Jazz and Gypsy Jazz - Skype Lessons, UK Gypsy Forums/websites, and Recommended Albums

nickpnickp Frets: 183
Hi Folks

In an attempt to get direction in the post rock world and stop wasting my remaining years on the planet I've decided to get Jazz guitar lessons so I can play more notes to fewer punters.  I'm an intermediate rock widdler who can play a very loud power chord, and maybe wander through all five shapes of the pentatonic scale :)

I would also like to bring Gypsy to the table.  So ideally would like fortnightly focussed lessons on Jazz guitar encompassing Gypsy also (same teacher)

  • Any recommendations for good teachers - I've also messaged John Wheatcroft to see if he does lessons or knows someone good.
  • Secondly - where is the "word" to be found on the UK gypsy scene - where's the gossip, the knowlege,the gig scene (post covid)?
Gypsy is fascinating and great to listen to - but I often find myself getting ear fatigue as it's often the same set of dynamics, and a little bit of a widdle-fest.  Whilst I appreciate the innate beauty of sweep arpeggios an hour of recorded gypsy can be a bit much - so 

  • I'd love some recommendations of good and possibly varied gypsy for listening and enjoyment :)
Thanks to everyone in anticipation of a vertiable windfall of replies


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  • CarpeDiemCarpeDiem Frets: 299
    I'd suggest trying Alex Bishop Guitars. Alex is a highly talented gypsy jazz player and luthier based in Bristol. 

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  • hotpickupshotpickups Frets: 1823
    edited July 2020
    Have you tried TrueFire website? Some great tutorials on there that might do Gypsy jazz 

    Actually I’ve been thinking about learning Gypsy guitar also funnily enough 
    Link to my trading feedback:  http://www.thefretboard.co.uk/discussion/59452/
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  • Rich210Rich210 Frets: 577
    Try Sam C Lee's, he's done a fair bit of gypsy jazz and teaches. 
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  • nickpnickp Frets: 183
    Have you tried TrueFire website? Some great tutorials on there that might do Gypsy jazz 

    Actually I’ve been thinking about learning Gypsy guitar also funnily enough 
    I have as I have the TV but I need the focus of an incoming lesson to get me doing an hour a day of "proper" practice

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  • nickpnickp Frets: 183
    thank you @Rich210 ; and @CarpeDiem ;
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  • vizviz Frets: 10781
    edited July 2020
    Greg Howe teaches all sorts of jazz including gypsy, bossa and jazz blues. John Wheatcroft will be awesome too of course. 
    Roland said: Scales are primarily a tool for categorising knowledge, not a rule for what can or cannot be played.
    Supportact said: [my style is] probably more an accumulation of limitations and bad habits than a 'style'.
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  • nickpnickp Frets: 183
    viz said:
    Greg Howe teaches all sorts of jazz including gypsy, bossa and jazz blues. John Wheatcroft will be awesome too of course. 
    John Wheatcroft is scarily awesome - saw him do a gypsy masterclass - I'm probably not good enough for someone like John but who knows.  And Greg Howe - seriously?  Him teaching little ole me?  
    0reaction image LOL 0reaction image Wow! 0reaction image Wisdom
  • nickpnickp Frets: 183
    Rich210 said:
    Try Sam C Lee's, he's done a fair bit of gypsy jazz and teaches. 
    do you have a web link or contact details by any chance?  thanks
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