them definitely doesn't. 

    My name is Julian, I grew up in South Wales in the 60s and 70s and went to a comprehensive school where some of the teachers were escorted in and out by the police for their own safety. 

    Luckily I was big, but had to be way more aggressive than I was naturally inclined to be just because of my stupid girly name. 

    Every new class or new school (we were in the RAF and travelled a lot) meant that I had to put some fucker on his arse in the first couple of weeks just for a quiet life. I have no idea WTF my seriously working class parents were thinking or where they got the name from but the song A Boy Named Sue really resonated with me. 

    I stand by my earlier assertion, the parents need a fucking slap. 

    0reaction image LOL 1reaction image Wow! 5reaction image Wisdom
  • p90fool said:
    p90fool said:
    There's a tiny village school about ten miles from me which unlike the others is thriving, because that's where all the hippies for miles around send their stupidly-named offspring, their local primaries all coincidentally seem to be hotbeds of bullying. 

    The school in question only has a couple of local farm kids who are heavily outnumbered by Cloud, Starshine, Peace and their ilk, so nobody gets their dinner money beaten out of them or their bag thrown in the river until high school. 

    It's a tricky subject, shaming a five year old is unforgivable, but the parents need a slap. 

    The only parents that need a slap are the ones who raise intolerant, bullying children.
    Be realistic, if you go to a school full of farm kids and you're a hippy kid with a weird name who smells of wood smoke they WILL pick on you. 

    Nobody is "raising" a bully, it's just inevitable with a bunch of barely supervised nine year olds who all look and sound alike when one of them definitely doesn't. 

    My kids are the only non swiss kids in their school. They have french names and are obviously different by language. We live in a rural farming village and my kids are easily outsiders.

    Bullying isn't an issue, at all. In fact parents encourage their kids to befriend ours as they know it'll give their kids a reason to learn English. 

    To be fair, this topic was one of the reasons I wanted to leave england. Too many schools just have no control and parents don't give a shit and don't support teachers to disciplin (I was a teacher before leaving). 

    1reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 4reaction image Wisdom
  • SporkySporky Frets: 30055
    p90fool said:

    Every new class or new school (we were in the RAF and travelled a lot) meant that I had to put some fucker on his arse in the first couple of weeks just for a quiet life. 

    I stand by my earlier assertion, the parents need a fucking slap. 

    So you're intolerant, and believe in solving problems through violence? 
    "[Sporky] brings a certain vibe and dignity to the forum."
    2reaction image LOL 1reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • p90foolp90fool Frets: 32367
    Sporky said:
    p90fool said:

    Every new class or new school (we were in the RAF and travelled a lot) meant that I had to put some fucker on his arse in the first couple of weeks just for a quiet life. 

    I stand by my earlier assertion, the parents need a fucking slap. 

    So you're intolerant, and believe in solving problems through violence? 
    I had to survive, that's all. 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 5reaction image Wisdom
  • robgilmorobgilmo Frets: 3754
    p90fool said:
    p90fool said:
    There's a tiny village school about ten miles from me which unlike the others is thriving, because that's where all the hippies for miles around send their stupidly-named offspring, their local primaries all coincidentally seem to be hotbeds of bullying. 

    The school in question only has a couple of local farm kids who are heavily outnumbered by Cloud, Starshine, Peace and their ilk, so nobody gets their dinner money beaten out of them or their bag thrown in the river until high school. 

    It's a tricky subject, shaming a five year old is unforgivable, but the parents need a slap. 

    The only parents that need a slap are the ones who raise intolerant, bullying children.
    Be realistic, if you go to a school full of farm kids and you're a hippy kid with a weird name who smells of wood smoke they WILL pick on you. 

    Nobody is "raising" a bully, it's just inevitable with a bunch of barely supervised nine year olds who all look and sound alike when one of them definitely doesn't. 

    My name is Julian, I grew up in South Wales in the 60s and 70s and went to a comprehensive school where some of the teachers were escorted in and out by the police for their own safety. 

    Luckily I was big, but had to be way more aggressive than I was naturally inclined to be just because of my stupid girly name. 

    Every new class or new school (we were in the RAF and travelled a lot) meant that I had to put some fucker on his arse in the first couple of weeks just for a quiet life. I have no idea WTF my seriously working class parents were thinking or where they got the name from but the song A Boy Named Sue really resonated with me. 

    I stand by my earlier assertion, the parents need a fucking slap. 

    Are you a farm kid? And if you think its only farmers kids who bully and they somehow have an excuse because their parents are farmers obviously you are wrong,sounds like you had a hard time but things have drastically changed  in the past 40odd years from when you were at school. There is no excuse for bullying at any age from any background, and yes, it is the way children are brought up that decides their attitude towards others.
    A Deuce , a Tele and a cup of tea.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • dbphoto said:
    I went to school with a girl called Gay Gardner (short for Gaynor I presume?) and she did have a hard time.

    Then again, my two are called Sia and Beau, so I can’t really judge others on what names they choose I suppose.
    I went to school until eleven with Michael Gay. His name was not a source of humour to us at the time although I suspect once he hit secondary school that might have changed. 
    Tipton is a small fishing village in the borough of Sandwell. 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • p90foolp90fool Frets: 32367
    No @robgilmo I'm not a farmer, and I'm not defending their behaviour in any way, in fact if you knew me you'd know that was extremely unlikely. 

    Things certainly have changed for the better in my lifetime, but as someone who suffered from bullying from older kids it's always been something I detest.

    BUT, my sincere and deep empathy for anyone who is bullied comes more from a realisation that I also perpetrated it. 

    I can remember as a 12 year old flattening a kid in a perfectly legitimate football tackle, but in an unnecessary way I could've pulled out of and didn't.

    He wasn't very big or one of the 'cool kids', and half an hour later he deliberately piled into me, knocking me over, but with a look of genuine fear at what my reaction would be. 

    It dawned on me instantly that he'd been dwelling on what I'd done and been quietly seething about it, and was almost tearful as he got his revenge.
    Given who he was and who I was in terms of social standing in that horrible school status battle, it took some bravery to attack me and I instantly felt a deep shame about it which has stuck with me for decades.

    I'm not an animal, in fact in my many years service as a union rep I've spent decades defending people against adversaries who are holding most of the aces, but I still think parents need to try and remember the cut and thrust of trying to keep your head above water in the social melee of a primary school. 

    Parents who want to prove their individuality should think very carefully about trying to do it through their kids IMO, young children LIKE to feel they belong in general, and should be given a chance to do so unless they choose otherwise, without feeling excluded by a silly whim of their parents. 

    I give my cats silly names, they seem cool with it, but my kids? Give 'em a chance to forge their own rebellion, without having to win a stupid battle against mine before they even start. 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 6reaction image Wisdom
  • MagicPigDetectiveMagicPigDetective Frets: 3126
    edited December 2018
    I have an idea what Julian is on about. I was a 'townie' that started going to a rural mid wales high school in 1988. A lot of the kids were hard farm kids  and for us 11 year olds, it was a pretty terrifying couple of years. Luckily I was not singled out for any prolonged bullying, just the usual odd incidents. We adopted the minnow approach, strength in numbers. I liked football, even though I was shit at it, the fact I played every dinner hour with the hard football kids meant I was spared from severe bullying, despite being something of an outsider. But there were others who were bullied mercilessly. Usually the weak ones, shit at football etc You had to adopt some kind of survival strategy.

     But, I wouldn't say it was just the farm kids. I found on the whole the farmer sons to have a sense of fairness or decency bred into them to not let things get to far. The worst bullies were boys from broken families or poverty striken circumstances.

    Anyway back to the subject, my name is Geraint. I've had periods in my life where I was ashamed of it due to negative reactions to it, but hey by now I love having a very Welsh name. Us Welsh are long used to people getting our names wrong or being ridiculed. You just explain politely how it is pronounced,  shrug at their ignorance and get on with it, and not go winging to the press. It's been this way for hundreds of years! 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • MyrandaMyranda Frets: 2940
    p90fool said:
    I give my cats silly names, they seem cool with it, but my kids? Give 'em a chance to forge their own rebellion, without having to win a stupid battle against mine before they even start. 
    When I finally live somewhere that I can have some cats I fully intend to have Meow Tse Tung (will call him/her Chairman Meow), Leopold The Second Cat, Adolf Kitler, Purr Pot and maybe a Purrseph Stalin.

    But cats don't have to meet strange people and tell them their name... 
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • robgilmorobgilmo Frets: 3754
    edited December 2018
    I have an idea what Julian is on about. I was a 'townie' that started going to a rural mid wales high school in 1988. A lot of the kids were hard farm kids  and for us 11 year olds, it was a pretty terrifying couple of years. Luckily I was not singled out for any prolonged bullying, just the usual odd incidents. We adopted the minnow approach, strength in numbers. I liked football, even though I was shit at it, the fact I played every dinner hour with the hard football kids meant I was spared from severe bullying, despite being something of an outsider. But there were others who were bullied mercilessly. Usually the weak ones, shit at football etc You had to adopt some kind of survival strategy.

     But, I wouldn't say it was just the farm kids. I found on the whole the farmer sons to have a sense of fairness or decency bred into them to not let things get to far. The worst bullies were boys from broken families or poverty striken circumstances.

    Anyway back to the subject, my name is Geraint. I've had periods in my life where I was ashamed of it due to negative reactions to it, but hey by now I love having a very Welsh name. Us Welsh are long used to people getting our names wrong or being ridiculed. You just explain politely how it is pronounced,  shrug at their ignorance and get on with it, and not go winging to the press. It's been this way for hundreds of years! 
    Winging to the press? If some asshole airport official took a photo of my daughter's passport and put it on social media for people to scorn at id be fucking livid, I wouldn't be telling her to just get on with it, I would also be exposing this fucking asshole to the general public.

    Being bullied at school , and a child being bullied by a fully grown adult who uses their official status to do so is hardly the same thing, so while a child bullies another child you take it to their parents in the hope that they are decent enough to deal with their childs behaviour but when an adult does it you take it everywhere you can. People abusing children really gets my goat up.
    A Deuce , a Tele and a cup of tea.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
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