Dumble-esque pedals - what's good and what's meh?

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TimmyOTimmyO Frets: 8066
What's the current received wisdom on one's worth checking out? 
Red ones are better. 
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  • koss59koss59 Frets: 887
    I absolutely loved the Rockett Dude, I used that as my main drive until I changed my amp to a Lonestar which I now use instead. 
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  • drippycatdrippycat Frets: 143
    You could try the zendrive into a fender style amp like Robben Ford does. Or if you want to spend some money there's the Custom Tones Ethos Overdrive which is a mass of knobs and mini switches.
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  • John_PJohn_P Frets: 2767
    I was playing through my ethos this afternoon - haven’t used it for a while, running into a superbass it soundsd fantastic.    
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  • Have a look at the Wampler Euphoria. It's a cracking pedal and has a quite Dumblesque response.
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  • johnhejohnhe Frets: 192
    I love the Wampler Euphoria - especially for cleaner tones. It’s a really lovely sounding overdrive and can be very transparent.

    the Dude is one of my favourite pedals of all time, but is much thicker sounding. It’s just an awesome lead pedal. Sounds very Bonamassa-like. A real scorcher!
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  • The one I shouldn’t have sold and would have again is the Van Weelden Royal Overdrive. Big and pricey but amazing
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  • BebopperBebopper Frets: 129
    edited January 2019
    I have and can recommend the Simble.

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  • zepp76zepp76 Frets: 2534
    Don't know if it's the kind of thing you're looking for but the J Rockett Lenny (based on the Dumble steel string singer) is a fantastic pedal, it works great as a boost but does colour your sound (in a good way). I sold mine but quickly rebought one as I just love the sound.
    Tomorrow will be a good day.
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  • equalsqlequalsql Frets: 6369
    edited January 2019
    Bebopper said:
    I have and can recommend the Simble.

    This .. I had one and it nailed  Larry Carlton's Dumble tone.
    (pronounced: equal-sequel)   "I suffered for my art.. now it's your turn"
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  • WazmeisterWazmeister Frets: 10082
    Well, as ever, Dumble is a subjective description, as there are a variety of sounds...

    However, to get that classic, touch sensitive ‘bloom’, Id recommend...

    - MP Simble
    - Zendrive
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  • JalapenoJalapeno Frets: 6451
    Zendrive, or clone thereof - does the Robben Ford sound really well.

    If you're feeling boutique, Larry Carlton recommends Zenduko http://tanabe.tv/top/kudou/index-e.html

    Either with an EP booster in front will sound immense (IMHO - I use the Zendrive & EP)

    Imagine something sharp and witty here ......

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  • Jimbro66Jimbro66 Frets: 2476
    I was in a band for a few years where I wanted that Dumble OD Special sound. I started of with a Hermida Zendrive then after a year or two moved to an Ethos Overdrive. Both did the D-sound equally well IMO. The Zendrive was something of a one trick pony whereas the Ethos was more flexible in its range of sounds. The Ethos is quite a lump on a pedalboard.

    After leaving that band I retained the Ethos for a while before selling it for a good price and then buying a MP Simble. The Simble is excellent. Here is a vid comparing it with a real Dumble ODS:


    Points to to bear in mind are that the amp and its settings will influence how ‘Dumble’ the pedal sounds. Any of the pedals mentioned in this thread will get you there with the right amp setup. Also, too many guys get too anal about that sound but are generally talking nuances that would be totally lost on a gig audience. So achieving that sound is largely for your own satisfaction.
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  • darcymdarcym Frets: 1303
    @TimmyO pretty much everyone will have a view on this and the key thing is they will all be right, I've got a load of these pedals from different brands and different models, and I've found them all hit and miss depending on the sound I'm going for and the amp I'm using (and to an extent the setup I've got on that amp).

    There are some pedals that work pretty well generic at that vocal dumble over drive sound with any amp, but don't shine, 
    there are some that shine with certain voiced amps, but then punish you hard with others.

    you could name pretty much any dumble pedal and I'd be %80 sure I currently own it, %10 I've owned it and %10 I've no idea about this one, and I've got a positive and negative view on almost every one of those but it depends on setup and what you're after, nothing to do with the actual pedal, which is why you see threads saying "this pedal is amazing" then the next post "this pedal was really bland" talking about exactly the same pedal.

    Could you narrow it down a little to the sound you're looking for and the base gear you intend to use it with, opinions will still be subjective but I promise most of these pedals shine in certain conditions and fart in other.
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  • TimmyOTimmyO Frets: 8066
    darcym said:
    @TimmyO pretty much everyone will have a view on this and the key thing is they will all be right, I've got a load of these pedals from different brands and different models, and I've found them all hit and miss depending on the sound I'm going for and the amp I'm using (and to an extent the setup I've got on that amp).

    There are some pedals that work pretty well generic at that vocal dumble over drive sound with any amp, but don't shine, 
    there are some that shine with certain voiced amps, but then punish you hard with others.

    you could name pretty much any dumble pedal and I'd be %80 sure I currently own it, %10 I've owned it and %10 I've no idea about this one, and I've got a positive and negative view on almost every one of those but it depends on setup and what you're after, nothing to do with the actual pedal, which is why you see threads saying "this pedal is amazing" then the next post "this pedal was really bland" talking about exactly the same pedal.

    Could you narrow it down a little to the sound you're looking for and the base gear you intend to use it with, opinions will still be subjective but I promise most of these pedals shine in certain conditions and fart in other.
    that's interesting, thanks. 

    It'd be to use with a Hamstead Artist 20 combo (EL34s, clean - once I get my hands on it in the next week or so hopefully) 
    Red ones are better. 
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  • clarkefanclarkefan Frets: 808
    Watched Andy's vid of the Simble after all positive mentions in this thread.  From his PGS days.

    I'm not sure what exactly it's supposed to do but that has to be the most useless insipid pedal I've ever heard.
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  • TimmyOTimmyO Frets: 8066
    @darcym I don't suppose you fancy being a lending library for trying these these out do you?  =)
    Red ones are better. 
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  • BradBrad Frets: 694
    edited January 2019
    I’m in agreement that the ‘Dumble thing’ can mean different things to different people. For me what instantly springs to mind is ‘Talk To Your Daughter’ era Robben Ford. But to my ears all of the ones I’ve tried sounded different and felt different under the fingers. I also agree it can very well be rig dependent too. Here are my (subjective) findings...

    Simble - sounded identical to a real Dumble on the demos. l found it pretty underwhelming really, didn’t stay long.

    Zendrive - What Robben uses when he can’t use his amps. Good pedal, I couldn’t get ‘that’ sound though.

    Everything Zen - Clone of the Zendrive but WAY better in my opinion and much cheaper! A keeper for many different reasons. 

    Kingsley Jester - Often seen as ‘Dumblesque’. Probably my favourite OD regardless of that association though. 

    Van Weelden Royal OD - For me, absolutely NAILS that sound I accociate with Dumble. It’s designed to work with any guitar/amp configuration. 

    Rockett The Dude - Extremely close the the Van Weelden at a much cheaper price and smaller footprint. Really gets the sound that I hear. Great pedal, I’ll probably get another one in the future. 

    Ethos - I’d say it sits somewhere between a Zendrive and Van Weelden/Dude. Good pedal but I dare say a little overrated?? Yikes! 

    I’ve not tried (just I can’t be arsed anymore)...

    Zenkudo - Larry’s pedal of choice
    Wampler Euphoria - is that one usually suggested?
    Mojo Hand DMBL

    As as an example, the Zendrive and The Dude sound and feel completely different to one another to me, even though they are both Dumble style pedals. I didn’t really like the Simble, yet that gets a lot of love. I think you’ve just got to try a few out and see what works for you. 
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  • TimmyOTimmyO Frets: 8066
    Thanks that's really helpful 

    I've had a Zendrive before (well a clone I made from a verified schematic) and I liked it but it just seems like a nice screamer with the ability to tilt the low EQ to me <meh>

    I'll take a nose at some of these others on YouTube 
    Red ones are better. 
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  • darcymdarcym Frets: 1303
    TimmyO said:
    @darcym I don't suppose you fancy being a lending library for trying these these out do you?  =)

    I'd certainly look into it as you're a very respected member, the EL34 thing is certainly worth noting, however the Hampstead isn't as "Marshall voiced" as your more generic EL34 amps, and interestingly I've never tried it with the Hampsteads before, but I have tried the bigger iron Hampsteads (superb amps, great purchase !) I can make a guess at some pedals that may work for you. could you give me one or two artists or tracks that you think "that sort of ball park" so I get an idea of the sound you've got in your head. 

    I'm pretty sure that we'll either get you the ball park you want or crush once and for all if you want one of these pedals

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  • And in the cheap but not bad at all corner, you might want to give the Mooer Rumble drive
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