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the band arsehole...

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  • There is only two people in our band currently - Mrs Randomhandclaps and myself.  I put the possibility of every band having an arsehole to her and asked her who she thought the arsehole was in our band.  I did not like her answer.
    That's fine, because it means it's probably her.
    <space for hire>
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • impmannimpmann Frets: 12766
    We fired our bass player for being incapable of remembering from one day to the next how certain songs went, for being permanently unpleasantly pissed (and other chemical 'enhancements'), for being argumentative and for generally being a 'cunt'. 

    He seemed genuinely surprised when we gave him the first warning - and the same on the second warning. And the third. And then I had to be physically restrained by the drummer (and his kit) from embedding my Telecaster into the side of his skull. So we fired him to save any of us from being arrested for disposing of a body...
    Never Ever Bloody Anything Ever.

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • impmann said:
    ...I had to be physically restrained by the drummer (and his kit) from embedding my Telecaster into the side of his skull.
    At last - a legitimate reason for Telecasters to exist! :p

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 4reaction image Wisdom
  • Lateness, not learning stuff when you say you will, and I'm not talking having it totally spot on, I mean, not even being bothered to listen to it at all so you don't know the structure, kicking off at the rest of the band because this and that aint good enough, when your bit's written on a piece of paper hanging on the mic stand
    ^^^ This.

    Last band I was in, the singer was like this. The last straw for me was the song Around & Around. Every week at rehearsal I would confirm everyone was ready and play the intro riff. And... silence "Oh, was I supposed to come in there?". I walked.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • CatthanCatthan Frets: 390
    edited November 2014
    Our singer probably thinks it's me;

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • fastboyfastboy Frets: 166
    edited November 2014
    We've all been there with the band arsehole.

    My standouts have been the bassist in my old sabbath tribute band. The most compulsive liar known to man. He was also seriously obnoxious to boot as well and I spent far to much time apologising to people because of his bad behaviour. Once I had enough, I gathered all the evidence of his lies and laid it bare to the band mates.

    His response to that, try and justify it with new lies (which I later found out were also lies). The guy couldn't tell the truth to save his life !

    As I exposed him and he's worried I will tell others he's on facebook these days under a different random name (he thinks I dont know not that I have any interest in exposing him as I'm just glad I don't have anything to do with him anymore and never will again). You know your a loser when you can't even use your own name on facebook.

    Prior band to that, we had a good unit but the singer was lazy and had no money. I had to buy her a pa (which I retained ownership of) but when she moved house she told us she had nowhere to store it so I had to cart it around as well.

    As she didn't have any idea about setting up you guessed it, I had to set it up and pack it down after every single gig. She'd basically turn up, get paid and piss off at the end of the night to leave the rest of us to do all the work. That one grew quite tiresome quickly!

    She also had the knack of cancelling rehearsals repeatedly on the day giving us no time to cancel. As a person she was great but being in a band with her was a nightmare.

    My current band has been brilliant and totally different to the last few.

    Everyone is chilled out, no egos and each person pulls their own weight so happy days.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • ParkerParker Frets: 961
    edited November 2014

    Funnily enough, i'm not too sure that its not me in my band. :/

    I joined the band about 18 months ago. Overall the guys are great and we fit well together. However, our drummer is really the head honcho. Until now, he has had everything his own way. We used to practise at his house every week - the rest of us live about an hour away and the last thing I want to do is traipse across the country in wind, rain, snow and the dark after a long day at work - espcecially with a small baby at home! (Thats about an hour and a half of extra travel time on each practise!) The other four of us live within 20 minutes of each other, so seemed completely unbalanced, but none of them had the balls to say anything.

    Whilst we do the odd one there, I now insist we do it closer to town for the majority. I know the drummer hates me for it, but I couldnt have maintained that level of travel for long and it would have fallen apart.

    I also say no to a few gigs as otherwise we'd end up playing every gig for charity. I'm of the school that I need to break even to justify my hobby spending to my wife! We're a pro-level band and should be choosing our bookings carefully. We still probably did 50:50 charity / paid gigs this year, which was an acceptable balance for me.

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • impmann said:
    ...I had to be physically restrained by the drummer (and his kit) from embedding my Telecaster into the side of his skull.
    At last - a legitimate reason for Telecasters to exist! :p

    To be fair you could do that with a tele and not only would it not break, it would also stay in tune.
    1reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 2reaction image Wisdom
  • jpfampsjpfamps Frets: 2755
    fastboy said:
    She'd basically turn up, get paid and piss off at the end of the night to leave the rest of us to do all the work. That one grew quite tiresome quickly!

    Sounds like the typical horn player!
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • My singer!

    ARGH! She's cancelled so many gigs we have had to find a Dep who it looks like will ahve more work than the main singer.

    She's just cancelled a New Years Eve gig (Literally 30 mins ago) which was paying pretty well and we've had booked in since March and she'd agreed to on many occassions. We worked really hard to get the gig and had the event coordinators drive quite a distance to come see us. It looks extremely unprofessional.

    She also cancelled a pretty good paying boxing day gig.

    Money doesn't really factor into it for me, or the rest of the band but it does for her. However, it is annoying when someone else stops you being able to play or earn beer tokens when they have already said they were available.

    I'd love to say that there is a legitimate reason for the cancellations but I don't think going out on the pi$$ counts.

    She constantly moans about the money we do earn from the gigs, saying 'well my last (pub) gigging band were getting a grand'. Well, crack on and find us a pub that will pay that! She's delusional!

    I'd love to say that's it but being a singer, she obviously contributes nothing but her vocals (Which are excellent - for contrast to my rant) leaving us behind at every gig to load the gear back into the cars. She arrives late to every gig and very rarely learns things for the rehersal.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • @Panama_Jack666 sometimes its better to have a band member who's 75% good at most of the requirements rather than 99% good at just one and shit at all the others. We've all heard of bands that sacked a guitarist for being an unreliable knobhead, even though he was sh1t hot at operating the instrument. Sounds like a similar situation with your singer.
    "Working" software has only unobserved bugs. (Parroty Error: Pieces of Nine! Pieces of Nine!)
    Seriously: If you value it, take/fetch it yourself
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 5reaction image Wisdom
  • Wisdom awarded @Phil_aka_pip

    It's annoyed me even more now I have thought about it.

    We've taken a deposit for the gig, there has been lots of efforts by lots of people to make it all happen and now it's all in jepordy.

    Because of this, the guitarist (and guy that organises the band) is annoyed and jacking it in if she cancels. This means we lose a Germany gig next year, Harewood house and numerous other 2015 bookings! Argh!

    I need a drink!
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • lloydlloyd Frets: 5774
    Wisdom for that @Phil_aka_Pip I wouldn't put up with that kind of attitude. 

    Cancelling gigs is my pet hate, obviously things happen beyond your control (my singer/guitarist has cancelled one next month due to his Fiancée getting him 'suprise' tickets for the Who-he'd prefer to do the gig!) but 2 gigs cancelled in a week that you've agreed to do months ago to go out drinking-I'd be looking elsewhere.

    Manchester based original indie band Random White:



    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Can you substitute her rapidly?
    "Working" software has only unobserved bugs. (Parroty Error: Pieces of Nine! Pieces of Nine!)
    Seriously: If you value it, take/fetch it yourself
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • @Panama_Jack666 We had a female keyboardist in the D$*(&%£^s  and I often wondered wether it was un gallant or was I being sexist if I pointed out she never helped move any gear. Anyway, time moved on, she left and we got a new female keyboardist - who dove straight in with helping move stuff, even if just the smaller/ lighter stuff. Mother of two small kids so she knew how to get stuck in and move stuff. 

    The moaning about money stuff was definitely the bassist who only ever booked two gigs neither of which paid yet he felt entitled to moan that every gig everyone else arranged wasn't paid enough. We did a couple of gigs quite local to me to enthusiastic audiences (and we got paid failry well) and he said he should be paid more because he had furthest to travel. Strange that never came up when I had furthest to travel playing anywhere near him. Grrr. 
    Also money moans from the sax player that drove me mental. He did IT consultancy and when he was in work and had loads of disposable income, would spend hundreds in lap dancing clubs and on vintage clothing, ran a Lotus,etc. When he was out of work he would complain about the cost of rehearsal rooms and refuse to do non paying gigs. The same sax player who had put the band together on the basis it was for fun and there was no need for it to make money and who obviously couldn't work out how savings worked. 
    If I've mentioned these before my apologies but some of it still rankles...
    Tipton is a small fishing village in the borough of Sandwell. 
    0reaction image LOL 1reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Panama_Jack666Panama_Jack666 Frets: 3023
    edited November 2014
    Can you substitute her rapidly?
    We have a dep singing for us (on the basis of the original singer cancelling that date too) on Dec 6th but she's young and inexperienced. I don't think she's confident enough to front the New Years Eve gig. I've got to call the other guitarist tonight. I can see us having to find a dep to do the part but paying through the roof.

    @Panama_Jack666 We had a female keyboardist in the D$*(&%£^s  and I often wondered wether it was un gallant or was I being sexist if I pointed out she never helped move any gear. Anyway, time moved on, she left and we got a new female keyboardist - who dove straight in with helping move stuff, even if just the smaller/ lighter stuff. Mother of two small kids so she knew how to get stuck in and move stuff. 

    The moaning about money stuff was definitely the bassist who only ever booked two gigs neither of which paid yet he felt entitled to moan that every gig everyone else arranged wasn't paid enough. We did a couple of gigs quite local to me to enthusiastic audiences (and we got paid failry well) and he said he should be paid more because he had furthest to travel. Strange that never came up when I had furthest to travel playing anywhere near him. Grrr. 
    Also money moans from the sax player that drove me mental. He did IT consultancy and when he was in work and had loads of disposable income, would spend hundreds in lap dancing clubs and on vintage clothing, ran a Lotus,etc. When he was out of work he would complain about the cost of rehearsal rooms and refuse to do non paying gigs. The same sax player who had put the band together on the basis it was for fun and there was no need for it to make money and who obviously couldn't work out how savings worked. 
    If I've mentioned these before my apologies but some of it still rankles...
    Money stuff always does my head in! More than anything. Especially with my singer. If she wants to be paid a professional wage, act like a professional!

    EDIT* You sax player sounds like a grade A tool.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • mike_lmike_l Frets: 5700
    Can you substitute her rapidly?
    We have a dep singing for us (on the basis of the original singer cancelling that date too) on Dec 6th but she's young and inexperienced. I don't think she's confident enough to front the New Years Eve gig.
    The good thing about NYE, is everyone'll be pissed, and not worry about the band being a bit of colour (For want of a better way of putting things,a nd defo no insult intended). I'm sure if she can handle a "normal" gig, then NYE won't be any different to her, apart from a slightly bigger crowd.

    Ringleader of the Cambridge cartel, pedal champ and king of the dirt boxes (down to 21) 

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • mike_l said:
    Can you substitute her rapidly?
    We have a dep singing for us (on the basis of the original singer cancelling that date too) on Dec 6th but she's young and inexperienced. I don't think she's confident enough to front the New Years Eve gig.
    The good thing about NYE, is everyone'll be pissed, and not worry about the band being a bit of colour (For want of a better way of putting things,a nd defo no insult intended). I'm sure if she can handle a "normal" gig, then NYE won't be any different to her, apart from a slightly bigger crowd.
    Yeah, no offense taken. You make a good point. We just want to put on the best show possible (like any band) but a reality check might me in order. After giving singer #1 her marching orders of course!

    I really feel like I need a stiff drink! Me head is a shed thinking about it all!

    Got a gig on Friday. It is going to be well awkward.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • mike_lmike_l Frets: 5700

    Sounds like singer #1 isn't singer #1 though, and just wants the glory without the work. I', not in a band, but I think she needs to go.

    Face it, if you had someone in the office not pulling their weight, they'd soon be gone.

    Ringleader of the Cambridge cartel, pedal champ and king of the dirt boxes (down to 21) 

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • mike_l said:

    Face it, if you had someone in the office not pulling their weight, they'd soon be gone.

    Ha! I text the other the guy that does a lot of the organising last night. 'Look, the band is a business. If you're consistantly late to work or don't show up, hame over!'

    It's obviously logical.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
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