Joyo PXL Pro switcher

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vasselmeyervasselmeyer Frets: 3675
I use a multi effects unit these days with a few odd pedals to supplement it, but always keep my eye on pedals and switching stuff just in case GAS takes the better of me and I decide to go back to pedals. The Joyo PXL Pro looks absolutely brilliant and for €150 it's unbelievable. No news on UK distribution but it looks as if they're becoming available on eBay via China and the US.

Here's a vid of it in action:
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  • digitalscreamdigitalscream Frets: 27087
    OK, that looks seriously good. For anybody who doesn't want to watch the video or search for the specs...

    It has 8 switchable loops, which can either run all in a chain *or* you can split them into two separate signal chains of 4 loops (one before the amp, one in the effects loop). In addition, it has a mutable tuner out, and - critically - four trigger switches for controlling amp functions.

    If only it had a MIDI interface, it'd be just about perfect. As it is...I'm seriously considering one of these.

    While we're at it, they seem to have put together a new delay pedal...

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  • That looks fantastic. Good price too.

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  • midiglitchmidiglitch Frets: 172
    That looks like a rebadged Harley Benton fxl8. I got one from thomann about a year ago for around £100 if memory serves. I don't use it anymore but certainly a keeper *just in case*!
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • mike257mike257 Frets: 374
    edited August 2013
    Wow, good find. Looks to beat out a fair few of the budget ones on features. I'd been looking at the Moen GEC9 but you have to sacrifice loops to get relay switching on that.

    Looks like its selling for around £150-£160 with shipping from China but I've emailed UKET in Manchester who import the Joyo stuff to see if they're getting them and what the price will be. I'll report back if I hear anything!
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • digitalscreamdigitalscream Frets: 27087
    edited August 2013
    That looks like a rebadged Harley Benton fxl8. I got one from thomann about a year ago for around £100 if memory serves. I don't use it anymore but certainly a keeper *just in case*!
    Nah - the FXL8 is just 8 loops in series. This one has the option of having dual loops (one in front, one in the effects loop) and it does switching. The Moen GEC9 is probably the closest to it, but not quite.

    Personally, I think this is the first budget programmable switch unit that I'd consider buying. In fact, I suspect it might solve all of my problems at once.

    @mike257 - definitely let us know if you hear anything :)
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  • vasselmeyervasselmeyer Frets: 3675
    edited August 2013
    That looks like a rebadged Harley Benton fxl8. I got one from thomann about a year ago for around £100 if memory serves. I don't use it anymore but certainly a keeper *just in case*!
    No. This is the next iteration of that model. This has 8 effects in as many combinations as you can fit for patches, plus it has switching so you can other loops in and out or switch your amp channels. This is an unbelievable price for what it can do. In fact, I think there's a thread somewhere else on the board on a £600 Gigrig unit which this £150 Joyo could conceivably handle.

    I might just even get one just for the hell of it. It looks like amazing fun.

    Edit: the Harley Benton is actually a rebadged Joyo. Thomann rebadge a load of Joyo pedals as Harley Benton. If you buy a few at once you can generally get them cheaper than from dealers in the UK.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • digitalscreamdigitalscream Frets: 27087
    Indeed...although I don't think this can really be compared to the GigRig G2. With that, you've got a whole host of things like level correction, reordering of loops etc.
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  • vasselmeyervasselmeyer Frets: 3675
    Indeed...although I don't think this can really be compared to the GigRig G2. With that, you've got a whole host of things like level correction, reordering of loops etc.
    Granted...hence "conceivably"  ;)
    This is still a fantastically flexible bit of kit though and for stupid money.
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  • monquixotemonquixote Frets: 17909
    tFB Trader
    That looks bloody great. Could quite fancy getting one of them. 
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  • Drew_TNBDDrew_TNBD Frets: 22445
    No midi. Fail.
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  • mike257mike257 Frets: 374
    Drew_fx;23823" said:
    No midi. Fail.
    It's £150. I can't find another looper anywhere near that price that gives you 8 individual loops, the ability to split in two to use your amp's loop in the middle AND four programmable relay switches too. Feature-wise it's pretty outrageously well specified for the price. Got to spend a LOT more money for a MIDI rig with those capabilities.

    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 1reaction image Wisdom
  • Drew_TNBDDrew_TNBD Frets: 22445
    edited August 2013
    I didn't say it wasn't good for the price. Do I really need to point out when something is my own opinion, based on my own needs and desires?

    Also, knowing what I know about the midi spec, and how easy it is to implement a midiboard, it would be at most another £50 on top of the retail price to cover the extra development. £200 for all that plus midi really would be an instant buy for me.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Drew_TNBDDrew_TNBD Frets: 22445
    edited August 2013
    Also you can get a Rocktron PatchMate Floor 8 for £254 from Thomann, so you don't have to totally break the bank. 8 loops, channel switching NC/NO outputs, midi in and out.
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  • relic245relic245 Frets: 983
    The looper looks good, why do people who make these vids have to be such knobs?
    2reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Wow interesting stuff with this and the pedal board!
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  • Drew_TNBDDrew_TNBD Frets: 22445
    FWIW, I got word back from Rocktron. The FloorMate 8 does not allow you to switch banks with your feet, nor does it allow you to send midi bank/up messages to change banks. So effectively even though they offer 128 presets, you only get access to 8 of them at one time. What a jip.
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • Drew_fx said:
    FWIW, I got word back from Rocktron. The FloorMate 8 does not allow you to switch banks with your feet, nor does it allow you to send midi bank/up messages to change banks. So effectively even though they offer 128 presets, you only get access to 8 of them at one time. What a jip.
    I'll never understand why companies do shit like this. I's an obvious requirement, and it's not like it saves them that much money to skip on it, so why deliberately cripple your product? I could understand it if there was another product higher up the range, but they don't have one (to my knowledge).

    It's nuts.

    I actually haven't seen anything in the sub-£800 range which does everything I want on the floor. Every single product has some critical flaw in it.
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  • monquixotemonquixote Frets: 17909
    tFB Trader
    Completely agree. 

    In the same vein there doesn't seem to be a single multi fx that doesn't do something really stupid.
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  • I've actually been seriously thinking about knocking together an Arduino-based MIDI unit which is programmable to the point where I can make it do anything I want.

    I have a dream of a lump of hardware with a stack of relays and ins/outs that you can completely repurpose just by replacing the open source firmware. How hard can it be? :D
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  • monquixotemonquixote Frets: 17909
    tFB Trader
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