grungebobgrungebob Frets: 3379
edited February 2014 in Amps
Took delivery of a new amp head today and im very pleased with it so far its this Uploads/CAM00006_zpswjqnz89u.jpg a PRS SE 20,beautiful cleans and to my ears a very soldano like drive channel
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  • John_PJohn_P Frets: 2756
    Very nice :)

    I was so close to buying one (probably the 30) last summer - I thought they sounded great and a combo version would be perfect for me now.

    Just needs a matching cab and you can have a nice stereo rig :)
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  • grungebobgrungebob Frets: 3379
    Cheers, no im monogamous when it comes
    to amps so the epiphone has to go. Really liking the clean channel a lot
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  • timmysofttimmysoft Frets: 1962
    Good amps, i tried the SE30 recently and was floored by how good it was for the money.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Finally someone buys one!

    Like @John_P, I nearly bought one too - but chickened out and picked up a 5:25 instead. Looking forward to hearing clips/full report once it's settled in! :)
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  • grungebobgrungebob Frets: 3379
    I had to! The price for a new head (£399) was the same as some 2nd heads i was looking at. Works great at a volumes so far and theres so much gain on tap on just the clean channel,wich makes me think if you wanted to gig one you'd need the SE30 at least to get the clean headroom at volume, however this 20 version is perfect for home use.
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  • grungebobgrungebob Frets: 3379
    Spent a bit more time with the amp now and im still really digging the clean channel, with hardly and eq adjusting everything pretty much at 12 o'clock its sounding warm and clear and lets the character of each guitar come through. The gain channel was a bit more fiddly to set up and i dont know if its because ive got a few more hours on the tubes now but the fizz is only there on the highest of mid settings as it would seem this is very responsive pot and ive had to make smlller changes to get big results. Both channels have a bright switch if you need them but i dont see why you would with how responsive the eq's are?

    Overall still very happy with this amp, and its making me play more and concentrate on my picking as its very dynamic
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  • grungebobgrungebob Frets: 3379
    It looks like these have been discontinued now so im glad i picked one up when i did. Will try and get some clips sorted out soon so you guys can get an idea as to its sounds. If they had sold them frpm new what i got mine for they would have flown of the shelves
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Huh, well they never mentioned that when I emailed them at xmas! I asked them if they could confirm if any revisions were ever made to them, but they said that nothing had changed since release. 

    I think you're right about the pricing though, that was all that put me off initially. I'll keep an eye out for these on the used market though, maybe I'll get one someday. :)
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  • StefBStefB Frets: 2457
    edited February 2014
    Guitar Village's 'Boss Gone Mad Sale' have some good prices on these at the moment - But if they have been discontinued it will be difficult to achieve anything like even those discontinued prices on the second hand market in a few months' time. Bogner Alchemist springs to mind as a good analogy.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • StefB said:
    Bogner Alchemist springs to mind as a good analogy.
    I still wish I'd picked up one of those 212 cabinets when they were being cleared out for £200 :'(
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  • grungebobgrungebob Frets: 3379
    Blimey i paid £2 more for my se 20 than that 50
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • dindudedindude Frets: 8574
    A lot of amp for the money.

    These should have been successful as they sound way better than say a Blackstar IMO. It's a lesson in how to fuck up a new release by people who should know better.

    I remember it well, the lead Pomo video featured Paul's son, not in itself an issue, but the playing and tone on that first vid were absolutely horrid, don't know what they were thinking. Combined with a price at the start that competed with low level US stuff and they were screwed.

    Fast forward some months and the videos were vastly better, and Paul's son suddenly łearned how to play, very strange. Then they added low prices that put it in the correct competition bracket. But all too late, shit sticks.

    PRS just don't seem to be able to land the amp thing for some reason.
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