New OD required

smudge_ladsmudge_lad Frets: 761

Hey guys,

I'm looking for some pointers in the direction of a new OD to try. I spent most of the weekend trying all the different pedals I own, in different places in my chain, to try and find the best combination of what I've currently got.

I'm fairly happy with most of what I have on my board now, I've taken off a couple of pedals so my board is less cluttered too. What I feel like I'm missing is a tight and warm overdrive to give me a gain boost into my amp channel, and the last OD in my pedal chain. I've currently got a Dano TOD V1 and also a Tim clone, which both sound good. They sound really good in fact, but I feel that when I try to give them a bit more bottom end or more gain, my sound becomes a bit flabby.

I've got a Kingslayer Klon clone, which is much tighter, but doesn't have much mids/bottom end.

What can people suggest I have a look at?

I'm using a Marshall JVM as my amp, low/medium gain and the last OD pedal I have is a Wampler Ace Thirty set to edge of breakup. Love them both on their own, just need something warm to give me more gain, but keeps the low end tight and responsive, and ideally maybe tweakable on it's own as opposed to a "tone" knob

I also have a modded SD1 that sounds decent, but was beaten by the Tim clone

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  • mike_lmike_l Frets: 5700

    Are you wanting a low-gain drive to go into a clean amp? If so maybe an MXR Distortion3 (ignore the name) and set it fairly low. Failing that, a Marshall Guv'nor Mk1, or 2, Shredmaster would again do nicely.

    If you want a gain/volume boost into a dirty amp, personally I like a Bad Monkey, or an SD-1. Although an MXR Zakk Wylde OD is pretty similar to the SD-1 (basically the same circuit IIRC).


    Ringleader of the Cambridge cartel, pedal champ and king of the dirt boxes (down to 21) 

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  • JalapenoJalapeno Frets: 6462
    edited May 2014
    For some tasty Larry Carlton/Robben Ford smooth creamy stuff - Hermida Zendrive or clones thereof (look up Robben Ford settings on T'Internet)

    For some smooth uberfuzz the Boss Heavy Metal (strange but true), or Little Big Muff Pi - Think Isley Bros Summer Breeze, or Edwin Collins' Never Met a Girl Like You Before
    Imagine something sharp and witty here ......

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  • GavRichListGavRichList Frets: 7412
    I'm a pretty big fan of my Crowther Hotcake. Definitely worth a go.
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  • xHymnalxHymnal Frets: 255
    The hotcake isn't a definite: people give seriously mixed reviews about it. It doesn't spring to mind as a focused OD though, check out Nels Clines solo on muzzle of bees for a good example of how it sounds. 

    The boiling point really does spring to mind for the application you're after: I use mine for low gain OD sounds but it has excellent high gain sounds too. The new (non handpainted) versions are much cheaper too. 

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  • randomhandclapsrandomhandclaps Frets: 20521
    GavHaus said:
    I'm a pretty big fan of my Crowther Hotcake. Definitely worth a go.

    Hymnal said:
    The hotcake isn't a definite: people give seriously mixed reviews about it.

    Whilst a great pedal, I totally agree with @Hymnal. ; The HotCake is one of the most marmite pedals around and for what they cost I would either try or buy second hand with a view to shifting on if it's not for you.
    My muse is not a horse and art is not a race.
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  • BranshenBranshen Frets: 1222
    How do you feel about tubescreamers? Sounds like you may need a versatile one with a bass boost or multiple tone knobs. (The boiling point that was already mentioned ticks all the boxes)
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  • smudge_ladsmudge_lad Frets: 761

    So, Ive got my Ace Thirty set on the edge of breakup, and my JVM is on low/medium crunch gain (probably fairly low, going by how much gain the amp has).

    I think my issue is, that I'm trying to find ONE pedal that will work well with both, whereas befoe I was using one pedal to boost the Wampler, and one to boost the Marshall.

    I tried my SD-1 and it worked fairly well with the Marshall, but just not as good as the Tim - it just didn't have the tweakability. The seperate bass/treble knobs worked better for scultping what I wanted to hear.

    My Klon worked brilliantly with the Marshall and very well with the Wampler, but again, I was looking for slightly more control.

    You know, I've got a modded Guv'nor 2 and never even thought to try it!! I know this should sound great into the JVM, but the jury is out on how well it will work with the Wampler.

    I'd prefer a smoother OD than fizzy/fuzzy - something that lets me retain a lot of the characteristics of the amp/pedal that it's boosting

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  • smudge_ladsmudge_lad Frets: 761

    i've tried a fwe TS variants, but not since i've had the JVM. I did use a Boiling Point for a while, but was using it as a stand alone OD, rather than for boosting purposes.

    I've also just realised that I could have tried using my Dr. Scientist Elements to boost them and see how they sounded, but I've got that set up for my fuzzy tones at the moment, and I don't like to change things up too much with pedal settings. I prefer having each one for a dedicated job, as it's too easy to forget to alter the settings when playing live!

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  • BranshenBranshen Frets: 1222
    Well, you could use the elements to figure out if you want a mid-boosted OD or not, that would cut your search down by half. 
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  • xSkarloeyxSkarloey Frets: 2962
    Bad Monkey: sounds good and can be tailored via the twin tone controls.
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  • JohnPerryJohnPerry Frets: 1641
    The Kingsley Page is a stellar tube boost and ought to do what you want. 

    I've also had great fun with my Tech 21 Liverpool after the Ace Thirty for some break-up. The Liverpool is immensely versatile and tweakable

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  • monquixotemonquixote Frets: 18304
    tFB Trader
    I've tried loads of OD pedals and one that's really impressing me at the moment is the Xotic AC boost. It's reasonably TS like, but has a bit more gain and it has a very powerful active bass and treble control (cut and boost) so you can really dial it in if the amount of bass is the issue (which I find the most common issue with ODs)

    The RC and BB have the same so one of them will probably fit the bill.

    Another option is the Distortron which is a brilliant OD and benefits from the "subs" control which lets you control how beefy the bass is. (by default it's massive!)
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  • HeartfeltdawnHeartfeltdawn Frets: 23145
    I'm not sure how a Tim could ever be described as flabby. It's more open that the Tim and running it at 18v gives greater headroom.

    Personally I'd run the Tim at the end of your chain and put something in front of it to get to get this tighter warm sound you want, using the Tim EQ to finish things off. Something more compressed in front of the Tim should do it. As to what.. there's so many options out there. It might be an idea to list some pedals you've tried that didn't get there. My instant thought would be RAT into Tim as the two stack up so well together. 

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  • smudge_ladsmudge_lad Frets: 761
    edited May 2014

    Well, I wondered whether it was the clone I have, is maybe not 100% correct match to the actual Tim.

    When I say flabby, it's not OVERLY noticeable, and I'm betting most folk wouldn't notice it at all. It's just that it wasn't as tight as the Kingslayer, which I liked.

    The Tim is currently at the end of my chain, before the Ace Thirty, as I want it to be pushing this pedal. Although I guess with the Tim being transparent, it might work after it too.

    Pedals I tried - Tim Clone, Kingslayer OD, modded SD-1, OCD, EP Boost clone, Dano TOD V1, Box Of Rock


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  • HeartfeltdawnHeartfeltdawn Frets: 23145
    I've never moved the Tim back to the start of the chain in seven years of ownership. Everything goes into it and it just works a treat. It really isn't a 'pushing pedal' to me. It's much better running OD's into it. 

    My chain goes dirt pedals-->Tim-->Diamond comp. Hasn't changed for years! 

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  • smudge_ladsmudge_lad Frets: 761

    I'll give it a bash!

    I've also wondered about moving my compressor to the end of my chain too........

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  • Dave_McDave_Mc Frets: 2460
    i like either an sd1-style od or a tubescreamer-style od with my dano tod v1.
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  • spacecadetspacecadet Frets: 671
    Xotic BB/ AC would be a great way to go. Almost no gain to quite a lot of gain, loads of volume if you need it to boost and a superb eq section. The BB is a little more compressed sounding and the AC a lot more open.
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  • capo4thcapo4th Frets: 4437
    I owned a JVM 210 combo why do you need pedals ? Straight in with so many tones available. Full tone Fulldrive 2 is still a favourite of mine again with lots of options and you can pick em up cheap. Works great with the Marshall
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  • smudge_ladsmudge_lad Frets: 761
    Even with so many tones, they're not all easily accessible live. I've got the amp set up nicely for my Les Paul, but I'm not keen on the tones I've been getting with my Tele, hence why I've got the Wampler Pedal. Maybe I need an EQ pedal of sorts to help with the Tele tones
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